August 2016

French Classroom: The Basics

Les Articles


Les Articles Définis Definite Articles
In French, nouns (substantives m.) are either masculine (m.) or feminine (f.). Each gender has its own article.
le jour m. the day
la nuit  f. the night
Les is the plural article for both masculine and feminine nouns.
les hommes m. plural the men
les femmes f. plural the women
When the noun begins with a vowel or a silent ‘h’, the le or la simply becomes l’.
l’ombre m. the shade
l’abeille f. the bee
l’hôtel m. the hotel
Les Articles Indéfinis Indefinite Articles
un bâtiment  m. a building
une maison   f. a house
des choix  m. some choices
des filles  f. some girls/daughters
Le Genre Gender
Guessing the gender of people nouns is easy. If you’re referring to a male, it’s masculine, otherwise it’s feminine.
le gosse the kid (male)
la gosse the kid (female)
French Grammar Many people nouns have both masculine and femine forms.
le fermier farmer (male)
la fermière farmer (female)
le vendeur salesperson (male)
la vendeuse salesperson (female)
Some people nouns are always either masculine or feminine, regardless of whether it refers to a guy or a girl.
la vedette star
le savant wise person
le pilote pilot
le professeur teacher (high school or university)
Guessing the gender of inanimate nouns can be a bit tricky. Consonant ending nouns are usually masculine and e ending nouns are usually feminine but there are tons of exceptions. There are some rather complicated rules that can be used.

Les Pronoms Personnels Sujets

Subject Pronouns

Je suis le professeur. I am the teacher.
Tu es un élève. You are a student.
Il est Français. He is French.
Elle est Française. She is French.
Nous sommes des élèves. We are students.
Ils sont de France. They are from France.
Elles sont de Paris. They (women) are from Paris.
When je is followed by a word that begins with a vowel, it becomes simply j’.
J‘arrive ! I‘m coming!
Vous is the formal ‘you’ form. Using it shows respect and social distance. It should always be used when addressing strangers except for in certain environments like school where students normally use tu with each other. Permission should be asked before using tu, but you normally shouldn’t ask if someone is significantly older than you. It should always be employed when addressing people of authority like your teachers or the police.
Excusez-moi. Vous parlez francais ? Excuse me. Do you speak French?
Normally, the final consonant of a word ending in s isn’t pronounced. when followed by a vowel ending word or a word that begins with silent h, this final consonant is pronounced. This is called liaison.
les enfants the children
Je suis heureuse. I am happy (f.).
Vous is also used for plural you.
Vous êtes fous. You (all) are crazy.
Vous êtes des élèves. You (all) are students..
French Class

Les Conjugaisons


Notice that the verb form changes whenever the subject changes. These different verb forms are known as conjugations. They indicate the subject (I, you, he/she/it, we, you formal, and they) and tense (ie. present, past, or future). The conjugations of regular verbs (verbes réguliers m.) follow easy to predict patterns while irregular verbs (verbes irréguliers m.) don’t. Être, the verb on this page, is one of the irregulars. Two other important irregular verbs are aller (to go) and pouvoir (can).
je suis
tu es
il / elle est
nous sommes
vous êtes
ils / elles sont
je vais
tu vas
il / elle va
nous allons
vous allez
ils / elles vont
je peux
tu peux
il / elle peut
nous pouvons
vous pouvez
ils / elles peuvent
Je peux ! I can!
The infinitive (l’infinitif) is displayed at the top of each verb’s conjugation table. Besides serving to identify a verb, it is employed whenever the tense or the person need not be indicated. This is the case when verbs are strung together. The first verb marks the tense and person.
Elle va être ici. She’s going to be here. Je peux aller. I can go.
  The infinitive is also used when a verb follows a preposition.
Il va aller là-bas. He’s going to go over there.
La Négation Negation
To negate something surround the verb with ne and pas.
Je ne peux pas. I can’t.
Ils ne vont pas. They’re not going.
Ne, like je, drops it’s vowel when it comes before a vowel. This is called élision.
Il n’est pas français. He isn’t french.
In casual speech, the ne is often dropped.
Je peux pas. I can’t

-Er Ending Verbs

je parle
tu parles
il/elle parle
nous parlons
vous parlez
ils/elles parlent
j’ écoute
tu écoutes
il/elle écoute
nous écoutons
vous écoutez
ils/elles écoutent
For the following verbs , the e remains in the nous form .
changer ** to change
manger ** to eat
nager ** to swim
partager ** to share
Nous mangeons. We eat. Nous partageons. We share.
Verbs of this type
aimer ** to like to love
commencer ** to begin
donner ** to give
écouter ** to listen to
emprunter ** to borrow
étudier ** to study
fermer ** to close
goûter ** to taste
laver ** to wash
marcher ** to walk
rester ** to stay
sauter ** to jump
prêter ** to lend
parler ** to talk
travailler ** to work

-Ir Ending Verbs

je choisis
tu choisis
il/elle choisit
nous choisissons
vous choisissez
ils/elles choisissent
je finis
tu finis
il/elle finit
nous finissons
vous finissez
ils/elles finissent
Verbs of this type
accomplir ** to accomplish
bâtir ** to build
choisir ** to choose
embellir ** to make beautiful
envahir ** to invade
finir ** to finish
grandir ** to grow up
obéir ** to obey
punir ** to punish
remplir ** to fill
réunir ** to reunite
réussir ** to succeed
saisir ** to seize

-Re Ending Verbs

j’ entends
tu entends
il/ elle entend
nous entendons
vous entendez
ils/elles entendent
je vends
tu vends
il/ elle vend
nous vendons
vous vendez
ils/elles vendent
Verbs of this type
attendre  to wait
défendre  to defend
descendre  to descend
entendre  to hear
étendre ** to stretch; to spread out
fendre **  to split
fondre **  to melt
pendre **  to hang
pondre **  to lay an egg
perdre **  to lose
rendre **  to render
répandre **  to spread
répondre **  to answer
tendre **  to tighten
vendre **  to sell

Almost Regular

These verbs are essentially regular with slight changes.
In the following verbs, the second to the last vowel becomes è for all conjugations except the nous and vous forms.
j’ espère
tu espères
il/ elle espère
nous espérons
vous espérez
ils/elles espèrent
Verbs of this type
céder ** to yield, to cede
célébrer ** to celebrate
compléter ** to complete
considérer ** to consider
espérer ** to hope
posséder ** to possess
préférer ** to prefer
protéger ** to protect
répéter ** to repeat
j’ achète
tu achètes
il/ elle achète
nous achetons
vous achetez
ils/elles achètent
Verbs of this type
acheter ** to buy
amener ** to bring, to lead toward
élever ** to raise
emmener ** to take, to lead away
enlever ** to lift
geler ** to freeze
lever ** to raise
mener ** to lead
peser ** to weigh
promener ** to take a walk

Here, the final consonant is doubled except for the nous and vous forms
j’ appelle
tu appelles
il/ elle appelle
nous appelons
vous appelez
ils/elles appellent
Verbs of this type
appeler ** to call
jeter ** to throw (away)
rejeter ** to reject
And here, the y is sometimes converted to i.
j’ envoie
tu envoies
il/ elle envoie
nous envoyons
vous envoyez
ils/elles envoient
Essayer and payer have two forms of conjugations – each is pronounced differently. One uses an i and the other a y.
j’ essaie
tu essaies
il/ elle essaie
nous essayons
vous essayez
ils/elles essaient
j’ essaye
tu essayes
il/ elle essaye
nous essayons
vous essayez
ils/elles essayent
Verbs of this type
employer ** to use
ennuyer ** to bore
envoyer ** to send
essayer ** to try
essuyer ** to wipe
nettoyer ** to clean
payer ** to pay (for)
French Coaching
La Possession Possession
Masculine Feminine* Masculine & Feminine plural
mon pays
my country
ma ville
my city/town
mes amis
my friends
ton père
your father
ta mère
your mother
tes parents
our parents
son fils
his/her son
sa fille
his/her daughter
ses enfants m.
his/her children
notre pays
our country
notre ville
our village
nos voisins f.
our neighbors
votre pain
your (formal) bread
votre nourriture
your (formal) food
vos pommes f.
your (formal) apples
leur ami
their friend
leur maison
their house
leurs noms m.
their name
*Whenever a feminine noun begins with a vowel, the masculine forms are used- mon, ton, and son.
son argent f. his/her money son amitié f. his/her friendship

la sœur de Bruno Bruno’s sister (the sister of Bruno) la voiture de monsieur Jospin Mr. Jospin’s car (the car of Mr. Jospin) les clés de mon frère my brother’s keys (the key’s of my brother)
Spoken French
Les Adjectifs Adjectives
Usually adjectives come in masculine and feminine flavors and reflect the gender of the noun they modify. Normally masculine adjectives end in a consonant and feminine adjectives end in an e.
un homme fort a strong soldier une femme forte a strong woman
Adjectives are a diverse lot though. You’ll find many kinds of masculine and feminine forms including invariable adjectives.
un maillon faible a weak link une voix faible a weak voice
Here are some adjectives in masculine feminine pairs unless invariable.
chaud / chaude hot lourd / lourde heavy difficile difficult
froid / froide cold léger / légère light facile easy
plein / pleine full rapide fast propre clean
vide empty lent / lente slow sale dirty
épais / épaisse thick longue long haut / haute high
fin / fine thin court / courte short bas / basse low
dur / dure hard mouillé / mouillée wet
doux / douce soft sec / sèche dry
sûr / sûre sure/safe compliqué / compliquée complicated
dangereux / dangereuse dangerous simple simple
Subject pronouns can refer to objects as well as persons.
Il est doux. He/It is soft.
Elle est douce. She/It (feminine) is soft.
More commonly though, ce or another demonstrative is used with objects and things. Ce is only used with the verb être and becomes c’when the être verb form begins with an e. When an adjective describes ce, it is always masculine, even if a feminine object is being referred to.
C’est doux. It / That is soft.
C’est dangereux. It / That is dangerous.
Most color adjectives are invariable. There are only a few that aren’t.
blanc / blanche white noir / noire black gris / grise gray
vert / verte green
Les Pluriels Plurals
When an adjective modifies a plural noun, an s should be is added to the end however this s is never pronounced.
des vents froids m. cold winds
des mains froides f. cold hands
Whenever an adjective describes both a male and female noun, the masculine form is used.
Monsieur Martin et sa femme sont gentils. Mr Martin and his wife are nice.
Le Placement Placement
Normally adjectives follow the noun they modify, however this isn’t the case for all adjectives.
la grande ville the large city le petit général the small general
le bon curé the good priest une jolie femme a pretty woman
le mauvais Dr. Moreau the evil Dr. Moreau les hauts murs the high walls
le gros morceau de gâteau
the big/fat piece of cake
Sometimes the meaning of an adjective changes depending on it’s placement.
un ancien élève a former student ma propre cuisine my own kitchen
un village ancien an old village ma cuisine propre my clean kitchen
ma chère mère my dear mother le pauvre homme the unfortunate man
un légume cher an expensive vegetable l’homme pauvre the poor man (money-wise)
The following adjectives are all irregular. The archaic masculine form is now only used in front of masculine nouns that begin with a vowel or silent h.
Masculine un beau livre a beautiful book le nouveau conseil the new advise un vieux piège an old trap
Archaic Masculine le bel oiseau the beautiful bird un nouvel échec a new failure le bon vieux temps the good old days
Feminine la belle montagne the beautiful mountain la nouvelle année the new year une vieille plaie an old wound
French Lessons
 Object (l’objet m.)
L’artiste peint un chef d’œuvre.
Subject (le Sujet)
The artist is painting a masterpiece.
Les Pronoms d’object directs Direct Object Pronouns
The direct object pronouns are placed in front of the verb.
Il me comprend. He understands me.
Je te comprends. I understand you.
Tu le comprends. You understand him/it.
Nous la comprenons. We understand her/it.
Tu nous comprends. You understand us.
Je vous comprends. I understand you (formal)/you (plural).
Elles les comprennent. They (feminine) understand them.
When followed by a vowel or silent ‘h’, me, te, la and le experience elision.
Elle t‘aime. She loves you.
Il m‘envoie une lettre. He is sending me a letter.
Je l’ai. I have him/her/it.
Le Partitif Partitive

When you refer to a piece of something – not the entire thing – use the partitive article which is de placed in front of the article and noun.

Je veux le pain. I want the bread.
Je veux l’argent. I want the money
Don’t be so food greedy (gourmand) or money greedy (avide)!
Je veux du pain. I want some bread.
Tu veux m’emprunter de l’argent ? Would you like to lend me some money?

French Basic


IELTS Classroom:Academic Reading Sample Answer 1

IELTS General

IELTS Reading Sample 1 Answers:

  1. Paragraph B______ii
  2. Paragraph C______viii
  3. Paragraph D______xi
  4. Paragraph E______xiii
  5. Paragraph F______vi
  6. Paragraph G______i
  7. Paragraph H______ix
  8. Paragraph I______iv
  9. In the first case of air rage, one of the reasons the man was not punished was because the plane was not registered. F (Para. A: The plane was registered, but it was not clear where is was registered)
  10. The statistics on air rage were collected by private monitoring groups. NG (Para. B: It doesn’t say who collected them)
  11. The second most common catalyst for incidents is problems with seating. T (Para. D: This is given in the table)
  12. The environment in a plane makes disagreements more likely to become serious problems.T (Para F: The ‘physical environment’ makes things worse)
  13. Airlines have been encouraging passengers to bring more items onboard as carry-on luggage. NG (It doesn’t mention this)
  14. There have been no attempts to ban passengers with a history of air rage. F (Para. I: They have tried to ban passengers who have been involved in air rage before)

IELTS Classroom:Reading Academic

IELTS TrainingIELTS Academic Reading Sample 1 On these pages you will find IELTS reading sample questions and passages. Further sample readings are available by clicking on the links on the right or following the link at the end of each page.IELTS Reading Sample – Passage 1 In this first reading example you have:

  • Matching headings to paragraphs
  • True, False, or Not Given

Air Rage

(A) The first recorded case of an airline passenger turning seriously violent during a flight, a phenomenon now widely known as “air rage”, happened in 1947 on a flight from Havana to Miami. A drunk man assaulted another passenger and bit a flight attendant. However, the man escaped punishment because it was not then clear under whose legal control a crime committed on plane was, the country where the plane was registered or the country where the crime was committed. In 1963, at the Tokyo convention, it was decided that the laws of the country where the plane is registered take precedence. (B) The frequency of air rage has expanded out of proportion to the growth of air travel. Until recently few statistics were gathered about air rage, but those that have been indicate that passengers are increasingly likely to cause trouble or engage in violent acts. For example, in 1998 there were 266 air rage incidents out of approximately four million passengers, a 400% increase from 1995. In the same period American Airlines showed a 200% rise. Air travel is predicted to rise by 5% internationally by 2010 leading to increased airport congestion. This, coupled with the flying public’s increased aggression, means that air rage may become a major issue in coming years. (C) Aside from discomfort and disruption, air rage poses some very real dangers to flying. The most extreme of these is when out of control passengers enter the cockpit. This has actually happened on a number of occasions, the worst of which have resulted in the death and injury of pilots or the intruder taking control of the plane, almost resulting in crashes. In addition, berserk passengers sometimes attempt to open the emergency doors while in flight, putting the whole aircraft in danger. These are extreme examples and cases of air rage more commonly result in physical assaults on fellow passengers and crew such as throwing objects, punching, stabbing or scalding with hot coffee. (D) The causes of air rage are not known for certain, but it is generally thought that factors include: passenger behavior and personality, the physical environment and changes in society. A recent study has identified the issues that start the incidents to be as follows.  
Alcohol 25%
Seating 16%
Smoking 10%
Carry on luggage 9%
Flight attendants 8%
Food 5%
(E) One of the major causes seems to be the passenger’s behavior or their personality. Fear of flying and the feeling of powerlessness associated with flying can lead to irritable or aggressive passengers. Also, alcohol consumed on a plane pressurized to 8000ft affects the drinker more quickly and the effects are stronger. Many people do not take account of this and drinking may increase any negative reaction to the flying environment they have, which, combined with the lowering of their inhibitions, may cause air rage. Smoking withdrawal, which some liken in severity to opiate withdrawal, is another major cause of air rage incidents. Passengers caught smoking in the toilets occasionally assault flight attendants and have been known to start fires. When conflicts occur in these conditions, they can escalate into major incidents if the passenger has a violent personality or a fear of flying and because of the enclosed nature of a plane offers no option of retreat as would be natural in a “fight or flight” reaction. (F) Some people feel that the physical environment of a plane can lead to air rage. Seats on most airlines have become smaller in recent years as airlines try to increase profits. This leads to uncomfortable and irritated passengers. Also, space for carry on luggage is often very small. Because up to 8% of checked in luggage is lost, misdirected or stolen, passengers have been trying to fit larger carry on items into these small storage areas and this can lead to disputes that can escalate into air rage. Airlines could also be to blame by raising passengers’ expectations too high with their marketing and advertising. Many air rage incidents start when disappointed passengers demand to be reseated. Finally, there is some evidence to show that low oxygen levels can raise aggression level and make people feel more desperate. Airlines have lowered oxygen levels to save money. Now the level of oxygen in the air that the pilots breathe is ten times higher than in cabin class. (G) Another reason that has been suggested is that society is getting ruder and less patient. The increased congestion at airports, longer queues and increased delays have only added to this. In addition, some air rage incidents have been linked to the demanding nature of high achieving business people, who do not like people telling them what to do and resent the power that the cabin staff have over them. For them, a flight attendant is a waiter or waitress who should do what the passenger wants. (H) The strongest calls for action to control air rage have come from pilots and aircrew. The International Transport Workers’ Federation argues that there are too many loopholes that let people escape punishment and that the penalties are too light. They want to notify all passengers of the penalties for air rage before taking off, rather than after the passenger begins to cause serious problems, when it may be too late. The Civil Aviation Organisation has been organizing international cooperation and penalties have increased in recent years. The most severe punishment so far has been a 51 month jail sentence, a fine to pay for the jet fuel used and 200 hours community service for a man who attempted to enter the cockpit and to open the emergency door of a domestic US flight. (I) Various other measures are being used to control air rage. Air crew are getting training on how to calm passengers and how to predict where incidents might result in air rage and take action to prevent this. Other measures include, strengthening doors to stop people entering the cockpit, training crew in the use of plastic restraints to tie down unruly passengers and having pilots divert their planes if passengers cause problems. Banning passengers who are guilty of air rage from flying has also been tried to a lesser extent.

