January 2017

How to start speaking German ?

German learning

German A1, German A2 Training

How to Speak Simple German?

Three Parts:Greeting People and Saying Goodbye, Starting a Conversation

German is spoken by millions of people, not only in Germany, but in Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, and many other places around the world.Becoming fluent in German takes a lot of time and practice but  you can master the most important phrases in no time at all. Whether you’re looking to travel to a German-speaking country, to impress someone, or just to explore a new language, being able to use a few expressions will come in handy. With a little study, you’ll soon be able greet people, introduce yourself, ask simple questions, and know how to ask for help if you need it.
 Greeting People and Saying Goodbye
  1. German A1 Classes,German A2 Training
    Use standard greetings. Each German-speaking country has its own particular greetings.[1] Yet no matter where you are, the following standard greetings will work.
    • “Guten Tag” (goo-tehn tahg), “Good day.” Use this as a general way of saying “hello” during daytime hours.
    • “Guten Morgen” (goo-tehn mor-gen), “Good Morning.”
    • “Guten Abend” (Goo-tehn Ah-bend), “Good evening.”
    • “Gute Nacht” (goo-teh nah-cht), “Good night” (usually said to close family only, when going to bed).
    • “Hallo” (hah-low), “hello.” This is basically used anytime, anywhere.
    • In Austria greetings such as “Servus” or “Grüß Gott” “Greet god” are common.
  2. German A1 Classes,German A2 Training
    Say your name and ask others theirs. There are two easy ways to say “My name is…” in German[2]:
    • “Ich heiße [insert Name]” (“ich hi-seh [Name],” literally “I am called…”)
    • “Mein Name ist [insert Name]” (“mine nam-eh ist [Name],” literally “my name is…”).
    • For example, say either “Ich heiße Andreas” or “Mein Name ist Andreas” to mean “My name is Andreas.”
  3. Image titled Speak Simple German Step 03
    Understand the formal/informal distinction when talking to people in German. In German, as in many languages, you will often need to differentiate between acquaintances and strangers (formal) and people you know well (informal) when speaking.[3] To ask someone’s name, for example[4]:
    • “Wie heißen Sie?” (vee hi-sehn zee), “What is your name?” (formal)
    • “Wie heißt du?” (vee heist du), “What is your name?” (informal)
  4. Say goodbye. As with greetings, goodbyes may vary somewhat depending on where you are or who you are speaking to.[5] Generally, however, you can’t go wrong with these:
    • “Auf Wiedersehen” or (owf vee-dair-zayn), “Good-bye!”
    • “Tschüss!” (choos), “Bye!”
    • “Ciao!” (chow), “Bye!” This Italian phrase is often used by German speakers to say goodbye.
      Image titled Speak Simple German Step 04

