French Regular -IR Verbs

How to conjugate regular -IR verbs in French There are five main kinds of verbs in French: regular -ER, -IR, -RE; stem-changing; and irregular. Once you’ve learned the rules of conjugation for each of the first three kinds of verbs, you should have no problem conjugating regular verbs in each of those categories. Regular -IR verbs are the second largest category of French verbs. The verb form that ends in -IR is called the infinitive (in English, the infinitive is the verb preceded by the word “to”), and -IR is the infinitive ending.

The verb with the infinitive ending removed is called the stem or radical. To conjugate -IR verbs, remove the infinitive ending to find the stem and add the endings in the table below.


To conjugate an -IR verb in the present tense, remove the infinitive ending and then add the appropriate endings. For example, here are the present tense conjugations for the regular -IR verbs choisir (to choose), finir (to finish), and réussir (to succeed):
Pronoun Ending choisir > chois- finir > fin- réussir > réuss-
 je  -is choisis finis réussis
 tu  -is choisis finis réussis
 il  -it choisit finit réussit
 nous  -issons choisissons finissons réussissons
 vous  -issez choisissez finissez réussissez
 ils  -issent choisissent finissent réussissent
Regular -IR verbs share conjugation patterns in all tenses and moods. How to conjugate regular -IR verbs in French


French regular -IR verbs, the second largest group of French verbs, share a conjugation pattern.

Here are just a few of the most common regular -IR verbs:

abolir   to abolish agir   to act avertir   to warn

How to conjugate regular -IR verbs in French

bâtir   to build bénir   to bless choisir   to choose établir   to establish étourdir   to stun, deafen, make dizzy finir   to finish grossir   to gain weight, get fat guérir   to cure, heal, recover maigrir   to lose weight, get thin nourrir   to feed, nourish obéir   to obey punir   to punish réfléchir   to reflect, think remplir   to to fill réussir   to succeed rougir   to blush, turn red vieillir   to grow old

How to conjugate regular -IR verbs in French

How to conjugate regular -IR verbs in French


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