IELTS Reading Sample: Questions 1 – 8

The IELTS reading sample passage has nine paragraphs A – I. From the list below choose the most suitable headings for B – I. Write the appropriate number (i – xiv) beside in boxes 1 – 8 on your answer sheet. NB There are more headings than paragraphs, so you do not have to use them all. List of headings
  1. A decline in the tolerance of passengers.
  2. Disproportionate growth.
  3. Pilots and aircrew cooperate.
  4. Additional action.
  5. Smaller seats are the norm.
  6. Laying the blame with the airlines
  7. Origins.
  8. A major threat to travel.
  9. Demands for change.
  10. Business people fly more.
  11. New research pinpoints the causes.
  12. The pace of life.
  13. Passenger at the root of the problems.
  14. Personal experience.
Paragraph A Answer: vii
  1. Paragraph B
  2. Paragraph C
  3. Paragraph D
  4. Paragraph E
  5. Paragraph F
  6. Paragraph G
  7. Paragraph H
  8. Paragraph I

IELTS Reading Sample: Questions 9 – 14

Do the following statements agree with the information in the IELTS reading sample text? Mark them as follows.
T______if the statement agrees with the information in the text. F______if the statement does not agree with the information in the text. NG_____if there is no information on this in the text.
  1. In the first case of air rage, one of the reasons the man was not punished was because the plane was not registered.
  2. The statistics on air rage were collected by private monitoring groups.
  3. The second most common catalyst for incidents is problems with seating.
  4. The environment in a plane makes disagreements more likely to become serious problems.
  5. Airlines have been encouraging passengers to bring more items onboard as carry-on luggage.
  6. There have been no attempts to ban passengers with a history of air rage.

Click here for Answer 


IELTS Classroom:Reading Strategies

 IELTS Reading Strategies for Score Boosting

IELTS Reading Strategies for Score Boosting

IELTS Reading Strategies for Score Boosting

Academic and If you are taking IELTS to study abroad then you will take the Academic IELTS Reading Module.

If you are taking IELTS for other purposes such as working abroad, then you will take the General Training Reading Module. IELTS Training Either way, improving your reading for IELTS is important as you will face some complex reading and difficult vocabulary. The aim of these pages is to give you the skills and practice to tackle the reading module. Ielts preparation Both IELTS Reading Tests, Academic and General Training, aim to assess the following skills:
  1. Reading for gist
  2. Reading for main ideas
  3. Reading for detail
  4. Understanding inferences and implied meaning
  5. Recognising a writers opinions
  6. Attitudes and purpose
  7. Following the development of an argument
Academic Reading
General Reading
60 minutes 40 questions
60 minutes 40 questions
3 readings
3 readings
Texts from journals, magazines, books, newspapers
Texts from advertisements, booklets, leaflets, manuals, notices, newspapers, magazines
General interest texts written for non-specialist audience
Texts related to everyday life, work & general interest

The Academic IELTS Reading Module

IELTS Reading Strategies for Score Boosting

IELTS ReadingThe Academic IELTS Reading Module takes 60 minutes and there are 40 questions to answer. Each question is worth 1 mark. The Reading Passages There are three reading passages with a total of 2,150-2,750 words. Texts are taken from journals, magazines, books, and newspapers. All the topics are of general interest and the texts have been written for a non-specialist audience. The readings are intended to be about issues that are appropriate to candidates who will enter postgraduate or undergraduate courses. IELTS Reading Strategies for Score BoostingAt least one text will contain detailed logical argument. One of the texts may contain non-verbal materials such as graphs, illustrations or diagrams. If there are technical terms which you may not know in the text then a glossary is provided. The texts and questions become more difficult through the paper. The Questions Instructions are clear and easy to follow and you will be provided with examples of any unfamiliar question types. Texts and questions appear on a Question Paper which you can write on but not take away from the test room. You must answers all questions on an Answer Sheet during the 60 minutes – there is not extra time at the end to transfer your answers to an answer sheet. The position of the questions varies – some of the questions may come before a passage, some may come after, depending on the question type. These are the types of question you can expect to see in the test:
  1. short-answer questions
  2. multiple choice
  3. sentence completion
  4. notes/summary/diagram/flow chart/table completion
  5. choosing a heading for a paragraph
  6. identification of writer’s views/claims – yes, no or not given
  7. identification of information – true, false or not given
  8. classification
  9. matching lists/phrases.
There is an answer sheet and you must enter all the questions on there during the test. There is no extra time at the end to enter the scores.

The General Training Module

As with the Academic IELTS reading, the General Training reading module takes 60 minutes, there are 40 questions, and each one is worth 1 mark. The Reading Passages The readings are 2,150-2,750 words, each text being harder than the one before. In contrast to the Academic Reading, texts are taken from advertisements, notices, booklets, official documents, leaflets, newspapers, timetables, instruction manuals, books and magazines. They are all authentic. These are texts that you are likely to have to deal with daily in an English speaking country. Section one: This section contains 2-3 short factual texts with topics that will be relevant to your everyday life when you live abroad in an English environment. For example, a text may consist of a number of advertisements. Section two: There are 2 factual texts and they focus on issues related to work such as applying for a job, pay and conditions, staff training and development and company policies. Section three: The text in this section is longer and more difficult. It is a text on a topic of general interest. The Questions As with the Academic IELTS reading, these are the questions you can expect to see on the test:
  1. short-answer questions
  2. multiple choice
  3. sentence completion
  4. notes/summary/diagram/flow chart/table completion
  5. choosing a heading for a paragraph
  6. identification of writer’s views/claims – yes, no or not given
  7. identification of information – true, false or not given
  8. classification
  9. matching lists/phrases.
IELTS Reading Strategies for Score Boosting]]>

IELTS Classroom:IELTS Writing Tips

IELTS Writing Tips

IELTS Classroom:IELTS Writing Tips

  • Below you’ll find important IELTS writing tips to help you with task 1 and 2 of the IELTS writing module.
  • Don’t write too little For task 1 you have to write 150 words, and for task 2 you have to write 250 words. Make sure you do not write less than this amount or your band score may be reduced.
  • Begin to get an idea of how many words you normally write on one line. This way you will know roughly how much you have written without having to keep counting all the words – you probably won’t have time to do this!
IELTS in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
  • Don’t write too much The examiner is looking for quality, not quantity! You will not necessarily get more marks for writing more, so don’t write more for no reason.This will really depend on your writing ability. Someone of a higher level who needs to spend less time checking their grammar will have time to write more.
  • But if this is not you, then make sure you write at least the minimum number of words, then use the extra time to check your grammar.
  • Plan and check your answer Don’t just start writing when the time begins and stop when it finishes.
  • Use some time at the beginning checking you understand the question, brainstorming your ideas and planning your answer.
  • Then spend some time at the end checking your grammar.
  • Spend more time on Task 2 More of the marks are for task 2 and this task requires 100 more words, so spend 20 minutes on task 1 and 40 minutes on task 2.
  • It does not matter which task you write first.
IELTS Preparation
  • Write clearly You are not being graded on your handwriting; however, if the examiner cannot read some things you have written, it is not going to help you! So try to write clearly.
  • Organize clearly Don’t present the examiner with a wall of writing! Make sure you make use of paragraphing to divide up the different arguments or topics you are discussing.
  • Don’t copy the question Never copy the question! You may want to use the question (or rubric as it is called) in the introduction of both tasks in order to introduce the topic, but make sure you put it in your own words.
  • Use a variety of sentence structures The examiner will be looking to see what your grammatical range is so make sure you are not just using a limited range of sentence types.
  • To get a higher score you will need to show you can use simple, compound and complex sentences.
  • Read the question carefully This is one of the most important IELTS writing tips! When my students write essays, one of the most common mistakes is not answering the question.Study the rubric very carefully and make sure you are clear about what you have to write about.
  • If you are writing about the wrong topic or not responding to exactly what the question asks you, your band score will be lower.
  • Read all instructions carefully As with all of the modules of the IELTS test, make sure you read all the instructions carefully. These will tell you where you need to write each answer and what you need to do.

How to Write an IELTS Essay

On this page you will find some guidance on how you should write anIELTS essay. There are then model answers on the following pages for different types of essay and different questions, with some brief guidance on each. It is important to analyse model answers for IELTS essays because there are different essay types, and these will require different ways to answer them. However, as you will see from the guidance on this page, they can all follow the same basic structure. These are some of the types of IELTS essay we will look at:
      • Agree / disagree
      • Discuss two opinions
      • Advantages & disadvantages
      • Causes (reasons) & solutions
      • Causes (reasons) & effects
      • Problems & solutions
Not every essay will fit one of these patterns, but many do. You may get some of these tasks mixed up. For example, you could be asked to give your opinion on an issue, and then discuss the advantages or disadvantages of it. The golden rule is to ALWAYS read the question very carefully to see exactly what you are being asked to do. IELTS Training

How do I Write an IELTS Essay?

In order to answer this, lets first look at a sample question:
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: In the last 20 years there have been significant developments in the field of information technology (IT), for example the World Wide Web and communication by email. However, these developments in IT are likely to have more negative effects than positive in the future. To what extent do you agree with this view? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. Write at least 250 words.
An IELTS essay is structured like any other essay; you just need to make it shorter. There are three key elements:
  1. Introduction
  2. Body Paragraphs
  3. Conclusion
We will look at each of these in turn, using the essay question above as an example.

1) Introduction

You should keep your introduction for the IELTS essay short. Remember you only have 40 minutes to write the essay, and some of this time needs to be spent planning. Therefore, you need to be able to write your introduction fairly quickly so you can start writing your body paragraphs. You should do just two things:
  • State the topic of the essay, using some basic facts (that you may be able to take from the question)
  • Say what you are going to write about
Here is an example introduction for the above essay question about IT:
The last two decades have seen enormous changes in the way people’s lives are affected by IT, with many advances in this field. However, while these technological advances have brought many benefits to the world, it can be argued that these developments in IT will result in more negative impacts than positive.
As you can see, the first sentence makes sure it refers to the topic (IT) and uses facts about IT taken from the question. Note that these are paraphrased – you must not copy from the rubric! The second part then clearly sets out the what the essay will be about and confirms the writers opinion (some questions may not ask for your opinion, but this one does). IELTS Writing Tips

2) Body Paragraphs

For an IELTS essay, you should have 2 or 3 body paragraphs – no more, and no less. For your body paragraph, each paragraph should contain one controlling idea, and have sentences to support this. Lets look at the first paragraph for the essay about IT. The essay is about the benefits and drawbacks of IT, so these will need to be discussed in separate paragraphs. Here is the first body paragraph:
To begin, email has made communication, especially abroad, much simpler and faster, resulting in numerous benefits for commerce and business. Furthermore, theWorld Wide Web means that information on every conceivable subject is now available to us. For example, people can access news, medical advice, online education courses and much more via the internet.  It is evident that these improvements have made life far easier and more convenient for large numbers of people and will continue to do so for decades to come. IELTS Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening
The controlling idea in this first paragraph is the ‘benefits of IT‘, and there are two supporting ideas, which are underlined. No drawbacks are discussed as the paragraph would then lose coherence. Most of the essay will focus on the negative aspects of IT, as the writer says there are more negative effects in the introduction. So the next two paragraphs are about these. The topic sentence in the next paragraph therefore tells us we are changing the focus to the negative points:
Nevertheless, the effects of this new technology have not all been beneficial. For example, many people feel that the widespread use of email is destroying traditional forms of communication such as letter writing, telephone and face-to-face conversation. This could result in a decline in people’s basic ability to socialize and interact with each other on a day-to-day basis.
The final body paragraph gives the last negative effect:
In addition, the large size of the Web has meant that it is nearly impossible to regulate and control. This has led to many concerns regarding children accessing unsuitable websites and viruses. Unfortunately, this kind of problem might even get worse in the future at least until more regulated systems are set up.

3) Conclusion

The conclusion only needs to be one or two sentences, and you can do the following:
  • Re-state what the essay is about (re-write the last sentence of your introduction in different words)
  • Give some thoughts about the future
Here is an example:
In conclusion, developments in IT have brought many benefits, yet I believe developments relating to new technology are likely to produce many negative effects in the future that must be addressed if we are to avoid damaging impacts on individuals and society. IELTS Classes

The full IELTS Essay:

The last two decades have seen enormous changes in the way people’s lives are affected by IT, with many advances in this field. However, while these technological advances have brought many benefits to the world, it can be argued that these developments in IT will result in more negative impacts than positive. To begin, email has made communication, especially abroad, much simpler and faster, resulting in numerous benefits for commerce and business. Furthermore, the World Wide Web means that information on every conceivable subject is now available to us. For example, people can access news, medical advice, online education courses and much more via the internet. It is evident that these improvements have made life far easier and more convenient for large numbers of people and will continue to do so for decades to come. Nevertheless, the effects of this new technology have not all been beneficial. For example, many people feel that the widespread use of email is destroying traditional forms of communication such as letter writing, telephone and face-to-face conversation. This could result in a decline in people’s basic ability to socialize and interact with each other on a day-to-day basis. In addition, the large size of the Web has meant that it is nearly impossible to regulate and control. This has led to many concerns regarding children accessing unsuitable websites and viruses. Unfortunately, this kind of problem might even get worse in the future at least until more regulated systems are set up. In conclusion, developments in IT have brought many benefits, yet I believe developments relating to new technology are likely to produce many negative effects in the future that must be addressed if we are to avoid damaging impacts on individuals and society. (287 words)


IELTS Classroom:Academic Writing Task 2

IELTS Band Score10 practical tips for writing better exam essays

1. Read – write – read – write – read – write – read – write – read – write – read

What does this mean? It means that you should go back and read the paragraph you have just written before you start the next one. You may think this is a waste of time. If so, you’d be wrong.
  1. It’s important to link your paragraphs together – what more practical way to do that than just read what you have written?
  2. It helps you with words for the next paragraph – it is good to repeat some words as this improves your coherence.

2. Don’t be smart, be clear – select your best idea

This advice is particularly important for candidates who come from an academic background where they are used to being graded on quality and quantity of ideas. IELTS is different: it is quite possible to write a band 9.0 essay and not include some key “academic” ideas, let alone all the ideas. The practical advice here is to select your best idea and write about that. That means not writing everything you know – leave some ideas out. Don’t worry if it is not your best explanation, worry about whether it is your clearest explanation.

3. Write about what you know – relax about ideas

This is a similar idea. IELTS is an international exam (that’s the “I” in IELTS) and the questions are written to be answered by anyone around the world. Some people stress about finding ideas. They shouldn’t. The ideas you need are generally simple (eg”I disagree”, “This is not a good idea”). The practical solution is to think about what YOU know and what YOUR experience is. If you look at the question, this is what it tells you to do. If you come from Bonn, write about Bonn; if you come from Ulan Bator, write about Ulan Bator!

4. Examples are easier to write than explanations

In an exam you are under pressure. You want to make things as easy for yourself as possible. One practical idea to achieve this is to focus as much on examples as explanations when you write. Why? It’s simply harder if you only think “because”. Some of the ideas may be very complex and, under pressure, it can be difficult to explain these with reasons. What may happen is that your sentences become too long and the ideas confused. The practical bit is to concentrate as much on examples. This is a good idea as examples tend to be easier to write as you are simply describing situations. You should also note that the instructions tell you to use examples! All you need to do is make sure that your examples are relevant to the main idea.

5. Don’t write too much – the examiner is paid by the minute

There is no upper word limit I know of, but it really isn’t a good idea to write 350 words or more. Here’s why:
  1. Examiners will only spend so much time looking at any essay. Write too much and they will read what you wrote “less carefully”. It is easier to read/grade a 300 word essay than a 400 word essay!
  2. The more you write, the more likely you are to make language mistakes.
  3. The more you write, the more likely you are to go off topic. The examiner won’t read/grade anything that doesn’t directly relate to the question.
  4.  If you write less, you give yourself more time to choose the best words – and that’s what you are being graded on.
  5. If you write less, you give yourself more time to go back and check what you have written.