Starting a Conversation

  1. Image titled Speak Simple German Step 05
    Ask how people are doing. Not only is it polite, it also allows you to show off more of the German you are learning!
    • Use the formal phrase “Wie geht es Ihnen?” (vee gate ess eenin), when asking strangers or acquaintances, “How are you?”
    • Use the informal phrase “Wie geht es dir?” (vee gate ess deer) or simply “Wie geht’s?” (vee gates) to ask someone you know well, or a child, “How are you?”
    • Generally speaking, to be polite use the formal version with someone you don’t know, unless they begin using the informal with you. This is especially the case in settings involving areas like business, education, and government.[6]
  2. Image titled Speak Simple German Step 06
    Tell others how you are doing. If someone asks, you can respond to the question “Wie geht es Ihnen?” or “Wie geht’s” in a variety of ways.
    • You could simply say: “Gut” (“goot”), “good”; “Sehr gut” (“zair goot”), “very good”; or “Schlecht” (“shle-cht”), “bad.”
    • However, a more extensive response is more polite. You can say “Mir geht es…” (“mere gate es…”), followed by “gut,” “sehr gut,” or “schlecht” to mean “I am doing…” “well,” “very well” or “bad,” respectively.[7]
  3. German A1, German A2 Training
    Ask people where they’re from. A good conversation starter is to ask people about their backgrounds. Try these questions, using the formal / informal version as appropriate:
    • “Woher Kommen Sie?” (“Voh-hair co-men zee?”) / “Woher kommst du?” (“Voh-hair comst do?”) = “Where are you from?”
    • “Ich komme aus [insert place name]” (“Ich come-uh ow-s”) = “I am from [insert place name]”. For example, “Ich komme aus den USA” (Ich come-uh ow-s dane oo ess ah), “I am from the United States.”
    • “Wo wohnen Sie?” (“Voh voh-nen zee?”) / “Wo wohnst du?” (“Voh voh-nst do?”) = “Where do you live?” (in the sense of “Which country, state, or city, etc. do you reside right now?”
    • “Ich wohne in [insert place name]” (“Ich voh-nuh in”) = “I live in [insert place name].” For example, “Ich wohne in Chicago.”
Communicating Further
  1. Image titled Speak Simple German Step 08
    Learn a few basic phrases for interacting in public. This includes “Ja” (ya) for “yes” and “Nein” (nine) for “no” as well as:
    • “Wie bitte?” (vee bitteh), “pardon me?”
    • “Es Tut mir leid!” (ess toot mere lied), “I am sorry!”
    • “Entschuldigung!” (ehnt-shool-dig-ung), “Excuse me!”
  2. German A1, German A2 Training
    Say please and thank you. While technically speaking, saying “thank you” in German has a formal/informal distinction, a simple “Danke!” (dank-eh), or “thanks!” is absolutely fine to be used in any situation.
    • If you are curious, the full formal version is “Ich danke Ihnen” (ich dank-eh eenin), while the informal is “Ich danke dir” (ich dank-eh deer).[8]
    • The word for “please” is “Bitte!” (bittuh). The same phrase doubles as “you’re welcome!”
  3. Image titled Speak Simple German Step 10
    Make simple requests and questions about items. If you want to know if something is available at a store, restaurant, etc., then simply ask “Haben Sie [insert item]?” (hah-ben zee), or “Do you have [insert item]?” For example, “Haben Sie Kaffee?” (hah-ben zee cah-fay), “Do you have coffee?”
    • If you want to know how much something you see costs, then ask “Wie viel kostet das?” (vee feel cost-et dahs).
  4. Image titled Speak Simple German Step 11
    Ask for help or directions. If you are lost, need to find something, or otherwise need help, a few phrases will come in handy.
    • To ask for help: “Können Sie mir helfen, bitte?” (coon-en zee mere helf-en bit-teh), “Could you help me, please?”
    • To ask for a location: “Wo ist [insert place]?” (Voh ihst), “Where is [insert place]?” For example, “Wo ist die Toilette, bitte?” (Voh ihst die Toil-et-eh, bit-teh), “Where is the restroom?” or “Wo ist der Bahnhof?” (Voh ihst dare Bahn-hof), “Where is the train station?”
    • To be polite, introduce the question by saying: “Entschuldigen Sie, bitte, wo ist der Bahnhof?” (ent-shool-dig-ung zee bit-tuh, voh ihst dare bahn-hof), “Excuse me, please, where is the train station?”
    • To ask if someone speaks another language: “Sprechen Sie Englisch?” (or Spanisch/Französisch, etc.) (shpreh-chen zee english/shpanish/fran-zoo-tzish, etc.), “Do you speak English/Spanish/French?”
  5. Image titled Speak Simple German Step 12
    Learn to count in German. German numbers generally work much the same as English numbers. The main exception is for numbers 21 and above: you say “einunzwanzig” (ayn-uhnd-tsvahn-tsich), literally “one-and-twenty” for 21; “vierunddreißig” (fear-uhnd-dry-sich), literally “four-and-thirty” for 34; “siebenundsechzig” (zee-ben-uhnd-zech-tsich), literally “seven-and-sixty” for 67, etc.
    • 1—”eins” (ayenz)
    • 2–“zwei” (tsvai)
    • 3–“drei” (dry)
    • 4–“vier” (feer)
    • 5–“fünf” (foonf)
    • 6–“sechs” (zechs)
    • 7–“sieben” (zee-ben)
    • 8–“acht” (ahcht)
    • 9–“neun” (noyn)
    • 10–“zehn” (tsehn)
    • 11–“elf” (elf)
    • 12–“zwölf” (tsvoolf)
    • 13–“dreizehn” (dry- tsehn)
    • 14–“vierzehn” (feer- tsehn)
    • 15–“fünfzehn” (fuenf- tsehn)
    • 16–“sechzehn” (zech- tsehn)
    • 17–“sieb-zehn” (zeeb- tsehn)
    • 18–“acht-zehn” (uhcht- tsehn)
    • 19–“neun-zehn” (noyn- tsehn)
    • 20–“zwanzig” (Tsvahn-tsick or “Tsvahn-tsich”) “twenty”
    • 21—“einundzwanzig”
    • 22—“zweiundzwanzig”
    • 30—dreißig
    • 40—vierzig
    • 50—fünfzig
    • 60—sechzig
    • 70—siebzig
    • 80—achtzig
    • 90—neunzig
    • 100—hundert

Important German verbs

Learn German[/caption]

Important German verbs for Beginners

Do you know all 50 of the most basic and frequently used words in German language? How we generated this list: First we took the verbs which are suggested for beginners and which are necessary to pass the Goethe Insitute’s A1 certificate. Second we ordered them after their frequency of usage and saved the 50 top words in this list.

