Dutch for Beginners: Family

Dutch for Beginners: Family

The following words are used to talk about your family in Dutch:
Familie Family
Man Man
Vrouw Woman
Jongen Boy
Meisje Girl
Vader Father
Moeder Mother
Zoon, zonen Son, sons
Dochter Daughter
Kind (*), kinderen Child, children
Broer Brother
Zus Sister
Opa, grootvader Grandfather
Oma Grandmother
Oom Uncle
Tante Aunt
Neef Nephew; cousin (male)
Nicht Niece; cousin (female)
Schoonvader Father-in-law
Schoonmoeder Mother-in-law
Ouders Parents
Getrouwd Married
Verloofd Engaged
Gescheiden Divorced
Weduwe Widow
Weduwnaar Widower
Geboorte Birth
Dood Death
Scheiding Divorce
Huwelijk (*) Marriage
Bruiloft Wedding
Verjaardag Birthday
Jubileum (*) Anniversary
NOTE: The definite article for singular nouns marked (*) is “het” (e.g., “het kind” = “the child”); the definite article for all other singular nouns is “de” (e.g., “de familie” = “the family”). The definite article for plural nouns is always “de”.]]>

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