6. Writer – know yourself

One of the most famous philosophical thoughts is “know yourself”. How does this apply to exam writing? Did Plato really have IELTS in mind when he wrote his dialogues? Well, no, but… The idea is that you should check for your mistakes when you write. The practical part here is that you shouldn’t check for mistakes generally – that’s too hard and probably a waste of time in the exam. What isn’t a waste of time though is to look for mistakes you know you can correct – the ones you normally make! The really practical thing is to have your own checklist in your head before you start writing

7. See the whole essay in your head before you start writing

It’s very important that your essay is a whole – that all the bits fit together. If you don’t do that, you may lose significant marks for both coherence and task response. This means planning of course. Planning bothers some people and bores others. There are different ways to do this, but at the very least have a map of your essay in your head.

8. Focus on the backbone of your essay

This is a related point. All the essay matters of course, but perhaps some bits matter more than others. I’d suggest the practical thing to do is concentrate on the backbone of your essay, the bits that help you write better and the examiner to understand better. The backbone is:
  1.  The introduction: this should identify the question and outline your position. Don’t rush it as it is the first thing the examiner will read. First impressions count.
  2. The first/topic sentences of each paragraph: these should be clear and to the point. They should identify exactly what that paragraph is about and show how it relates to the rest of the essay. The practical tip is to keep the detail/clever ideas for the body of the paragraph. Start off general and then build towards the specific.
  3. The conclusion: this is the easiest part of the essay normally. Most often, all you need to do is go back to the introduction and rephrase it
Get these bits right and the rest of the essay tends to take care of itself.

9. Don’t just practice whole essays

The best way to learn to write essays is to write essays? True or false? My answer is a bit of both. Yes, you do need to practise writing complete essays, but it may be a mistake to do only that. The different part of essays require slightly different skills. To write an introduction, you need to be able to paraphrase the question. To write a body paragraph, you need to be able to explain ideas. To write a conclusion, you need to be able summarise. The practical suggestion is to practise writing introductions, body paragraphs and conclusions separately. Focus on skills.

 10. Focus on the question and refocus on the question

I have left this one to last as it is for me the most important idea. Essays go wrong for different reasons. Some of these you may not be able to avoid: the quality of your English may not be good enough yet. The one mistake you can always avoid is that you didn’t answer the question. Too many essays go wrong because candidates didn’t read and think about the question properly. The practical suggestion: before you write each paragraph, refer back to the question to remind yourself about what you are meant to write about. It is very easy to get carried away in exams. You may start off on topic, then you have a “good idea” as you write. So you write about that. Sadly, that “good idea” may not fully relate to the question. Big problem.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 1 – People attend colleges or universities for many different reasons

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic:

People attend colleges or universities for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge etc.). Why do you think people attend colleges or universities?

You should give reasons for your answer using your own ideas and experience. Write at least 250 words. Model Answer 1: People mainly get enrolled in a college or university to achieve the necessary education and degree they require to get a job or to build a career. Having a good career is one of the main reasons people spend their time in colleges or universities but there are other reasons as well. The current society and educational structure is far different than it had been a century back when a self-educated person could gain a good career and parents could arrange private tutors to ensure their children’s education. But in today’s world colleges and universities are the authority to declare a person to have the necessary education to be ready for the job sector and without the certification from colleges and universities it is almost impossible for someone to claim a good job. People are going to colleges and universities because this is the most common way of getting education and they have no alternatives like the people of past century had. Most people are learning in colleges and universities and getting themselves ready for the future. The sole purpose of a college or university is to ensure the proper theoretical and moral education to build the ideal citizens the country needs and this is system which is unquestionably accepted by the society and people. People who do not have plan to use their certificate to get a job either because they have other career plans or may be blessed with inherited fortune. They go to these educational institutes to learn the values, ideas, knowledge and education they require to be good human. In fact education is a border line between a savage and a good man and this is another reason the society has adopted  the idea of education for all and the colleges and universities are the places to get this education in the current age. Some people go to universities to get further education to enhance their horizon or to improve their job position & salary. Others go to the colleges and universities to let the world know that they are educated. Funny this may seems, but many people simply consider the higher education as the status they require to get higher position in the society. Colleges and Universities nowadays offer specialized courses like technical courses or creative courses and  many people attend those courses simply because of their pure interests on these subjects or to gain the knowledge they need. In my opinion, getting education, learning new things, experiencing diverse cultures and customs, getting prepared for the future career, improving job position, subject matter interests and social status are the main reasons for people to attend colleges and universities. (Approximately 440 words)

Idea Generation for this IELTS Essay:

Essay Type: Opinion Essay (Give reasons). Main question of this IELTS Essay: A. Why people attend colleges or universities?

Reasons: Why people attend colleges or universities?

  • University degree nowadays is mandatory to apply for a good job. To find better job opportunity after graduation and having higher salary are thus the main reasons many students get enrolled in a college or university.
  • This is the most common and perhaps the only method nowadays to enhance our knowledge and skills.
  • Becoming familiar with the latest technology, including computer, digital systems, or medicine.
  • Better social status. After graduation, socially they have higher prestige among their family, friends, or other people.
  • More probable to be able to apply and become prosperous a highly qualified graduate abroad.
  • To improve their social skills by meeting more educated people.
  • To gain training and practical education.
  • These days without the certification from colleges and universities it is almost impossible for someone to claim a good job or to be certified to practice in a specialized field of work.
  • To learn the values, ideas, knowledge and skills.
  • Sometimes promotion and increments are the reasons many professionals get enrolled in further studies in universities.
  • Many people enroll in a special course offered by universities because of their interests in this subject or to gain the knowledge they need.
  • Many people get enrolled in a college or university to maintain a status.
  • For some this is an excellent opportunity to enhance their knowledge, skill and experience.
  • University and colleges are the best places to learn about diverse culture, people and social skills.
[The above points should be helpful to aid you generating your own ideas and then turning them in to a nicely written IELTS Essay. Add any point you think we have missed in the comment section.] Sample Answer 2: The university is a citadel of learning. It is a place where people of diverse culture, ethnicity, background and religion come together with the major purpose of knowledge acquisition. However, it is not out of place to suggest that some people come to school in other to gain information that will better equip them for their future ambition, while others still attend higher education in other to have the feeling of the tertiary education. But no matter what the reasons might be, I strongly believe that the main reason why people attend colleges and universities is to increase their knowledge.
Let consider one who comes to school for the just experience.  I believe his or her intention is not just to meet new friends because this can be done anywhere else. He or she wants to understand different behaviours and interact with persons from different areas, and various levels of intelligence. By so doing, he or she gradually imbibes knowledge at different levels and at different points. Take for instance, I know of a very good friend who always wanted to attend higher institution. When I enquired as to the particular school he wanted, her reply was simple; “ I do not have any school in mind, all I want is to go get new experience and change my environment”. However, after four years in the university, I observed that her attitude, intelligence, abilities and sagacity has increased greatly. This shows me that the ultimate end of going to the university is to acquire knowledge. Also, for those who think that their reason for going to school is for career preparation. Statistics suggests that over 70% of the persons who studied a particular course or discipline in Nigeria, do not end up practicing the same course, and are never found along the career line throughout their lifetime. Evidences abound of various micro biologists who are chief editors in news paper agencies across the nation. My best Ifeanyi, he studied petroleum engineering but he is currently working with First Bank Nigeria. In conclusion, a university for me is like a crucible, a furnace where minds are molded with the fire of knowledge in other to adapt to the outside world. We may have different reasons why we enter the colleges and universities, but one thing and only but one thing is for sure, the core reason why people attend the university and college is to increase knowledge. Alternative Answer 3: A University offers highest level of education as well as valuable degree required for the students to build their careers. University degrees are essential for the job market, to be versed in a specialized field or to be prepared for the further educations. People attend colleges or universities for lots of different reasons.  In my opinion three most common reasons for people to join a college or a university are to prepare for a prospective career, to have new experiences, and to increase their knowledge. But there are some other reasons like improving the current job position, to be specialized in a specific subject, to earn a degree to join a job or run a business etc. Career preparation is probably the primary and most important reason for people to attend colleges and universities. A college or university degree gives more opportunity to have a full-time and stable job. In comparison a university degree holder is offered a better job that pays better than others. The job market is very competitive now a day compared to any other time in past. Careers such as telecommunication, information technologies etc. need many new employees. At colleges and universities, students can learn new skills for these careers and increase their opportunities for the future. In the whole academic years, the students learn not only the theory but also practical aspects for their future job needs. The universities prepare a structured and coherent syllabus for the students and without these experience and knowledge it is almost impossible for anyone to make himself prepared for the job and the knowledge he/she required for the specified job position. Students also go to colleges or universities to have new experiences. For many, it is their first time away from home and they have to live among strangers. At colleges, they meet new people from many different places, races and cultures. They can see what life is from a different perspective. They can learn to live on their own and take care of them without having their family always nearby. The students have lots of opportunities to face the real-life situations while staying at a college or university. They learn to face the harsh situation, learn to treat the superiors, learn how to work to gain a desired aspiration, learn to work as a team member and many more. In short, colleges and universities offers so many different experiences that a student cannot get from anywhere else. At colleges and universities, students have the opportunity to increase their knowledge about technology, art, history, about themselves and outer world which are impossible to achieve staying outside the campus. As they decide what they want to study, pursue their studies, and interact with their classmates, they learn a lot about themselves. They also, of course, have the opportunity to learn about many subjects in their classes. In addition to the skills and knowledge related to their career, college students also have the chance to take classes in other areas. For many, this will be their last chance to study different subjects. Colleges offer much more than career preparation. They offer the opportunity to have new experiences and to learn many kinds of things. Many job holders, housewives even businessmen get themselves admitted into universities or colleges for a diploma courses. These courses are essential in many different perspectives, like: to learn a new technology (for example: Computer related diplomas), to train up for a new career (for example: photography courses), or to make them ready for more challenging jobs (for example: MBA in Agriculture). I think all these are major reasons why people attend colleges and universities. (Approximately 600 words) (This model answer has been prepared by the site developer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible answers. You should be able to pick up the main points from this essay and organize in your own style) Sample Answer 4: Every human being with an ambition of getting higher knowledge requires attending colleges or universities. The main reason of attending universities or colleges may differ man to man. Someone may aspire to achieve greater knowledge, someone may just want to earn a certificate or someone might attribute it as a step towards career development. Whatever the reason people refer to attend universities – I would like to elaborate it as a step which is necessary for career development to grasp a required level of knowledge. I believe more or less people attend universities or colleges to gain knowledge. In university level people scatters in different groups for different subject areas of studies. Someone selects science someone selects arts. Every human being has their own selection base to get their assumed knowledge which is mandatory to accomplish their ultimate goal in career development. University or college provides a new level of experience which develops self-actualization and confidence in human being as we know the proverb, “knowledge is power”. Knowledge gives us strength and endows with skills that mold our future for betterment. People usually select their career path before entering university or college courses, for example an aspirant doctor selects medical subject as university course and therefore they join medical college. Similarly a future entrepreneur joins business school to study business in university level. I would like to elaborate before enrolling in universities or colleges we decide our future goal. Once our future goal is set we thrive to achieve it. I would like to illustrate whatever the reason people may attributes with university selection, it is always refers to achieving new experience, knowledge or a process to start a career. Well, it is sometime different for few people who has different ambitions but studying different subject matter unrelated to their goals. People attend universities and colleges for further education to ensure their job promotions. There are no alternatives to the colleges and universities to get higher degrees and thus people attend there to get the education they need to secure jobs. Interest is a subject is another reason people go to the higher educational institutes. Sometime few people attend universities as a tradition which has been referred as mandatory by society or family. A mere certificate is enough for them rather a means of gaining greater knowledge. Though, it is a rare case which represent a niche segment but as a whole we human being usually attend university or college as a hope of achieving greater understanding, new skill so that we can construct a good career in future. At the end it is essential to pronounce that whatever the reason we believe behind attending universities or college’s maximum people take it as a step towards a better future to educate ourselves with knowledge. [Approximately 460 words ]

Model Answer 5: College education is a highly revered benchmark around the world. In many countries, without a college level degree, a citizen is not considered eligible for state jobs. People attend colleges for many reasons but career preparation is the most important goal among them.

Most students enroll in colleges for bright career prospects and they study professional and job oriented courses. If achieved successfully with threshold scores, these courses increase industrial employability of learners by training them with the skills industries need. For example, many companies organize direct campus selection programs in colleges, offering professional courses, to hire ready to utilize resources with rewarding salary packages. To add to this, in many cases, based on education, employees get different remuneration for the exact same job, and college education degrees play pivotal roles in accelerating promotion processes too.
On the other hand, in addition to scintillating future career opportunities, university education also offers many new experiences. These experiences include migration to new countries, befriending new people, working while studying, and, most importantly, learning to adjust with people. If we take a look at foreign students’ data across Europe, it is eminent that around 20 % students in Universities are from Asian countries. These experiences burgeon adaptability skills to pursuers and help in turning future paradigm citizens.

Some people also attend higher university courses to enhance knowledge. Students under this section mostly pursue challenging master and doctorate degrees in their fields. Most of these learners turn researchers and help the progress of the world. Some governments offer enticing whooping packages to the best minds to convince latter to select this study stream.

Finally, considering all reasons to attend colleges or universities, it is clear that the paramount reason is career growth. However, ‘gaining new experiences’ and ‘enhancing knowledge’ are also prodigious reasons.
[ Approximately 398 words ]
Sample Answer 6: All the human beings are of different nature and similarly their interests are not the same. A few love to sing while others like to listen the music. Same way people attend the colleges and universities have different respective prospective or purposes. Mainly people go to such places for their better career which dramatically affect their future life, to gain the knowledge and to be a good human being, while some attend colleges for enjoyment and to get rid of their homes. But I feel that Colleges and universities should be regarded as a place of worship which give us sense of good living, spread knowledge and enlighten our life from darkness. First of all, if we discuss about rich parent’s youngsters, most of them come to the colleges for their time pass and making ruckus in college. All the day they make havoc everywhere. Study is just a trivial matter for them. They have no worries about money wastage or future scope. Hence such students get enrolled in colleges for their own willingness to fulfil their ambitions of entertainment etc., but it never means that all are alike. If we look on other side of the coin, there are some students who are even not able to fill their college fee due to lack of sources but they are dedicated to learn and work hard. They want to study hard to become a successful person. Such students attend the colleges and universities for studying mainly, because they just focus on their motto of life. Enjoyment and other activities are meager to them. Secondly , another type of students are their which we can say in middle class family students which can be of mixed behavioural response regarding admission in colleges as either for making friends , fun and study also. By participating in different college events they can fill their life with enthusiasm and charm, because they are totally not focused for only study or totally for enjoyment. Hence they are involved in overall college or university atmosphere. On the behalf of above, it did not mean that these particular types of students are liable strictly to respective activities in colleges but majority of them are in such manner. In the end we can conclude that colleges and universities are for social and individual wellbeing of all. They help to build our character. Every student can get the characters of bonhomie, candid behaviour, bright future and spreading life by proper studying sincerely and and overall body growth by participating in extra co-curricular activities of college. [ pproximately 410 words  ]
Sample Answer 7: A complete consideration of people’s views about whether to attend colleges or universities is difficult to present because they are so varied. Some would believe that continuing their education is a brilliant way of obtaining the best of both worlds gaining new acquaintances and securing a higher level of education, which might in the future, pave the way to a better job. I have developed my own perspectives as well. There are 3 reasons why I’m convinced that people decide to attend colleges. One absolutely cardinal reason is the fact that universities offer an opportunity to intensify knowledge in a particular field of your interest. On the contrast, high school educations tend to focus more on a board but relatively shallow understanding of various subjects. Thus, the option of gaining expertise universities offer is certain to catch the eyes of students. The second reason is rooted in the fact that humans are social animals. Therefore, when surrounded by a group of friends all applying for admission to colleges, one might feel the impulsive urge to join. It is considerably hard to be persistence in one’s own beliefs and perspectives. Equally essential to the previous two reasons concerning why people choose to continue their education is that a college degree is no longer considered to be “higher education”, but rather “basic education”. In this day and age, numerous companies regard bachelor degrees as the most basic and foremost requirement. When education level determines the chances of acquiring a job, it leaves you little choice but to keep on studying. By way of conclusion, whatever your choice may be, it is essential to think through all aspects before making a final decision.

[ pproximately 280 words  ]

Model Answer 8: People attend colleges and universities for various reasons such as gaining more knowledge and enhancing their skills. In the universities people learn many new ways to learn things and improve their talent. Students after completing their schooling or under graduate courses opt for higher education in universities because of various circumstances around them.