Words of the lists

sein to be
werden to become
haben to have
können to can to be able to
müssen to must to have to
geben to give
sollen to should to ought
sagen to say
wollen to want
kommen to come
gehen to go to walk
machen to do
stehen to stand
sehen to see
finden to find
bleiben to stay
liegen to lie
stellen to put
nehmen to take
dürfen to be allowed
bringen to bring
halten to hold
spielen to play
heißen to be called
wissen to know
erklären to explain
gehören to belong
beginnen to begin
sprechen to speak
tun to do
mögen to like
gewinnen to win
bekommen to get
schreiben to write
arbeiten to work
treffen to meet
zahlen to pay
leben to live
laufen to walk
brauchen to need
feiern to celebrate
fahren to drive
suchen to search
legen to put
glauben to believe
scheinen to seem
schließen to close
fehlen to lack to be missing to be absent
kennen to know
fragen to ask

German adjectives that describe personality

How is the character (personality) of a person? Vocabulary list of the most important positive and negative character properties in German language. Perfect to describe the nature of the character of a classmate, celebrity, friend, partner or relative.

Words of the lists

tolerant tolerant
dynamisch dynamic
aggressiv aggressive
sympathisch likeable
kompetent competent
kreativ creative
bescheiden modest
arrogant arrogant
weise wise
hartnäckig stubborn
optimistisch optimistic
faul lazy
großzügig generous
verantwortungslos irresponsible
fleißig diligent
vernünftig reasonable
einfühlsam empathetic
sonderbar weird
loyal loyal
selbstbewusst self-confident
angenehm pleasant
geduldig patient
schüchtern shy
motiviert motivated
entschlossen determined
misstrauisch distrustful
gebildet educated
erfahren experienced
höflich polite
romantisch romantic
mutig brave
spontan spontaneous
ehrgeizig ambitious
zuverlässig reliable
moralisch ethical
treu faithful
konsequent consequent
kompliziert complicated
eifersüchtig jealous
seltsam strange
bezaubernd charming
klug clever
intelligent intelligent
witzig funny
pünktlich punctual
sorgfältig thorough
fair fair
vorsichtig careful
realistisch realistic
überheblich arrogant
aufmerksam attentive
neugierig curious
komisch strange
ehrlich honest
ernst serious
dumm stupid
verrückt crazy
ungerecht unfair
ruhig calm
selbstlos unselfish
lustig funny
freundlich friendly
nett nice
natürlich natural
ungeduldig impatient
geschickt skilled
vertrauenswürdig trustworthy
anhänglich clinging
hilfsbereit helpful
stur stubborn
zielstrebig determined
wissbegierig eager for knowledge
egoistisch selfish
humorvoll humorous
sarkastisch sarcastic
kommunikativ communicative
undankbar ungrateful
verständnisvoll understanding
anziehend attractive
launisch moody
gierig greedy
vergesslich oblivious
diszipliniert disciplined
geizig stingy
cholerisch choleric
ausdauernd persistent
pessimistisch pessimistic
eingebildet conceited
verantwortungsvoll responsible
hinterhältig devious
redegewandt eloquent
zickig touchy
abergläubisch superstitious
vertrauensvoll trustful
idealistisch idealistic
eifrig eager

Feelings and moods

German adjectives that describe feelings, emotions and moods of people. The words are necessary to express how do you feel or to tell how another person is in the moment. Most frequently used positive and negative tone words.

Words of the lists

amüsiert amused
angespannt tensed
ängstlich afraid
apathisch apathetic
aufgeregt excited
bedrückt depressed
befriedigt satisfied
begeistert excited
beleidigt offended
berührt touched
beschämt ashamed
besorgt worried
beunruhigt concerned
bewegt moved
böse angry
dankbar thankful
deprimiert depressed
durstig thirsty
eifersüchtig jealous
eingeschüchtert awed
einsam lonely
entmutigt discouraged
entschlossen determined
entspannt relaxed
enttäuscht disappointed
erfreut pleased
erleichtert relieved
erschöpft exhausted
erschreckt frightened
erschrocken shocked
erstaunt astonished
erwartungsvoll expectant
fasziniert intrigued
froh glad
fröhlich happy
frustriert frustrated
gelangweilt bored
geringwertig inferior
gestresst stressed
gleichgültig indifferent
glücklich happy
German word translation
hilflos helpless
hoffnungslos hopeless
hoffnungsvoll hopeful
hungrig hungry
inspiriert inspired
interessiert interested
irritiert irritated
motiviert motivated
müde tired
nachdenklich thoughtful
nervös nervous
optimistisch optimistic
ruhig calm
satt full (had enough)
schuldig guilty
sorgenfrei worriless
stolz proud
traurig sad
überrascht surprised
überwältigt overwhelmed
unentschlossen undecided
unglücklich unhappy
unruhig restless
unsicher uncertain
unzufrieden discontented
verängstigt scared
verärgert upset
verblüfft stunned
verlegen embarrassed
verletzlich vulnerable
verletzt hurt
verliebt in love
verwirrt confused
verwundert astonished
verzweifelt desperate despaired
wahnsinnig mad
wütend angry
zögernd hesitant
zornig wrathful
zufrieden pleased
zuversichtlich confident

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