Firstly, they prefer education in reputed universities in order to achieve their goals and dreams in life. People try to do their higher education for their career enhancement such as for promotions in the company they work. Usually persons with high level of knowledge in any field will be paid more than the other people with limited skills. This is also a major reason for a person to prefer higher education. For instance in the case of an Information Technology professional a person with higher level of knowledge and skill in designing a software will be paid more than a person who tests the developed product. In addition to that people pursue their education in universities in various other countries for the sake of exposing to the new environment, culture, customs and learn how to mingle with people. This scenario is generally seen in students trying to do their business degree. Students come know about the new trends across the world and learn how to deal with various kinds of businesses and improve the economy of their country. Moreover, learning the ways of interacting with the people is a good sign of a healthy society. On the other hand people not only attend the universities for gaining knowledge and improving their job position but also out of their immense interest in a particular field and curiosity to invent new things in that specific field. In my point of view I think people attend universities and colleges for the purpose of gaining more knowledge, experiencing various cultures and customs, improving their job position and their intense desire and passion towards a particular field. (Approximately 325 words)
Sample Answer 9: Certain people think they attend colleges/universities to gain knowledge where as some other people think to prepare for their career. Another set of people prefer to attend college to get new experiences. Universities dictate the society with the values present in education .some people prefer to attend college to gain knowledge and apply their knowledge in their day to day life .These people choose university to increase their knowledge  only which is useful to the society and they are least bothered about the jobs or job market. Universities should produce knowledge based professional but not job seekers. People who got sufficient knowledge can overcome any issue in their daily life as well as career. My friend, sham came out of Hindu university with sufficient knowledge never worried about career. He can easily transoms from one field to another with his vast knowledge what he gained from university. There is other side of the coin always. Some people prefer to attend universities to increase their career chances as they are so much interested in good profitable career. And companies also prefer certain universities only to recruit for their openings. I selected Nehru University to do my post graduate in computers to attract top IT giants and it really worked for me. Some other set of people choose universities to get new experiences and enhance their knowledge or to get suitable job for them. Ram, one of my state ministers choose university to get experience in student politics and got successes in main politics also. In conclusion, I prefer to attend college to gain knowledge and not only career or experience only. People who gained knowledge in their core area always get successes in any other area.
(Approximately 285 words)
Model Answer 10: Universities and colleges always play an important role in the wellbeing of individual as well as the wellbeing of family and the whole nation. However there are different type and status of people who are attending colleges and universities for different purposes. Each university and collage has an ultimate goal is to convert knowledge and experiences from past generation to present generation, and preparation a good citizens for the society. A well-educated individual and nation can face any challenges of the world. People going universities and colleges are getting different experience for life in a good way and socially accepted ways. They meet students from different cultural, religious, race, color and languages; in addition they can get information from all people they have met in their student life. And they are getting new knowledge and information from teachers and books. And in practical life they implement this knowledge and experience for the betterment of nation. Beside this peoples attend colleges and universities getting a degree which enable them to spend prosperous, future and save their future getting ruined. Without college or university degree it is impossible to get a good job in any reputable organization. My opinion is also the same the main purpose people attending colleges or university is gaining knowledge and experience which enable them to lead a successful life, make them sound and mature who can take a right decision for themselves.
Sample Answer 11: It’s true to say that people take admission in college and universities for higher education with different intentions. Over all, it depends on the economical and social status of countries. According to my point of view, in today’s world most of the people get higher education to earn money, especially the residents of underdeveloped or third world countries like Pakistan. In this essay I will elaborate my view with reasons and examples. First, if we see in low income countries like Pakistan, where life is striving for the basic needs like foods and shelters, most of the youths of Pakistan take admission in subjects like M.B.A, Information Technology and other science subjects for better scope of having better careers and earning good money. Their basic needs for survival outweigh other ethnic values of education. Very few students take interest in arts and other non technical education. While somehow in the west or developed countries where government ensures basic needs of the people, have a different reasons for people to attend colleges and universities.  Most of students in west still follow the true meanings and reason of education. They take admission in universities to increase their skills, knowledge and characters. That is the reason of progress in research and development. On the balance, I must say that humans of all over the globe have lost the true meanings of education except in very countries in the west. Man has increased the needs and demands for more comfort or for other reasons, but, it is the economical situation of nations which defines the trend of education move towards money or moreover towards aesthetics. On the balance, I must say that people of all over the globe attend the schools and universities to increase their scope to earn the better income. We have lost the true meanings of education. Lust for money has taken over the thrust and great values of knowledge. It is one of the proofs that now the world rarely produces the great characters like Rumi and Newton.
Model Answer 12: “From here, light and sacred draughts.” – The motto of Cambridge University tells people a university is the place where enlightenment and precious knowledge is awarded. Since the establishment of the first university, it has been great honour to be accepted. Today, universities and colleges are much more accessible and therefore, more people prefer to receive a higher education. Several reasons are presented in this essay. First of all, a large proportion of people study there for the purpose of a degree, which is beneficial, or even necessary for job application. With a higher degree, applicants are more likely to find a better position. However, with increasing number of students pouring in, the quality of education may be reduced, particularly by students with little eagerness for study. Acquiring knowledge appears to be the main reason for most students. A university or college is believed to be the most ideal place to learn meaningful or useful knowledge. Through libraries, knowledge and ideas of people all around the world can be shared. On the other hand, teaching standard is much superior to high schools. Thanks to these abundant resources, a student can dive into the ocean of knowledge freely. Nonetheless, the real essence of a university is not knowledge itself, but the methodology of learning. When we scrutinise the synopsis of any programmes, those structures seem to be similar, which without any exceptions, direct to the ability to learn. Perhaps this is the reason why companies have preference on a higher degree. Good ability of learning accompanies one with his whole life. Hence, studying in a university is undoubtedly a precious experience. After the analysis above, it turns out that the reasons of receiving higher education are tightly bound to each other. An opportunity of secondary or tertiary education is advantageous in every aspect. Consequently, numerous people are attending universities and colleges. [Written by Jifang Zhang]  
Sample Answer 13: In schools we are completing our primary and secondary education. Colleges or Universities are there to provide third stage of our education level. Only few people getting opportunity to attend to their third level of education. The reason why people attend to colleges or universities may differ among person to person. Some people attend to colleges after leaving from school is to improve their skills such as vocational qualifications. This is a kind of career preparation for their life. They will learn new skills and new knowledge on vocational trainings such as, dress makings, carpentry, welding, aluminium fittings, auto mobile, phone repairing, electrical and electronics are some technical training provided in some colleges. Some are attending to Universities to follow degree or diploma in education, agriculture, medicine, engineering, bio chemistry and etc. These are to shape their future career by increased knowledge on particular field. Many of these courses are teach as full time in government organizations and part time in many private organizations. Nowadays education became a competition, since many are attending to universities and colleges. Each person need to obtain a degree or diploma has become an essential element to find a good job. The educational qualification is the base to provide many good jobs in reputed firms and in higher positions. Therefore, many people attend to these places to improve their educational qualifications to get a good job. Other than this, educated people earn higher salary than uneducated people. Nowadays money became as a life. To live a comfortable life, people try to improve their educational qualifications in order to find well paid positions. Educated people become prestigious position in the society. Others follow educated people’s value, rules and standards. People wanted to respect by others. Therefore, they need to get graduation, post-graduation, Masters’ degree, Honor, Doctorate and etc. Mentioning their educational qualifications behind their name is a prestige for many people. Therefore, some people attend to Universities or Colleges, to improve their prestige. Some want to spend the time productively. If a bachelor need to spend the weekend, could be spend with their friends. Some bachelors attend to weekend classes to complete a degree before they engage in important responsibilities in life. Therefore, why people attend to colleges or universities may give many answers as per the need of the people. There may be one reason or many reasons behind the fact why they do this.
Sample Answer 14: To face the period of development, as people, we have to make competition with others to get what we want and what we need. One thing that people can do is try to get high education. Nowadays people try to develop their ability in collages or university. In reality attending in university will help us to become great people in the future. There are two reasons why people have to attend collages or university, such as to reach the desired level and to satisfy their life. Firstly, becoming a success person is a dream to all the people in this world. To reach our desire, definitely we will have to do something. We should make a sacrifice so that it happens. “Better education, Better Life”, is a motivation quote and will help us to build our spirit. People will have huge opportunity if they have good education. In my experience there are some of my uncles who have great job because they have higher education and degree. In reality all companies need people who have high qualification related to their education to join their company. Secondly, in life people need something that will make them satisfied. Satisfying in life is an important thing in people’s life, which can make them happy. Having high qualification in education and having good job will make people useful for others. For instance, a child in a family when becomes a success person, s/he can make the parents proud and can give them happiness. They can also go to some tourism destinations for vacation or buy a house or invest for future, and so on. In conclusion, attending in college or university is important because it will help us to face the period of development, to face how beautiful the world is, and most significantly: we can make people proud of us. [ Written by Keith Francis Ratumbuisang ]
Sample Answer 15: In recent times it has become a wide spread trend that colleges or universities are not just about education and teaching, but it has become a much broader concept in comparison to older times. People nowadays consider attending colleges or universities for many different reasons and it is quite common that people consider attending colleges or universities as a general trend, though there are many other reasons behind this. Over the years education has changed and evolved itself to the changing trends and viewpoints of people and so has the concept of students of education and places where education is offered namely colleges and universities. Student’s these days not only look for the quality of education offered but their view varies from facilities offered, the extra-curricular activities offered and the type of student culture that exist within the college. A student joining a college these days not only plan on just graduating out but also assess his options or scope to improve his other talents, thus he plans on nurturing them and improving it further. For example, one of my friends recently joined for MBA in one college but the final deciding factor over other college’s was, the sports facilities offered to him at his present college. Earlier times it was just about the quality of education offered and nothing else. By this I conclude by saying, by changing times the system in place gets modified or adaptive to the view points of the students which lies not just on educational perspective but for other reasons too.
Sample Answer 16: A college is a place where learning processes take place and go beyond the stereotypic academic learning experience. People attend colleges or universities for a lot of reasons which range from academic, social and other personal reasons. In my opinion, one should not limit his/ her college days to just learning academics and should take the opportunity to learn whatever good knowledge comes his/ her way. First and foremost, a college or university is meant to increase a person in academic knowledge. For example, a student who gets admitted into a university to study medicine should first of all learn about the different diseases and know how to treat them appropriately. As such, a person learns how to be a good doctor. Secondly, a college or university prepares one for the career an individual is going to face in the near future. It teaches what to expect in a person‘s line of study. For instance, while I was a medical student in the university we were educated on the career prospects of a medical doctor, the various places we could work and what would be expected of us when we eventually get there. In addition, an individual mingles with the different people from different social strata, ethnicities, localities and race while in the university. Therefore, you get to learn about different cultures and values. For instance, my roommate in the university was a Sudanese. I learnt about different Sudanese dishes and also picked up a few Arabic words from him. In conclusion, the university is not only a place for academics. You get prepared for the career ahead and also learn some social values and cultures. One should be able to utilise the few years in the university to pick up as much relevant knowledge as possible.
Sample Answer 17: College and university play an integral part in student’s life for various personal and professional reasons. Whether it can the continuation of higher studies to get a desired job or for creating a network with friends at social level through college life, it is important to get admitted in these institutions. College life offers kind of experience where people continue their career prospects upon a particular field where there are diversified list of options to choose from. Nowadays, as compared with earlier years we have more options because of which there has been a surge in competition level as well. For instance, for a commerce background student there were limited options like being chartered accountant or company secretary etc. Whereas today we have lot more options including these to sustain at fast pace world. As students we make ourselves much more matured through this phase of life. Students at their college level want to experience a fun part as well like making new friends, bunking classes, pulling each other’s leg and etc. It is a kind of life which people want to experience before they get into adult phase of their life. For example, most students tend to make their girlfriends at the college. Whether it can be their craze or kind of peer pressure to have one as they cannot resist themselves when they see others are having one. Not only this, people even get jealous of their pals when find a beautiful woman with someone else and wish they could also have one. Thirdly, college life brings us plethora of new experiences during this phase of life. It is during this period we learn how to balance our life both on professional and personal front as well. We also learn how to accept our failures and work on it. In addition to this, we try to find a hidden talent in terms of career perspective as well. To sum up, college life plays a significant role towards the building up of next phase of life. As it focuses on career prospects, increased knowledge and various factors to look on, it is important for each individual to spend time in a college or university. Sample Answer 18: Certain people think they attend colleges/universities to gain knowledge where as some other people think to prepare for their career. Another set of people prefer to attend college to get new experiences. Universities dictate the society with the values present in education. Some people prefer to attend college to gain knowledge and apply their knowledge in their day to day life. These people choose university to increase their knowledge only which is useful to the society and they are least bothered about the jobs or job market. Universities should produce knowledge based professional but not job seekers. People who got sufficient knowledge can overcome any issue in their daily life as well as career. My friend, sham came out of Hindu university with sufficient knowledge never worried about career. He can easily transoms from one field to another with his vast knowledge what he gained from university. There is other side of the coin always. Some people prefer to attend universities to increase their career chances as they are so much interested in good profitable career. And companies also prefer certain universities only to recruit for their openings. I selected Nehru University to do my post graduate in computers to attract top IT giants and it really worked for me. Some other set of people choose universities to get new experiences and enhance their knowledge or to get suitable job for them. Ram, one of my state ministers choose university to get experience in student politics and got successes in main politics also. In conclusion, I prefer to attend college to gain knowledge and not only career or experience only. People who gained knowledge in their core area always get successes in any other area. Sample Answer 19: Education is an inevitable part of human being in this modern era, the main reason for this is to gain a better job. The focus of this essay is to scrutinize some reasons of attending college or universities in the following paragraphs. First and foremost, the primary reason is that to get a better career. In order to be employed one should be academically qualified, as the unemployment is increasing the demand for job is also increasing hence the more qualified and experienced you are, the higher chance you get to be settled with a better job. The second reason is that to gain more knowledge vocationally. Attaining knowledge is vital for a better productive and quality work. For example engineer has to attend college or university in order to study the basics and logic behind the subject scientific theories. On the other side, drawback of attending college or university is that education is considered as a status in the society from the olden days. Thus people who are not skillful will go to universities in order to get higher positions. For example pupil who is not skillful select to learn medicine to become doctors by paying millions of donation to get respect in the society. One of the other reasons is that education in universities changed as a routines steps taken by younger generation as a part of life. Thus the need for education is often forgotten by students during their studies and won’t give attention in it To conclude, main aim attending college is to gain knowledge and get into safe career. People attending college is for a better cause mostly but like the other side of a coin there can be wrong intention also which can be managed.

IELTS Classroom:Speaking Test

IELTS Speaking Practice

IELTS Speaking Mock Test 1

Part 1 – Introduction Q.  Good afternoon. My name is Kristina Pollock. Could I have your name please? A.  Good afternoon Madam. My name is Joseph Mark and my nick name is Mark. Q.  And your candidate number? A.  My candidate number is….. Q. Thank you. Now could you tell me a little about yourself and where do you live? A. Well, I’m Joseph Mark and I live at…. My father’s name is …. He is a Government service holder. My mother’s name is…. She is basically a housewife but sometimes she works at our shop. I’m 26 and I’ve finished my graduation from  …. University. My major was Mathematics. I’ve got 2 brothers and a younger sister. We live like a very happy family and my parents take great care of us. I’m doing a part time job at a local school as a Mathematics teacher. I’m planning to complete my M.Sc. from any reputed University of UK. My future plan is to teach in a college. I spend my leisure time surfing the internet and reading books. Sometimes I hang around with my friends on the lake shore. The place I live now is really charming and I love to live there. It’s not noisy and busy like other cities and I have got many friends there. I am maintaining a personal blog and there I try to add a post every week. This is basically a technology and Math related blog. Q. What are some of the nicest things about where you live? A. The place where I live in is a clam area and is very neat and clean. You will find it naturally beautiful and the lakes, gardens, fountain, river, hill and the songs of birds will take your heart away. Whenever my friends from other cities come to visit my area, they become awestricken! Our area is indeed a beautiful place to live in. The people are very nice and friendly and you would be very pleased with their charming behaviours if you visit there. The area is free of pollution as it not an industrial area and the fresh air would give a soothing feeling. The traffic on the road is good most of the time and you won’t have to worry about the public transportation as they are available around the clock. This area is famous for many historical sites and monuments like ……… and many tourists come to visit here every day. The tour guides are very nice and are maintained by Government. There are many restaurants there and you can pick one of your delicious menus from there and I am sure you will never forget the taste! People in our area lead simple yet friendly lives and they make friends easily. The crime rate is pretty low and as a small town we know other members of our area. I am sure if you visit our area once, you will simply love it. Q. Are there any places of special interest I could visit in your home area? A. The Gomez River and Roar Hills are two most beautiful places in our area. Thousands of tourists each month come to visit our area and these two places are main attractions for the tourists. Apart from that, some monuments of famous politicians, poets and renowned persons in the Family Square is one of the main attractions and it is worth visiting. The hill hiking, swimming and fishing are three most popular activities among tourists and I would recommend those activities to you. You will never get bored there and if you even slightly do, simply get yourself enrolled in the government managed tour plans for couple of days. This would give you a whole new chance to explore hills, rivers, forests and you would find challenges and enthralling experiences from there. Lastly, do not forget to taste our local foods and fruits. Take the chance to visit our area and I am sure you would start recommending your friends after that. IELTS Speaking   Q. Could you describe some of them for me? A. The Gomez River is a long river that passes through our town. The water is crystal clear and you can see the fishes, corals and other objects inside it. The water is surprisingly warm and when you will look at it, you will be surprised to see all the fishes there. It is like a large aquarium. The reflection of the sky gives it a heavenly look and many people go there for picnic and fishing there. In the evening children and parents play in the fields beside the river and you can find some newly constructed motels and restaurants there. Swimming in this river is a popular activity among local people and tourists in the summer season. The Roar hill is another beautiful site in our area and it got its names from the roaring echo sound it creates. There are several hills there and they are over 300- 500 feet tall. The vista, illusionary sound of birds, the natural beauty and fountains give it a painted picture like looks. In the evening when the sun starts hiding behind the hills, people look at this out-of the-world scenery simply in amazement. Q. What would be the best way for me to get there? A. If you have private car with you, you can drive along the roads and reach there. From the city center, both of the destinations would be around 1 and half hour’s journey. Alternatively, you can take a public bus or hire a small car and reach there. The rent of the public transportation is fixed and you need not to pay any extra charge. If you enroll with the tour service provider, they will manage the plan, route and based on your preference, you can either share a zip or can take a private car for rent. The later one is comparatively expensive. Q. What sort of places could I stay at? A. You can stay at a tourist motel near the hills or can rent a hotel room in the city center. If you are visiting your family members, then villa near the hill road would be better alternatives for you. Almost every tourist motel provides meals facility. Q. Should I go at any special time of year? A. Most of the tourists come to our area during the summer season and I would recommend you to visit during summer as well. There are lots of activities you can do during this period and you will find the beauty of our city at that time. [ I see, this has all been very interesting.] Part 2 – Cue Card Topic:

Describe a problem that affects the environment in the area where you live.

You should say:
  • what the problem is
  • what causes it
  • what people feel about the problem
and explain what you think could be done to solve it. IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card.

Describe a problem that affects the environment in the area where you live.

You should say:
  • what the problem is
  • what causes it
  • what people feel about the problem
and explain what you think could be done to solve it. Sample Answer: There are so many problem that negatively affects the environment in our area and among them the highly density of population in my opinion is the most severe one. While in many countries, less than 100 people live in one square kilometer, we have got around thousands of people living in one square kilometer. Because of this high population in a small city, lots of problems are arising. The expenditure to support living is quite high compared to the average earning of the people, a heavy traffic has become a common scenario in the roads and as a consequence, lots of time is killed every day. The lower economic people are not getting the proper education and hospital facility, crime has increase than ever, lots of unplanned and risky constructions have been established, the environment is getting polluted and seems like no one cares. There are many reasons that caused this outburst of this mass population in our city and among them the most influential reason is the centralization of industry in this city. Most of the factory, offices and organizations are located in this city and people from all area of the country are coming here to find a living. The unemployment in rural area is another reason why people are trying to stay here. The political reason not to take strict decisions on making equal opportunity in the country is another reason. The businesses and job opportunity attracts people to come and live here in this city. People can feel the heat of this uncontrolled population and the problems are creating for that but they have little control over it. We all suffer from the problems and talk about it but I have not seen any big movement to solve this problem. On the other hand the political leaders who can take initiatives to lessen the problem are sometimes corrupted to take appropriate and honest steps. There are lots of theories to solve this problem and seems like we all know about it. First of all decentralization should be done and industries and factories that can be moves to other areas should be moved. Proper education and job sectors should be ensured so that people can earn their living at their cities rather than coming here. Local government can be formed to support and improve each area of the country. Each local government should be able to invest and decide about the development projects in their area. People naturally want to live in a better place where they can find the necessary infrastructure, daily needs and can earn a living. If that can be ensured throughout the country, this problem can be reduced.

Part 3 – Two-way discussion:

Q. What causes environmental problems? Q. What should the government do to protect the environment? Q. What should we do to protect the environment? Q. What other measures can you think of to protect the environment? Q. How should we educate children to protect environment? Q. What’s the difference between the old and the young as regards environmental protection?

Similar Cue Card Topics

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would also enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:
  1. Describe pollution in your city.
  2. Describe a problem you face in your city.
  3. Describe air or sound pollution in your city.
  4. Describe something you would like to change in your hometown.
Part 3 – Details Discussion [Now let’s go to real life and you…..] Q. Tell me, what do you think are the greatest problems facing your country at present? A. Economic development issue, political instability, unemployment and healthcare are the major issues most of the people in my country face. In my opinion these are the most burning issues and the greatest problems we have in our country. Q. And what has been done so far to solve these problems? A. The government has taken many initiatives for the economic progress of our country. According to the statistics, we are indeed progressing. But I am not convinced with the reported statistics. I want to see the result, I want to feel it. The political instability seems like consuming most of our good will and energy. While major political parties should have worked together to help improve our economic conditions, sometimes their actions give me real doubt whether they are the type of leaders we need for our country! IELTS Classes On the positive sides, government has emphasized on ICT sector, has made the export process easier for business people, established many training institutes to enhance the skill of the rural people and those are all hopeful signs. Someday definitely we will see the progress. Education, skill, foreign investment, job security etc. are also important areas where the government has invested a lot of money. The aim of this investment is to create a skilled and educated generation who would lead the economy and the country. The healthcare section is still an expensive area for the mass people and the government’s initiatives for establishment of new hospitals, enrolling more doctors and nurses are in reality very little compared to the actual need. Q. How successful would you say these measures have been? A. These measures are successful to some extent but if I present it in figures, it would only few percentages than the actual progress we expect. For instance: more than three thousands hospitals are required throughout the country whereas only 45 hospitals have been established in the last one year. Q. Do you think things are likely to get better or worse in the future? A. We hope that the problem we have in our country would be resolved in next few years. The government and other organizations are working hard to address these issues and we are noticing some progress. So we can definitely be positive and wait for the glorious days when we won’t have those issues. This was an optimistic idea and I possess this positive idea about my country. But the greatest obstacle is the hunger for power and our political parties often create haphazard situation for the power. This is the single reason that can degrade the situation in the future. Q. Is what you are going to study likely to be of any use to solve these problems? A. I am going to finish my graduation majoring Computer Science and I am very positive that it would directly or indirectly help eradicate unemployment, economic progress issues to some extent that I have talked about. After finishing my education, I would establish a small software company and hopefully one day it would grow to be a large company where thousands of employees would work. The ICT sector also helps earning foreign remittance for a country and I would also contribute to enhance the foreign remittance for my country. [Thank you very much. It’s been pleasant talking to you. I wish you success in your study program. Goodbye.]

IELTS Mentor



IELTS Classroom:Academic Writing Task 1

IELTS Preparation

Test Tip

When writing a Task 1 answer, it is important to describe numbers and data in different ways to avoid repetition. You will be given credit for doing this, as it will show you have a wider range of

How to Write an IELTS Writing Task 1

On the following pages you can see model answers for IELTS writing task 1 questions. There are examples of all the different types of task which include line graphs, pie charts, tables, processes, diagrams and maps. First, on this page, you’ll get an overview of how to answer a task 1. vocabulary.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Answers will always vary depending on the type of graph or diagram, and the type of language will vary, but there is a certain structure that they all follow. Once you have studied the general structure, you can view other examples by following the links in the right hand column.

How do I answer an IELTS writing task 1?

To analyse this, we’ll look at a line graph. Look at the following question and the graph.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The line graph below shows changes in the amount and type of fast food consumed by Australian teenagers from 1975 to 2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
There are three basic things you need to structure an IELTS writing task 1.  
  • Introduce the graph
  • Give an overview
  • Give the detail
  We’ll look at each of these in turn.

1) Introduce the Graph

You need to begin with one or two sentences that state what the IELTS writing task 1 shows. To do this, paraphrase the title of the graph, making sure you put in a time frame if there is one. Here is an example for the above line graph:
The line graph compares the fast food consumption of teenagers in Australia between 1975 and 2000, a period of 25 years.
You can see this says the same thing as the title, but in a different way.

2) Give an Overview

You also need to state what the main trend or trends in the graph are. Don’t give detail such as data here – you are just looking for something that describes what is happening overall. One thing that stands out in this graph is that one type of fast food fell over the period, whilst the other two increased, so this would be a good overview. Here is an example:
Overall, the consumption of fish and chips declined over the period, whereas the amount of pizza and hamburgers that were eaten increased.
This covers the main changes that took place over the whole period. You may sometimes see this overview as a conclusion. It does not matter if you put it in the conclusion or the introduction when you do an IELTS writing task 1, but you should provide an overview in one of these places.

3) Give the Detail

You can now give more specific detail in the body paragraphs. When you give the detail in your body paragraphs in your IELTS writing task 1, you must make reference to the data. The key to organizing your body paragraphs for an IELTS writing task 1 is to group data together where there are patterns. To do this you need to identify any similarities and differences. Look at the graph – what things are similar and what things are different? As we have already identified in the overview, the consumption of fish and chips declined over the period, whereas the amount of pizza and hamburgers that were eaten increased. So it is clear that pizza and hamburgers were following a similar pattern, but fish and chips were different. On this basis, you can use these as your ‘groups’, and focus one paragraph on fish and chip and the other one on pizza and hamburgers. Here is an example of the first paragraph:
In 1975, the most popular fast food with Australian teenagers was fish and chips, being eaten 100 times a year. This was far higher than Pizza and hamburgers, which were consumed approximately 5 times a year. However, apart from a brief rise again from 1980 to 1985, the consumption of fish and chips gradually declined over the 25 year timescale to finish at just under 40.
As you can see, the focus is on fish and chips. This does not mean you should not mention the other two foods, as you should still make comparisons of the data as the questions asks. The second body then focuses on the other foods:
In sharp contrast to this, teenagers ate the other two fast foods at much higher levels. Pizza consumption increased gradually until it overtook the consumption of fish and chips in 1990. It then levelled off from 1995 to 2000. The biggest rise was seen in hamburgers as the occasions they were eaten increased sharply throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s, exceeding that of fish and chips in 1985. It finished at the same level that fish and chips began, with consumption at 100 times a year.

Full Model Answer:

The line graph compares the fast food consumption of teenagers in Australia between 1975 and 2000, a period of 25 years. Overall, the consumption of fish and chips declined over the period, whereas the amount of pizza and hamburgers that were eaten increased. Ielts Training In 1975, the most popular fast food with Australian teenagers was fish and chips, being eaten 100 times a year. This was far higher than Pizza and hamburgers, which were consumed approximately 5 times a year. However, apart from a brief rise again from 1980 to 1985, the consumption of fish and chips gradually declined over the 25 year timescale to finish at just under 40. In sharp contrast to this, teenagers ate the other two fast foods at much higher levels. Pizza consumption increased gradually until it overtook the consumption of fish and chips in 1990. It then levelled off from 1995 to 2000. The biggest rise was seen in hamburgers as the occasions they were eaten increased sharply throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s, exceeding that of fish and chips in 1985. It finished at the same level that fish and chips began, with consumption at 100 times a year. (194 words)

Academic task 1 – trend vocabulary

This post looks at some vocabulary for IELTS writing task 1 when you need to describe a graph or chart that has a time element. I begin by looking at some of the most common vocabulary you need. Then I give you some variations and talk about  some grammar.

Test yourself first

Before you read on, you may want to test your knowledge first.  
Examine the bar chart and answer these questions
  1. Look at this chart and click on the correct sentences.
    1. There was a decrease of the amount of rainfall in April.
    2. Rainfall increased dramatically in July.
    3. The most rain fell in July when it peaked at just over 150 mm.
    4. The amount of rain rose by just over 150 mm in July.
    5. There was an increase of the amount of rain in February,
    6. There was a steadily decrease in the amount of rain between February and June.

The most basic trend vocabulary – a few variations

Let’s look at this graph and see what words we need to describe it. Put simply we need language that describes
  • up (2009 to 2010),
  • down (2008 to 2009),
  • up and down (between 2006 and 2009)
  • no change (2006 and 2007)
  • the top (2010)
The trend vocabulary I am going to suggest may seem very basic. It does, however, allow you to say the same thing in up to 6 different ways.That’s good. Tip: if you find yourself repeating a word, try changing the form of it from a verb to a noun You should also note that, even this basic language, there are a variety of grammar problems that cause many candidates problems. That’s bad.

Up variations

Down variations

Up and down

Sometimes you need to describe a graph that goes up and then down. Here we have fewer options.

No change


Preposition problem 1 – by and to

Prepositions are horrid in English. Have another look at the graph: Note how these two sentences mean exactly the same:
The rate of unemployment rose to 12% in 2010. The rate of unemployment rose by 5% in 2010.

Preposition problem 2 – in and of

This one is harder. We use “in” to describe changes in things and “of” to describe changes in number or amount. For example,
There was a rise in the rate of unemployment There was a rise of 5% in the rate of unemployment.
The chart below gives information about Someland’s main exports in 2005, 2015, and future projections for 2025. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. IELTS Writing Task 1

Model answer

This bar chart illustrates the performance of Someland’s primary exports in 2005 and 2015. It also indicates future projections for 2025. According to the data, it seems likely that international tourism will become the dominant industry, although dairy exports will remain strong. In 2005, we can see that tourism was the greatest exports earner of the three industries, with revenue standing at just over $6 billion. This figure has increased slightly, so that now, in 2015, it has reached almost $7 billion. It is estimated that international tourism will continue to grow, so that by 2025, it will be earning around $8 billion for the country. In 2000, dairy exports were worth around $5 billion, but since then there has been a dramatic increase, and sales for this year are approximately $8 billion. Experts are predicting that exports in this area may fall slightly, so a figure of $7.5 billion is expected for 2025. Meat products are the third key industry in Someland, but sales have dropped since 2000 and now stand at $3.5 billion. It is expected that sales will continue to decrease in the future. (187 words)

IELTS Writing Task 1

Test Tip

This chart does not provide information about population size. If you choose to include information in your answer that is not given in the task, you will not get extra marks. In fact, it may be considered irrelevant and you may be penalised if you make detailed comments about information that is not provided in the chart.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The chart below gives information about the most common sports played in New Zealand in 2002. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. IELTS Writing Task 1

Model answer

The bar graph provides information about the most Common sports played in New Zealand in 2002. It gives figures for both boys and girls and clearly shows that their participation in sports is fairly equal. However, their sporting preferences tend to be different. According to the graph, the most popular sport among girls is netball, with participation rates reaching 25 per cent. A similar percentage of boys prefer soccer, which is clearly their favourite sport. Ten per cent of boys also enjoy playing cricket but hardly any girls take part in this game. While swimming is popular among both boys and girls, fewer boys participate in this sport – about 13 per cent compared to approximately 22 per cent of girls. Other sports such as tennis, basketball and martial arts have lower levels of popularity, and a significant percentage of boys and girls say they enjoy sports not referred to on the chart. (153 words)

IELTS Writing Task 1

IELTS Writing Guide

1) This is a formal piece of writing. 2) Avoid using contractions (e.g. write it has decreased not it’s decreased). 3) Avoid using very informal vocabulary (e.g. write it has become more popular not it has gotmore popular). 4) Avoid using very informal punctuation, such as exclamation marks. 5) Try to use linking devices, such as In contrast, However, Moreover, Similarly, to connect points.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The graph below shows relative price changes for fresh fruits and vegetables, sugars and sweets, and carbonated drinks between 1978 and 2009. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. IELTS Writing Task 1 Data are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and represent the U.S. city averages for all urban consumers in January of each year.

Read the following model answer. Complete the answer by filling the gaps with a word from the box below.

periodic period temporarily remained and
steady steadily by from trend

Model answer

The graph shows changes in the price of fresh fruits and vegetables, sugar and sweets, and carbonated drinks over a thirty-year ………. in the US between 1979 ………. 2009. The graph also shows the general ………. in the consumer price index during this time. While the consumer price index showed a slow and ………. increase from 1979 to 2009, the same cannot be said for the price of carbonated, or soft drinks. After rising briefly between 1979 and 1981, they ………. fairly constant until 1999, when the price did begin to increase slowly. In contrast, there was a marked difference in the price of fresh fruits and vegetables, which, despite………. fluctuations, rose ………. throughout this period. In fact, fresh food prices only levelled out………. between 1990 and 1992 and again ………. 2000 to 2001. However, ………. 2008 the price had increased by more than 300%

IELTS Writing Task 1

IELTS Writing Guide

1) This is a formal piece of writing. 2) Avoid using contractions (e.g. write it has decreased not it’s decreased). 3) Avoid using very informal vocabulary (e.g. write it has become more popular not it has gotmore popular). 4) Avoid using very informal punctuation, such as exclamation marks. 5) Try to use linking devices, such as In contrast, However, Moreover, Similarly, to connect points.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The graph below shows relative price changes for fresh fruits and vegetables, sugars and sweets, and carbonated drinks between 1978 and 2009. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. IELTS Writing Task 1 Data are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and represent the U.S. city averages for all urban consumers in January of each year.

Read the following model answer. Complete the answer by filling the gaps with a word from the box below.

periodic period temporarily remained and
steady steadily by from trend

Model answer

The graph shows changes in the price of fresh fruits and vegetables, sugar and sweets, and carbonated drinks over a thirty-year period in the US between 1979 and 2009. The graph also shows the general trend in the consumer price index during this time. While the consumer price index showed a slow and steady increase from 1979 to 2009, the same cannot be said for the price of carbonated, or soft drinks. After rising briefly between 1979 and 1981, they remained fairly constant until 1999, when the price did begin to increase slowly. In contrast, there was a marked difference in the price of fresh fruits and vegetables, which, despiteperiodic fluctuations, rose steadily throughout this period. In fact, fresh food prices only levelled out temporarily between 1990 and 1992 and again from 2000 to 2001. However, by 2008 the price had increased by more than 300%.

IELTS Writing Task 1

IELTS Writing Guide

1) This is a formal piece of writing. 2) Avoid using contractions (e.g. write it has decreased not it’s decreased). 3) Avoid using very informal vocabulary (e.g. write it has become more popular not it has gotmore popular). 4) Avoid using very informal punctuation, such as exclamation marks. 5) Try to use linking devices, such as In contrast, However, Moreover, Similarly, to connect points.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The graph below shows relative price changes for fresh fruits and vegetables, sugars and sweets, and carbonated drinks between 1978 and 2009. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. IELTS Writing Task 1 Data are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and represent the U.S. city averages for all urban consumers in January of each year.

Read the following model answer. Complete the answer by filling the gaps with a word from the box below.

periodic period temporarily remained and
steady steadily by from trend

Model answer

The graph shows changes in the price of fresh fruits and vegetables, sugar and sweets, and carbonated drinks over a thirty-year period in the US between 1979 and 2009. The graph also shows the general trend in the consumer price index during this time. While the consumer price index showed a slow and steady increase from 1979 to 2009, the same cannot be said for the price of carbonated, or soft drinks. After rising briefly between 1979 and 1981, they remained fairly constant until 1999, when the price did begin to increase slowly. In contrast, there was a marked difference in the price of fresh fruits and vegetables, which, despite periodic fluctuations, rose steadily throughout this period. In fact, fresh food prices only levelled out temporarily between 1990 and 1992 and again from 2000 to 2001. However, by 2008 the price had increased by more than 300%.

IELTS Writing Task 1

Writing Exam Tip

When you first see a bar chart, ask yourself the following questions: 1) What do the numbers on the vertical/horizontal axis measures? 2) How is the information grouped on the other axis? 3) What do the different shades of the bars show? 4) When was the data collected? The answers will give you the essential information for understanding it. Make sure you know which units are being used to measure quantities.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The chart below gives information about science qualifications held by people in two countries. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. ielts writing sample

Model answer

The bar chart illustrates the percentage of people who hold a science qualification in Singapore and Malaysia. A prominent feature is that a significantly low percentage of people hold science qualifications, that is Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in science from university level studies in both countries. Less than 5% of people hold a qualification in science at Master’s degree level in both Singapore and Malaysia. There is a significant difference in the percentage of people holding science qualifications at Bachelor level between the two countries; while this number is 20% in Singapore, in Malaysia it is a mere 10%. The percentage of people with school leaving exams in science is slightly higher in Malaysia than in Singapore. 35% of people in Malaysia have a science qualification at this level, whereas the number in Singapore is 5% lower. Finally, more than half the people in both countries hold no science qualification at all. (152 words)

Academic IELTS Writing task 1 Sample 1 – Male and female workers in 1975 and 1995 in several employment sectors of the republic of Freedonia

Write a report for a university teacher describing the information shown. » You should write at least 150 words. » You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Male and female workers in 1975 in Freedonia
Male and female workers in 1995 in Freedonia
Sample Answer 1: The given diagrams compare the male and female employment status in six different job sectors in two different years – 1975 & 1995. As is seen from the given illustration, men were well ahead of women in all the job sectors in Freedonia in 1975. However, the scenario changed in the 1995 and women did a remarkable progress in their professions. According to the given diagrams, men in Freedonia were well ahead of female in manufacturing, finance/banking, wholesale & retail trade, defence and non-defence sectors. In manufacturing more than 600 male employees could be seen against only 300 female employees. Except in communication sector, the proportion of male employees was far greater than that of females. Among the given job sectors, the public /non-defence sector had the highest number of employees while the defence sector had the least number of employees. After 20 years, women showed an outstanding advancement in the job sectors and they went well ahead of men in communication, wholesale & retail trade sectors. They become almost equal in number in finance and banking jobs while the gap between male and female employees’ numbers reduced in defence jobs. The only sector that was still male dominant was manufacturing and the job ratio in this sector remained almost same as it was 20 years earlier. Sample Answer 2: The given graphs provide data on the workforce in six different professions in the republic of Freedonia in 1975 and 1995. As is observed, the graphs illustrate the progress of empowering women in the work market over the twenty years, even the number of females exceeded the number of males in some work fields.
In 1975, the number of employed men was considerably higher compared to the number of women in all sectors, in particular, manufacturing, finance and banking and public sector (defence). By 1995 there was a significant increase in the number of working females in communication, finance and marketing and wholesale and retail trade, where the number of employed women in these sectors was around 250, 120 and 550 out of thousands respectively and it rose by approximately 300 out of thousand in each sector. Taking into consideration the number of women surpassed the number of men in communication and wholesale and retail sectors, it is evident that women empowerment in employment sectors in Freedonia had significantly progressed in the given period.
Sample Answer 3: The given line graphs illustrate the number of male and female workers in various employment sectors of the republic of Fredonia in the year 1975 and 1995. The first point to note is that the highest number of male and female workers were occupied in the public sector and wholesale and retail trade sector in both years. Public sector occupied the same number of employees in both two years that is 840 males and 640 females. Wholesale and retail trade sector stands close behind with 650 male and 460 female employees in the year 1975, while a slight reverse order in the year 1995 with 800 females and 650 males. Manufacturing section consumes almost an equal number of employees in both years with 600 males and half of its females. Interestingly, almost an equal number of employees in communication sector in the year 1975 with 240 and 250 females and males respectively, changed to its double in female workers and with the same number of male workers in the year 1995. This same trend was shown in finance and banking sector. However, defence public sector occupied the lowest number with 10 female and 210 male workers in the year 1975 and 100 females and its double male workers in the year 1995.
In conclusion, it is clear from the graphs that, there are fluctuations in the number in both years. But male employees are more compared to females in almost all the sectors in the given years.
(Approximately 238 words )
Model Answer 4: The provided illustrations compare the male and female workers in different employment sectors in Freedonia over 20 years of time by providing data for the years 1975 and 1995. As is observed from the given line graphs, women were far behind in employment in Freedonia in 1975 but within 20 years they made remarkable progress almost in all sectors and went well ahead of men in communications and wholesale & retail trade sectors. The graphs compare the number of male and female workers in 6 different sectors of Freedonia per thousand. In 1975, more men than women were employed in almost all the mentioned sectors of job categories. For instance, approximately 650 men were employed in manufacturing related jobs compared to only 300 women per thousand of total employees in the same sectors. In almost all other cases, the numbers of male employees were much higher than the women and in communication sectors men were bit ahead than female in their employment ration. After 20 years, in 1995, women made outstanding progress in Freedonian job sectors. For instance, in communication sectors almost 600 female were employed compared to 300 male workers per thousand. Women went ahead of men in wholesale & retail trade sectors too. Except for the public sectors (non-defence) women hold the trends of progress compared to men in all other sectors. In 1975 only about 40 women worked in defence sectors and this number grew to more than 100 per thousand after 20 years. In summary women did remarkable progress in Freedonian job fields over 20 years and they went ahead of men in many job sectors.
(Approximately 270 words) (These two model answers can be followed  as examples of a well-written answer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.)
Sample Answer 5: The provided line graphs compare the employment history of men and women in 1975 and 1995 dividing in six major sectors namely: manufacturing, communications, finance/ banking, wholesale & retail trade, non-defence public sectors and defence public sectors. As is observed from the given illustration, significant changes have been made in women’s employment and women appear to have made remarkable improvements in almost the entire job sectors in Freedonia and in some sectors women went well ahead of men. Initially, in 1975, men were notably ahead of women in every sector of employment. For example, in communication sector about 260 men worked against 220 women in every thousand employees. Twenty years later, though the number of men remained unchanged, the number of women rose to over 550 in one thousand. A similar trend can be seen in the wholesale and retail trade sector, where the number of women rose from about 550 to almost 800 in every 1000 employees of this sector two decades later. The number of men in this sector remained stable over the period, at around 700 / thousand. Women also made their prominence in both the finance/ banking industries and in the defence-related public sector during this period. Where 125 women among one thousand employees worked in finance & banking institutions in 1975, this number increased to 450 by 1995. The number of men grew only marginally from 425 to 480 over the same period. In defence sector, the number of men declined from 225 to 200 per thousand, while the number of women rose from 25 to over 100 per thousand. Two sectors that remained almost stable in terms of men and women employee ration are manufacturing and public sector. In manufacturing, about 300 women and 650 men worked in both surveyed years, and in public sector (non-defence), which employed 650 women and 850 men. In conclusion, we can say that women appear to have made gains in the workforce in Freedonia and in some sectors they went well ahead compared to men.

Tips for Answering this Academic Writing Task 1 Question:

1. Two line graphs are provided in this writing task 1, so start the introduction part as follows: The given line graphs provide data on….. Do not use, ‘the give line graph shows…’ as there are more than one graphs present in this question. 2. The two line graphs compare the number of male and female employees in 6 employment sectors in Freedonia. The first graph shows the data for the year 1975 while the second graph shows data for the year 1995. 3. The first graph shows that the male employees were well ahead in all the job sectors in Freedonia. But after 20 years that scenario changed  and women did a remarkable progress in the job sectors. 4. Initially, in 1975, men were higher in number in terms of their involvement in different work sectors. Only in Finance and Banking sector, female were close to the male. 5. After 20 years in 1995, the number of women employees crossed the number of men employees in communications & wholesale & retail trade sectors. 6. In communication sector, the number of women employees reached to 550 per thousand while this number was only 210 per thousand in 1975. 7. Do not only give the numbers of male and female employees in 6 job sectors of Freedonia in 1975 and 1995. Rather make a comparison of the male and female employee numbers and show some of the comparisons for women about how many of them were employed in 1975 and how these numbers have increased in 1995. Keep in mind that the writing expects you to be able to compare the women’s improvement and increasing involvement in job sectors of Freedonia. Summary of the graphs: In Freedonia, women’s involvement in major job sectors has increased remarkably in 20 years. Initially, in 1975, they were less in number than the male employees in all the 6 major job sectors. But within 20 years, they did significant progress and have crossed the number of male employees in some sectors. Sample Answer 6: The provided line graphs compare the number of male and female workers in 6 broad job sectors of Freedonia. As is presented in the two line graphs, women have made a significant improvement in Freedonian job sectors over the 20 years. Initially, in 1975, men were ahead in all job sectors than women. In manufacturing job fields, around 220 women were employed while the number of male employees was well over 600 per thousand. Men were ahead of women in terms of their involvement in jobs in all of the mentioned 6 broad sectors. In Finance/ Banking, wholesale & retail trade, non-defense public sector, women were far more behind than their male counterpart. Only in communications sector women were close to men. Among 1000 employees in defence public sector women were less than 50 where men were around 250. The first graph thus depicts the men and women workforce in Freedonia in 1975. But after 20 years in 1995, the scenario had changed significantly. Women crossed men in terms of their job involvement in communication and wholesale & retail trade. In defence, the number of women workers doubled that the number of 1975, whereas the number of men had decreased to 200. In non-defence sector, the differences had not changed that much but in communications and Finance/ Banking sector women have done significant improvement compared to their number 20 years back. In summary, women in Freedonia had done a remarkable progress in job sectors and in some cases had superseded their male counterparts. (Approximately 225 words) Sample Answer 7: The line graphs illustrate the number of male and female workers in various sectors in Freedonia in 1975 and 1995. It is evident that manufacturing, trade and non-defence public sector employed most number of people. From the graph, it is clear that in 1975, male workers were involved in much greater numbers than females especially in manufacturing where about 700 men were involved which was more than twice the number of females. Similarly, men were employed over five times the number of females in banking. In all the other sectors men were considerably ahead in terms of employment in 1975. Then in 1995 female employment rocketed in communications, becoming almost double of that for males (300). It surpassed the male employment in retail trade as well (800 women per thousand employees). Except in manufacturing where the situation remained the same as 1975, women employment increased significantly in all the other sectors. Thus it is clear that male employment was much higher in 1975 compared to women but women employment have rocketed through the 20 years and has surpassed the male employment in some sectors. (Approximately 184 words ) Model Answer 8: In the year 1975, men have outnumbered female workers in each and every sector in most of the cases the gap between them was very wide except in the case of communication. To start with, in the manufacturing there were around 700 men to a total of 300 women and for finance/banking these numbers were 450 and 150 respectively. Maximum number per thousand employees was in the public sector (900) with least number in defence (only 200). Same was true for women as well with. In the year 1995, statistics changed drastically and women exceeded in number to men in the field of communication and wholesale & retail trade. They were the maximum in wholesale sector and continue to be least in defence sector. Overall there is no major change for male workers in any sector except in defence where a minute decline in numbers can be seen. There still is a huge gap in male and female workers in the manufacturing sector but in the case of finance, the gap is now narrowed down to almost nill. (Approximately 172 words  ) Model Answer 9: The graphs give us a brief idea about the various changes that has taken place in 6 different employment sectors in Freedonia based on the population of both male and female sexes from 1975 to 1995. Though there isn’t a major increase in the overall number of employees, some of the individual sectors showed a notable increase in its work population. The defence sector had the least number of men and women and even though there was a slight variation in the number of women the number of men in this sector remained the same in both the years. Manufacturing at 600 above men, 250 women and public sector apart from defence at 800 above men and 600 above women had no significant changes in both the years whatsoever. Most changes had been in the communication, finance and wholesale sectors with a large increase in the number of people from 1975 to 1995 speaks out in the volume of the interest of the general public towards these sectors. Communication and wholesale sector had seen a huge hike in the number of women even overtaking men in the process. On these grounds, I conclude by saying the prominence of women in employment sectors in Freedonia is evident when we compare the graph of 1995 and 1975. (Approximately 172 words  ) Model Answer 10: As can be seen from the graphs, among all the sectors, non-defence public sector was the most popular working field for both the genders in 1975, in which, the number of  males and females was around 900,000 and 700,000 respectively. Interestingly, the figures for both the genders in this sector remained the same even in1995, followed by wholesale and retail sector, where the rate of women employees was 570,000 in1975 which rose to 800,000 after 2 decades whereas the figures for their counterparts worked in the same sector stayed at a constant figure of 800,000 throughout the period. Likewise, in the field of manufacturing, the number of males and females had no change after 20 years from 700,000 and 300,000 respectively.  Noticeably, the number of men occupied in the field of communication and banking /finance remained steady during the time period at 300,000 and just over 400,000 correspondingly; whilst the figures for female employees in communication sector underwent a threefold increase from about 300,000 by 1995. Similarly, in the banking sector, women had a fourfold rise to almost 450,000. It can be seen that only 25,000 women worked in the defence/ public sector in1975, while the figures for men was more than 225,000. However, the rate of the former rose by 4 times and reached 100,000 after 20 years whereas the figures for the latter had a fall to 200,000. To conclude, the occupational data for men had no considerable change whereas massive changes took place in the case of women workers over a 20 year period. (Approximately 256 words  )


The given line graphs depict the comparative employment scenario in Freedonia in 6 job sectors, from 1995 and 1975. As the graphs show, there was a remarkable change in 3 sectors- communication, banking and retail trades in terms of women empowerment. In 1975, the number of women men employees in communication sector were a bit more than 200 and 250 respectively out of a thousand employees in different sectors. But in 1995 there was an outstanding growth in the number of women employees in this sector. The other visible change was in finance and banking sector. The growth rate of women employees was more than men in this sector. As it is showed in the graph, the number of women employees was around 150 but it reached to over 400 in 20 years. The third sector which also witnessed an outstanding change was retail store sector. The number of women employees increased around 300, although the number of men had not changed in this sector. Sectors like manufacturing, defence and public sector were mostly occupied by men in both of the years.
The two charts depict the information about the gender involvement in six public sectors of the republic of Freedonia during 1975 and 1995. Overall, men had predominated throughout the survey in all six sectors except communication and wholesale trade where women’s participation had slightly higher than the men. The most striking change was in the communication sector, where the number of female staff rose significantly from about 260000 to above 560000 whereas the man’s number remained at the same around 300000. Furthermore, the numbers of women in banking dramatically increased from about 175000 to 450000 in 1995 while men’s share remained unchanged. The third biggest participation of women was in the wholesale trade sector, which reached 700000 in 1995 from below 600000 in 1975, but the men shared slightly above this number. No changes can be seen in the manufacturing and the public non-defense during the survey. The public defence was the only department where the female participation slightly increased from approximately 20000 to 100000, in contrast, men number reduced by 25000 in 1995.

Academic IELTS Writing task 1 Sample 2 – Eating sweet foods produces acid in the mouth which can cause tooth decay

Describe the information below and discuss the implications for dental health. »You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. »You should write at least 150 words.
Acid level in mouth from consumption of sugar/honey Sample answer 1: The provided line graph illustrates the acid level in the mouth which is created by consuming sweet foods specifically sugar and honey and possibility of tooth decay because of this acid level. As is presented in the line-graph, the higher the acid level the lower the pH value and a pH level less than 5.5 is detrimental for the tooth and causes the tooth decay. The given graph shows that the initial pH level of our mouth is 7 which begin to fall after consuming sweet foods. When we eat sweet item like cane sugar, the pH level drops to 3.5 in 5 minutes and remain in danger level (below pH level 5.5) for more than 30 minutes. Consuming fruit sugar drops the pH level nearly to 4 and remains in danger level for about 20 minutes. And finally when we eat honey, the pH level fall below 5 and it remains under risk level for about 13 minutes. As the low pH level means higher acidity and causes tooth decay, cane sugar among the mentioned three food items is the most harmful for our tooth.

(Approximately 186 words)

Sample Answer 2: The provided line graph shows the acid level of our mouth which is created from consumption of fruit sugar, cane sugar & honey and compares their effects on our tooth decay. When the pH level in the mouth is above 5.5, acidity remains in such a level that teeth are unlikely to be in danger from decay. Sweet foods, however, cause pH in the mouth to drop for a time, and the longer the pH levels remain below 5.5, the greater the possibility for decay to occur. The illustration compares the fruit sugar, cane sugar and honeys, which are the most common ingredients of sweet foods, causes the pH level to drop below the danger level after 5 minutes. Among these 3 sweet items, cane sugar decrease the pH level most quickly and causes to remain the level under the danger level for the longest period (over 30 minutes) and thus produce the greatest risk among the three. After consuming the cane sugar, the pH level drops to level 3.5 and remains there for over half an hour. On the other hand, fruit sugar causes the acidity level of mouth to fall under pH level 4 in 5 minutes and remains under threat level for 20 minutes. Finally the honey appears to be less risky among the three causes the pH level to drop to 4.7 in 5 minutes and proceed to above pH 5.5 level within 15 minutes of consumption. In conclusion all of the sweet items possess the possibility of causing tooth decay and honey and fruit sugar are likely to cause less decay than the cane sugar does. (Approximately 271 words) ( These 2 model answers can be followed as examples of standard answers. However, please note there are other good ways of writing possible good answer.)

Tips for answering this Writing Task 1 Question:

1. Please note that the question asks you to “describe the information presented in the graph and also discuss the implications for dental health”. So you have to mention which food items creates more acid level for longer time and are comparatively injurious for teeth. You must classify which food items are comparatively safe as well. First compare the three food items in terms of the acid level they create in mouth and how long this acid level remains in danger level. Then suggest which food items among cane sugar, fruit sugar and honey is comparatively safe and which item/ items are not. 2. Notice the following trends from the given line graphs: a) Higher the acid level, the lower the pH level. b) pH level below 5.5 is dangerous for the tooth as the tooth decay occurs below 5.5 pH level. c) Honey is comparatively safer than other two food items as it decreases the pH level of the mouth slowly and the acid level goes to the safe level very quickly. On the other hand after consuming cane sugar the pH level falls under danger level quickly and remains there for the longest time among the three food items. 3. To answer this question first mention the acid / pH level which occurs the tooth decay and the level when it is safe. Now take the three given food items and mention them individually: how longer it takes to reach the pH level of mouth below 5.5 after consuming this food item and then how longer this level remains under 5.5. Finally suggest which food items are comparatively safer and which are not.

Summary of the Line Graph:

After consuming different sweet food items, the acid level of our mouth increases. The higher acid level is presented by the lower pH value. When the pH value gets under 5.5, the tooth decay occurs. Among the given three food items i.e. cane sugar, fruit sugar and honey, the third item (honey) is comparatively safer for our dental health. This is because after consuming all the honey the pH level remains under danger level for about 12 minutes compared to the 20 minutes for the fruit sugar and 31 minutes for cane sugar. This also indicates that the cane sugar is more likely to damage our tooth among the provided three sweet food items.

Sample Answer 3: The bar graph illustrates the acid level of mouth after consumption of three different nutrients such as fruit sugar, cane sugar and honey over the period of forty minutes. According to the bar graph, it is obvious that cane sugar is the most acidic nutrient.

After the consumption of cane sugar, acidity level of mount increased sharply in five minutes and reached 3.5 pH level. From now onwards acidity level of mouth decreases steadily and reached the normal level after thirty-five minutes. However, teeth remained in dangerous level more than 25 minutes.

Another acidic nutrient is fruit sugar. After the consumption, pH level of mouth decreased hurriedly and reached 4.25 in five minutes. After that, level of acidity of month reached normal level in 15 minutes. Therefore, teeth remained in dangerous level for 15 minutes. The last and the least acidic nutrient is honey, after the consumption of honey acidity level of mouth increased dramatically in five minutes and reached 5 pH level and then, plateau for 5 minutes and from now onward decreased moderately. However, teeth remained in an acidic environment for 10 minutes.

To conclude, the more hazardous nutrient for teeth is cane sugar because teeth remained in an acidic environment for more than 25 minutes.

(Approximately 208 words)

Sample Answer 4: The given line graph gives information on amount of acid produced in our mouth by eating sugar and honey made from three different resources namely fruit, sugarcane and honey. Also the graph estimates the time taken by them to reach different acid levels which is related to the tooth decay.

The maximum level of acidity produced by sugary content is reached 5 minutes after consuming them reaching up to 3.5 pH for sugarcane, 4 pH for fruit sugar and 5 pH for honey. After this time the acidity level declines for cane and fruit sugar, whereas it is sustained for 10 minutes for honey. Honey takes approximately 15 minutes to reach the pH of 5.5. It is at this pH at which tooth decay is unlikely. Fruit sugar takes 20 minutes and cane sugar takes the maximum time to reach this safety level. After 40 minutes all three sugars reach neutral pH that is 7.

Acidity promotes tooth decay which results in teeth cavities. Proper brushing and mouth washing can eliminate sugar particles and may protect teeth from the hazards of high acid levels.

From the given data it is clear that cane sugar has highest acidity and its acid content above safety level is sustained for the longest period in mouth. Therefore it should be avoided. Honey is the safest sugary food which causes least chances of tooth decay.

(Approximately 230 words ) Model Answer 5: The given line graph gives information on the acid level produced in our mouth decay after consuming fruit sugar, cane sugar and honey and compares the possible implication those three sweet food items have on our tooth decay. As is observed from the given presentation, honey causes the least tooth decay while the cane sugar possesses the possibility of decaying our tooth among the mentioned three sweet foods. The graph shows that different acid level is created in mouth after we consume different sweet food items. High acid level is measured by low pH level and tooth decay is occurred when the pH level goes below the 5.5. After we eat fruit sugar, the pH level of our mouth declines below 5.5 in 5 minutes and remain in danger level until 13 minutes. Similarly Cane sugar causes the pH level to get under pH level 5.5 in 5 minutes but it remains in danger level for more than 30 minutes which shows the fact that can sugar can cause more tooth decay than the fruit sugar. Finally, in 5 minutes the pH level of our mouth reaches to danger level in 5 minutes after we take honey and this level remain in danger zone for about 20 minutes. The comparison of the three sweet items indicate that the honey is comparatively safer for our dental health as it posses the least possibility of tooth decay while cane sugar possesses the most danger to our dental health as it would possibly create the most tooth decay. (Approximately 225 words) Sample Answer 6: The given graph depicts comparison in acid level in mouth after consuming sugar/honey. One axis of graph contains PH level which measures acidic level and the other axis reflects time line after consuming, spaced out equally with 5 minutes gap. As per the graph, tooth decay starts when the PH level falls beneath 5.5 on the scale and it is quite clear that PH level falls rapidly after consuming all three commodities but took least time to recover in case of honey and the maximum is in case of cane sugar. To start with, the PH level is at 7 and begins to decline after consuming each item and the rate at which it falls is maximum in case of cane sugar. It crosses the danger level within a span of 5 minutes and by the end of 5 minute, PH level reaches its lowest point in case of cane sugar i.e. 3.5 and the same for fruit sugar and honey is 4.25 and 4.75 respectively. After 5 minutes has elapsed, the trend line tends to be inverted and from here on the PH level initiate its recovery in case of fruit/cane sugar though it remains at its lowest in case of honey for a further 5 minute period. On reaching 10 minute mark, PH level in case of honey seems to recover at brisk pace taking over the recovery of other items and reaching the safe zone within a span of 15 minutes. Fruit sugar PH level crosses the line before 20 minutes but cane sugar PH level took almost double the time of honey to recover from tooth decay. Honey PH level normalize by the end of 25 minute mark and the same is 32 minutes and 40 minutes in case of fruit sugar and cane sugar respectively. All in all it can be said that Honey is the least acidic food item and the fastest to recover among the three. On the other hand cane sugar is the most acidic and slowest to recover. Model Answer 7: The given line graph illustrates the various acid levels in the mouth related to three different sweet foods such as fruit sugar, cane sugar and honey. The first point to note is that acid levels due to these different sweets are at a level at tooth decay is unlikely to occur both at the time of eating and after 15 minutes of eating. At the moment of eating of three sweets, acid levels are very low and equal at 7 pH. Then after 5 minutes it dropped to a pH of 3.5, 4.5, and 5 by cane and fruit sugar and honey respectively. Acid levels in the mouth gradually decrease and reached to minimum value within half an hour of cane sugar eating. Acid variations in mouth after eating fruit and cane sugar are almost equal for the next 5 minutes and followed by a difference of 1 pH value for the next 20 minutes. However, after 30minutes of eating sugar and cane sugar, pH value raised and reached to 7 and the acid level hit to the lowest level. To sum up, it is clear from the graph that, the given sweets produces high levels of acids in the mouth soon after eating, but reaches to safe level which tooth decay is not likely to occur within 10-15 minutes. Model Answer 8: The provided line graph illustrates the acid level in the mouth which is created from the consumption of cane sugar, fruit sugar, and honey. As is shown in the graph, the higher the acid level, the lower the pH level. It is also illustrated that a pH level less than 5.5 is the stage when tooth decay occurs. It is significant that the initial pH level in our mouth is 7, and it drops the moment we eat sugar. In the first 5 minutes, the graph shows that eating cane sugar results in a major drop in the pH level which reaches 3.5 and then begins to increase very slowly in half an hour. During this phase, tooth decay is most likely to happen. It is almost the same when eating fruit sugar, as the pH level drops to less than 4.5 in 5 minutes, and remains in detrimental level for about 20 minutes. Moreover, the pH level drops to less than 5 when honey is taken, and it is possesses the threat of tooth decay for only 10 minutes. So, honey is the least dangerous among the three kinds of food items. In summary, it appears that cane sugar is the most detrimental one for our dental health while honey is the safest one. Model Answer 9: The given illustration demonstrates the acid level, which is inverse of the pH values, different sweet foods can create in our mouth and their possible implication for our dental health. As is given in the line graph, high acid levels are measured by the low pH level in mouth and the lower the pH level, it is more likely to decay the tooth. According to the line graph, fruit sugar, cane sugar and honey cause different acid levels in human mouth and their impacts last for five to 30 minutes. The pH level below 5.5 is detrimental for our tooth. When we consume honey, the pH level of our mouth decreases to below 5.5 within 4 minutes and that takes around 13 minutes to come out from the danger level. In case of fruit sugar, the pH level goes below 5.5 in 3.5 minutes and remains in danger level for about 20 minutes. Finally when we eat cane sugar, the pH level of our mouth goes in the danger level in 2.5 minutes and remains in danger level for about 32 minutes. In short, honey is the safest sweet food for our dental health while cane sugar is most detrimental for our tooth as it is likely to cause the maximum decay in our tooth.
The line graph provides information about the acid level produced by three different sweet food items (Fruit sugar, Cane sugar and Honey) in our mouth and the the possible tooth decay they can cause. In terms of acidity, the lower the pH level the greater the acidity. Thus, pH level less than 5.5 can cause tooth decay. Overall, cane sugar, if consumed by human, can cause tooth decay more than fruit sugar and honey. The cane sugar, which represents a green line in the graph reaches the lowest pH level, which is presented by the highest acidity level, in 5 minutes of consumption and it takes 30 minutes to reach the pH level in safe zone. On the other hand, fruit sugar, the red line in graph, has pH value around 4 after 5 minutes of consumption and it exposes our teeth for possible decay for about 20 minutes from the consumption. Lastly, blue line represents honey and within 5 minutes of its consumption, the pH value in our mouth reaches to just below 5. However, in less than 15 minutes the pH level reaches to a safe zone when no tooth decay is caused. It is clear in the graph that honey is the safest food sweet food items among the given three for our dental health while cane sugar might cause the highest amount of tooth decay
The provided line graph illustrates the effects of fruit sugar, cane sugar and honey consumption by human which produce acid in the mouth and put the dental health in danger for about 40 minutes. The high acid level is measured by low pH value and lower the pH value, the more harmful it is for our dental health. Based on the graph, we can see that the production of acid in mouth highly increases with the consumption of these three sweet food items. Initially, the pH level created in mouth from these three foods starts from 7 and it dramatically decreases to below pH 5.5 within 5 minutes of consumption. As a result, this dropping of pH level is signed to occur tooth decay whenever the level is below 5.5. During the period of 5 to 40 minutes, the level of these three foods rapidly jumps from highly acidity to low acidity (neutral pH). A rapid drop of pH level could be observed for the consumption of cane sugar and it remained in danger level for more than 30 minutes. Consumption of fruit sugar drops the pH level below 5.5 for less than 20 minutes while honey seems to cause the least tooth decay as the pH level of mouth from the consumption of this item remains below 5.5 for the least amount of time- about 13 minutes.
Sample 1 seems to be opinionated. The word detrimental shouldn’t be there.
Since the question says ‘discuss the implications for dental health’, it should be alright.
The provided line graph compares the acid level in our mouth as time elapses during 40 minutes after consuming fruit sugar, cane sugar and honey as well as the likelihood of tooth decay after eating them. Generally speaking, the pH level is seven at the moment we eat sweets before falling dramatically to just between 3.5 and 4.5 after 5 minutes, the acid level at which tooth decay most possible to occur (being under the level of 5.5 is detrimental for our tooth). In the next 35 minute period, the acidity in mouth undergoes considerable increase and back to its formal level at seven at the end of the period. Turning to the comparison between the acid level resulted from three kinds of sweets, it is clear that cane sugar causes the highest acidity and remains the lowest pH level over the period with a bottom of approximately 3.5 after 5 minutes consumed and keeps being under 5.5 in 30 minutes. Hence, cane sugar causes more tooth decay. Honey and Fruit sugar, on the other hand, record lower acidity than that of cane sugar and get out of the level which is harmful to the tooth after 15 minutes and 20 minutes respectively. In short, 5 minutes after eating sweets is most likely to cause tooth decay, especially when we eat cane sugar.
Could someone help me on one thing, please? Should we choose sample answers or model answers like standards and surely correct one to consult and study?
Consumption is correct.
 The given graph shows the level of acid produced by consumption of different sources of sweets including Cane sugar, Fruits and honey. Overall tendency of all types of sweets are almost the same, increasing acidity at first, by decreasing PH level, during the first 5 minutes and then increasing PH again that means dropping acidity in the mouth.
As observed from the graph, PH level lower than 5.5 results in tooth decay in the mouth and it seems important to have precise look over the behavior of foods including sweet ones. As the graph depicts all three types of sweet foods make the mouth acidic during the first few minutes and keep the mouth acidic even more time as well. As seen in the given illustration, honey makes the lowest acidic condition and touch the lowest PH point at almost 5, while fruit and cane sugar make the PH level drop to the almost 4.2 and 3 respectively. On the other hand, acidity produced by honey consumption drops faster than other two sources and Ph condition, in this case, rise up to standard condition just before ten minutes after consumption, since fruit and cane sugar keep the mouth acidic more and about 20 & 35 minutes respectively that means more harms to the teeth. In conclusion consumption of all types of mentioned sweet foods result in harmful condition on teeth. So it seems definitely important to wash the teeth just after the sugar consumption and within 3 minutes. Additionally graph reveals that honey has the least danger on teeth and cane sugar has the most and the longest acidic condition, so the worst effect, on the teeth.
The line graph supplied depicts the correlation between the acidity level caused by sugar/honey release in the mouth by three selected food items (sugar, Honey and Sugar cane), with time. The X-axis represents the time taken for the acid to accumulate (in minutes), and the Y-axis represents the level of acid present in the mouth with increase in time – this is measured using the pH scale. The graph suggests that the lower the pH value, the higher the acidity level. Generally speaking, it can be observed that for all the three food items, an increase in time from 0 minute to 5 minutes will lead to a rapid increase in the acidity level of the sugar or honey released in the mouth. But beyond this time, the reverse becomes the case. The graph also shows that any acidity level above 5.5 pH value will not lead to teeth decay irrespective of the amount of time the food has stayed in the mouth. The graph suggests that at the point the food is eaten and the sugary substance released in the mouth, the pH value will be at 7. This is true for all the three food items under consideration. However, with time, and comparing the three food substances, honey accumulates the highest amount of acidity, followed by fruit sugar and then the cane sugar. This is represented by the steepness of the individual slopes between this first 5 minutes time frame. The acidity level for honey continues to increase until the five minute turning point when it levels out until about another five minutes and then begins to decrease as the slope rises steeply until the twenty-fifth minute when it plateaus till it terminates at the thirty fifth minute. For the fruit sugar and cane sugar, the acidity increases until the turning point of 5 minutes then increases sharply until the 40th minute when they terminate. It can be observed that the cane sugar has the higher acid forming potential in the mouth than the fruit sugar since it maintain a relatively lower pH-value throughout the time duration.
The given line graphs illustrates the function of sugar sources namely honey, sugarcane and fruits, and time to acidify and decay our tooth. Our tooth are normally neutral (pH 7.0) in reaction, and when exposed to sugar, it tends to become acidic. As its pH falls below 5.5 (threshold pH), it begins to decay. This threshold pH is reached within 2.5 minutes, 3.0 minutes and 3.5 minutes when we consume table sugar, fruit sugar and honey respectively. Normally, after five minutes exposure to sugars, tooth pH tends to rise. In case of cane sugar exposed tooth, the threshold level is crossed only after 32 minutes. But, when we intake honey sugar, this level is earlier about 13 minutes after we intake. Fruit sugar shows intermediate in behavior. To sum up, sugar- irrespective of its sources- can decay our tooth when exposed even for short duration; and among the different sources, table sugar has the strongest damaging effect and the honey the least.


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Communication: Synonyms for words related to speech


conjecture fancy guess hint at
hypothesize imagine imply indicate infer
ponder posit postulate predict premise
presume presuppose reckon suppose speculate
surmise suspect test theorize think


analyze annotate chat chatter
check chime in chin chitchat comment on
communicate conclude confabulate confer consult
converse continue debate deliberate discourse
evaluate inquire of meet negotiate palaver
parley pass judgment on powwow ramble on reason
review schmooze speak talk talk over
thrash out
thrash out
turn to wrangle


accede accept accord acknowledge
add admit affirm agree allow
avow assure concede concur confess
confirm consent grant permit praise
promise recommend sanction welcome yield


ban contradict contravene decline
dispute enjoin forbid gainsay impugn
interdict negate negative prohibit proscribe
rebuff refuse refute reject repudiate
spurn traverse


accuse balk at be at odds with bicker
caterwaul chide complain conflict correct
counter dare debate deviate differ
disagree disapprove dispute dissent fight
fling back frown on gossip hassle hurl back
interject nag object oppose protest
quarrel quibble retaliate revolt at shudder at
squabble tease urge vilify wrangle


bamboozle beguile betray counterfeit
deceive delude disguise distort dupe
fabricate falsify feign fib forge
forswear make believe mislead misrepresent perjure
pretend prevaricate rig sham simulate

Synonyms for idea

idea aim ambition apperception arrangement
aspiration belief blueprint clue composition
concept contrivance course of action design device
diagram expedient figure format glimmer
goal grand design hunch intent image
inkling insight intention interpretation intimation
intuition maneuver master plan mental picture method
motif notion objective opinion pattern
perception picture plan plot premonition
procedure proposal project purpose resolution
road-map scheme strategy suspicion system
tactics target thought understanding view

agreement accord affinity alikeness analogy
concord congruity correspondence harmony homogeneity
likeness parallelism resemblance similarity uniformity
difference at odds conflict contention contradiction
contrast deviation difference disagreement discord
discrepancy disparity dissension dissidence dissimilarity
distinction divergence division feud friction
gap hornet’s nest incompatibility inconsistency strife
unlikeness variance variation
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Synonyms for Ask


beg beseech
entreat examine explore
grill inquire insist interrogate investigate
petition plead pled pray propose to
probe pry query question quiz
request spy suggest to

Synonyms for Answer


quip react rebut rejoin
reply respond retort riposte sass
talk back write back

Synonyms for Say


allege articulate assert avow
chorus contend enounce enunciate maintain
mouth profess pronounce speak sound
utter verbalize vocalize voice

The following words all describe manners of speaking or tones of voice (often reflecting the emotional state of the speaker) and should be used when necessary and appropriate.

said babble bark bawl beam
bellow bleat blurt boast brag
cajole cheer choke chuckle cough
crow cry drawl fret fulminate
gasp giggle groan growl grumble
grunt hiss holler howl jeer
laugh lisp marvel mimic moan
mumble murmur mutter muse nod
pant pipe quaver rant roar
scold scream screech shout shriek
sigh sing smile smirk snap
snarl sneer sneeze snicker sniff
snort sob sputter squawk squeak
stammer storm thunder trumpet vociferate
wail weep whimper whine whisper
worry yell

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It is not recommended to just use said. Try to balance your dialogue words between said and its synonyms. Said is a mighty verb (to be exact: Past tense and past participle of say)! There are times when it makes sense to use it. Other times, it’s a proper idea to select a synonym instead of said. A distinguished writer employs alternatives, often harmonizing the use of similar words. Have a look at some of your favorite novels, short stories, newspaper and magazine articles to help you to dwell further into this subject.

Synonyms for Call


baptize brand christen denominate
denote designate dub entitle label
name nickname peg stamp tag
term title trademark

Synonyms for Announce


address advert advertise advocate
allude animadvert beat the drum for bespeak betoken
blazon boost bring up broadcast celebrate
champion claim comment confide declare
exclaim express extol hype indicate
mention name note observe play up
point to praise proclaim promote promulgate
propagandize publicize puff push publish
refer remark report restate reveal
sell state talk up touch upon tout
trumpet vow

Synonyms for Denounce


accuse arraign asperse blame
brand calumniate censure challenge charge with
condemn correct criticize defame denunciate
deplore fault implicate incriminate inculpate
indict libel malign pillory shame
slander tax traduce vilify

Synonyms for Tell


adduce behest characterize cite
chronicle coax command communicate convince
dictate delineate divulge enumerate impart
mandate narrate quote recapitulate recite
relate report review spin stipulate

Synonyms for Repeat


echo iterate rehash reiterate
restate retell

Synonyms for Describe

describe characterize couch express formulate
lay out narrate phrase recite record
recount relate report represent term

Synonyms for Explain

explain account for brief clarify construe
define demonstrate elaborate elucidate explicate
expound get across illuminate illustrate interpret
justify make clear portray spell out

Synonyms for Show

show disclose display divulge emerge
exhibit expose flaunt indicate manifest
materialize note parade point to / out present
prove reveal stage unfold unveil

Synonyms for Inform

inform acquaint advise apprise assure
caution clue in counsel edify familiarize
forewarn fill in guide impose instruct
lecture notify post ordain reassure
tip off warn wise up

Synonyms for Talkative


articulate babbling boisterous chatty
deafening earsplitting eloquent gabby garrulous
glib gossipy high-pitched intense long-winded
loquacious loud noisy obstreperous pandemoniac
pealing prolix pronounced rambunctious raucous
resonant resounding roaring roisterous sonorous
stentorian strident talky thundering uproarious
vehement verbal
vocal vocalized
voluble wordy

Synonyms for Quiet


buttoned up clammed up close-mouthed dumb
hushed inarticulate
incommunicative ineffable
inexpressible inexpressive low-pitched muffled mum
mute noiseless quiescent reserved restrained
reticent secretive shushed silent silentious
soundless speechless still taciturn tight-lipped
tongue-tied tranquil uncommunicative unspeakable whist

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Synonyms for Smart

smart alert analytic astute brainy
bright brilliant canny cerebral clear-eyed
clear-sighted clever creative cunning deductive
deft discerning egg-headed enlightened exceptional
fast genius hard-boiled hard-headed heady
hyper-intelligent imaginative ingenious inspired intellectual
intelligent inventive judicious keen keen-witted
knowing logical nimble percipient perspicacious
pointed prehensile profound quick quick-witted
resourceful sagacious sage sapient savvy
sharp sharp-witted shrewd sophisticated super-smart
syllogistic ultra-smart versed wise

Synonyms for Dumb

dumb brainless careless cloudy colorless
doltish dopey drab dull dull-witted
humdrum idiotic ill-advised ill-conceived ill-considered
ill-founded ill-judged illogical imbecilic im-plausible
inane lackluster mindless moronic muddled
non-sensical obtuse pointless senseless short-sighted
silly simple simpleminded slow stodgy
stupid trivial un-inspired un-intelligent un-reasonable
un-thinking witless

Synonyms for Important

important central considerable constitutional critical
elementary eminent especial essential foundational
fundamental indispensable inherent intrinsic main
necessary needful particular primary principal
required requisite significant special specific
substantial underlying valuable vital

Synonyms for Irrelevant

irrelevant beside the point casual idle im-material
in-consequential in-considerable in-different in-significant in-substantial
in-valid light little low-ranking meaningless
minor negligible non-essential nugatory of no account
of no consequence paltry petty picayune second-rate
superficial trifling trivial un-important un-necessary
useless worthless

Synonyms for Nothing

nil null nothing zero zilch zip

Synonyms for Interesting

interesting absorbing alluring animating appealing
arresting attractive beckoning bewitching bright
captivating challenging consuming covetable curious
enchanting engaging entertaining enthralling enticing
exciting fascinating fetching inspiring intriguing
inviting involving lively mesmeric moving
piquant prepossessing provocative spellbinding spirited
tantalizing tempting

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Synonyms for Boring

boring arid banal bromidic characterless
colorless commonplace drab drag drudging
flat hackneyed ho hum humdrum insipid
interminable irksome lame lifeless monotonous
moth-eaten mundane nothing platitudinous prosaic
repetitious routine shop-worn spiritless stale
stereotyped stodgy tame tedious threadbare
tiresome tiring trite un-exciting un-interesting
un-varied vapid wearisome well-worn

Synonyms for Bad

bad amiss atrocious coarse contaminated
contemptible corrupt crappy cruddy crummy
defective deficient deplorable depraved disagreeable
dismal dissatisfactory evil execrable faulty
foul ghastly grungy harmful heinous
icky improper infamous inferior
injurious junky lousy nasty nefarious
off poor quality putrid rotten scandalous sinful
sinister snide spoiled substandard tainted
the pits uncouth wicked

Synonyms for Awful

awful abominable appalling atrocious baneful
blatant crude deleterious despicable destructive
detestable detrimental disastrous disgusting disturbing
dreadful egregious excessive flagrant frightening
glaring gross grotesque gruesome hideous
horrible horrifying hostile injurious jolty
monstrous nauseous noxious obnoxious odious
offensive outlandish outrageous preposterous put off
repellent repulsive rude terrible ugly
unreasonable unwarranted upsetting

Synonyms for Good

good A-1 accomplished all set A-one grade
best certified champion choicest crowning
distinct excellent exceptional exemplary
exquisite extraordinary fine finest
first first-class first-grade first-rate fit
foremost great greatest high high-quality
in-comparable in-valuable magnificent marvelous matchless
meritorious notable noted note-worthy out-standing
peculiar peerless phenomenal piked premium
priceless prime pukka ready remarkable
second to none select ship-shape singular
sound star sterling striking superb
superior superlative supreme tip-top top-grade
top-notch transcendent unique un-matched un-precedented
un-usual world-class worthy

Synonyms for Complete


accomplished all-embracing all-inclusive broad
closed comprehensive concluded done ended
extensive finished fulfilled full overall
perfect wide-ranging far-ranging terminated thorough
total unabridged uncut whole widespread

Synonyms for Exact


accurate appropriate approved
definite faithful just literal meticulous
particular precise proper right rigorous
specific spot-on standard strict thorough
true truthful

Synonyms for Suitable


acceptable adequate appropriate authentic
becoming bona fide coherent compatible consistent
consistent constant decent decorous desirable
founded genuine in agreement
reliable satisfactory seemly steady uniform

Synonyms for Certain


assured clear confident of course
definite determined distinct inescapable inevitable
by all means obvious positive proved right on
safebet sure unavoidable undoubted without fail

Synonyms for Really


by all means beyond doubt categorically
certainly de facto definitely easily factually
for real genuinely honestly indeed indubitably
in fact legitimately literally no ifs ands or buts nothing else but
of course positively precisely surely
undoubtedly unquestionably verily very well

Synonyms for Questionable


ambivalent arguable debatable doubtful
dubious farfetched improbable inconclusive indecisive
indefinite irresolute moot noncommittal on the fence
open problematic suspicious uncertain unconvinced
undecided unproven unresolved unsure

Synonyms for New


contemporary current fashionable fresh
imaginative inexperienced
innovative inventive
late-model latest latter-day modern modern-day
naive naif newest newfangled novel
now original present present-day recent
timely topical trendy uninitiated untested
untried up-to-date up-to-the-minute young

Synonyms for Old


advanced in years aged ancient antediluvian
antiquated antique archaic banal bygone
dated elder elderly extinct faded
former mature medieval moldy musty
obsolescent obsolete old hat old-fashioned oldish
old-time outdated out-of-date passe past
prehistoric previous primitive ragged senescent
senior stale trite unfashionable used
venerable veteran vintage washed-up

Synonyms for Easy


basic breeze child’s play cinch
clear comprehensible crystal clear direct easy as pie
effortless elementary facile intelligible
light limpid little effort lucid manageable
manageable mild modest perspicuous piece of cake
plain pushover self-explanatory simple simple as ABC
smooth snap straightforward transparent unambiguous
uncomplicated understandable walkaway walkover

Synonyms for Difficult


abstract abstruse ambiguous arduous
augean backbreaking bruising brutal burdensome
challenging complex complicated convoluted cruel
daunting demanding distressing effortful elusive
exacting exhausting formidable frustrating grievous
hard harsh heavy Herculean inhuman
insoluble intensive intimidating intricate involved
knotty labored laborious merciless mistakable
moiling murderous onerous opaque oppressive
overwhelming painful pick-and-shovel problematic punishing
recondite rigid rigorous rough rugged
serious severe Sisyphean spiny stiff
strenuous stressful strict stringent stubborn
sweaty tall taxing testing thorny
ticklish tight toilsome tough tricky
troublesome trying uphill wearisome

Synonyms for True :: Right

true accurate actual apt correct
exact factual fair faithful founded
genuine good honest just lawful
legal loyal precise proper real
reliable responsible right righteous sincere
staunch steadfast steady trusty trustworthy
undoubted upright valid warranted

Synonyms for False :: Wrong

wrong afield amiss astray awry
baseless blemished contrary to… counterfeit deceptive
defective deviating from… disloyal erroneous faithless
fake fallacious false faulty feign
fraudulent groundless idle irregular misleading
mistaken perfidious questionable recreant spurious
traitorous treacherous

Synonyms for Strong

strong determined firm forceful fortified
hard intense iron like noticeable potent
powerful resolute robust solid stalwart
steady stiff stout sturdy substantial
tenacious thick tough unyielding vehement

Synonyms for Weak

weak anemic assailable brittle crumbly
debilitated decrepit delicate drained droopy
effete enervated exhausted fagged-out faint
fatigue feeble flaccid flimsy fragile
frail imperiled infirm languid languishing
languorous loose makeshift mild puny
retiring rickety shaky sluggish supine
thin tired torpid vincible wavering
weary wispy wobbly wonky worn out

Synonyms for Big


astronomical broad capacious
enormous expansive gargantuan
gigantic grand great huge immense
large mammoth mountainous sizable spacious
substantial tremendous vast

Synonyms for Small


atomic cramped diminutive dinky
exiguous itsy-bitsy limited microscopic miniature
minuscule minute petite puny slight
small tiny wee undersized

Synonyms for High


above above and beyond aerial aloft
altitudinal beyond elevated eminent lofty
onto over superior to tall top
upmost upon upward of

Synonyms for Low


abyssal base below beneath
bottom cavernous deep down ground-level
inferior to nether squatty subordinate to subsided
to the ground under underneath

Size | Mass

Nouns: MASS: a quantity of items amassed / SIZE: the amount of space occupied by an object

Synonyms for Size

size area bulk capacity diameter
dimensions expanse extent
height length magnitude mass
measure proportions spread volume weight

Synonyms for Mass

mass abundance amount array
batch bulk block bunch cluster
collection couple crop crowd deal
heap host
lion’s share lot
number parcel pile portion
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Synonyms for Far

far afar aloof apart back
behind detached dislocated distant faraway
out of reach out of sight recede remote removed
retreat separated transferred withdrawn

Synonyms for Near

near abutting adjacent adjoining alongside
beside bordering close by conterminous contiguous
local next to nearby neighbor nigh
peripheral in the proximity surrounding touching in the vicinity

Synonyms for Limit


ambit border border line bottom line
boundary boundary line bounds breaking point brim
brink ceiling circumscription confinement constraint
curbing cutoff point deadline edge end point
extent extreme extremity far out farthest point
fence finality limitation margin maximum
the max the most pale perimeter periphery
pole regulation restriction rim tops
ultimate upper limit utmost verge

Synonyms for Many and Much

a lot of abundant adequate ample bountiful
copious countless exuberant fruitful infinite
lavish lush many much multiple
most numerous opulent prodigal
profuse prolific rampant riotous umpteen

Synonyms for Almost

almost a good deal about all but approximately
around as good as diverse enough just about
more or less nearly practically quite a few roughly
several some sufficient various virtually

Synonyms for Few

few dearth of exiguous hardly any infinitesimal
insubstantial insufficient lack of least limited
little minimal minimum meager nominal
paltry paucity of poor rare scant
scarce short of skimpy slight sparse
trifling trivial wanting

Synonyms for Excess

excess cornucopia deluge drove fat
flood glut greater part lion’s share majority
more than half mountain nimiety overabundance overflow
overkill plethora plurality preponderance profusion
superfluity superfluousness surfeit surplus swarm
trillions wealth

Synonyms for Plenty

plenty army bushel crowd dozens
group heaps hill host legion
loads lots mine multitude myriad
oodles pack reams scores

Synonyms for Lack


absence dearth defect deficiency
deprivation destitution drought exiguity inadequacy
indigence insufficiency insufficient supply impecuniousness impoverishment
less than half minority meagerness need paucity
pauperism penury poverty privation rareness
scantiness scarcity shortage skimpiness sparseness

Synonyms for Bit


atom chip chunk crumb
cutting dab dash dollop dram
drop fragment grain iota jot
minim mite modicum molecule mote
ounce particle pinch scrap section
segment shard shred slice sliver
smidgen snip snippet speck sprinkling
tittle trifle whit

Synonyms for Part


abstract allocation allotment allowance
apportionment chapter component cut division
element episode excerpt extract fraction
installment lot measure parcel particle
passage percentage piece portion quantity
quantum quota quotation ration scene
section sector segment share slice

Synonyms for Whole


aggregate all alpha and omega assemblage
collectivity composite corpus ensemble entirety
entity everything grand total gross oneness
organization sum system total unity
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