Pronouns in Portuguese
Official forms:
- eu – I
- tu – you (singular, very informal) This is used only in Portugal; Thou was once used as the informal you in English (found in Medieval and Renaissance English and earlier translations of the Bible)
- você = you (singular, informal) This form is used in Brazil.
- ele – he or it (For people and objects of the male gender)
- ela – she or it (For people and objects of the female gender)
- nós – we
- Vós – you (singular and plural, very formal) *
- eles – they (For male people and objects or both genders)
- elas – they (For female people and objects)
- Você – you (singular, formal), it was Vossa Mercê (Your
- A gente – we (singular, informal) (Just in Brazil) 2
- Vocês – you (plural) *2
- O senhor – he/sir (male, singular, formal) *3
- A senhora – she/madam (female, singular, formal) *3
- Os senhores – they (males, formal)
- As senhoras – they (females, formal)
Singular Portuguese
Singular English |
eu (m & f)
I |
tu (m & f)—limited use in Brazil
thou (you) |
ele (m)
he |
ela (f)
she |
você (m & f)
you |
o senhor (formal-m)
you |
a senhora (formal-f)
you |
a senhorita (formal-f—”Miss”)
you |
Plural Portuguese
Plural English |
nós (m & f)
we |
vós (m & f)—limited use in Brazil
ye (you) |
eles (m)
they |
elas (f)
they |
vocês (m & f)
they |
os senhores (formal-m)
they |
as senhoras (formal-f)
they |
as senhoritas (formal-f—”Misses”)
they |
Direct & Indirect Object Pronouns
can all refer to either people or things.
Using Este, Esse and Aquele as Pronouns
When used as a pronoun without an accompanying noun:
este = this/this one
esse = that/that one (close proximity)
aquele = that/that one (over there)
The pronouns:
isto = this/this thing
isso = that/that thing (close proximity)
aquilo = that/that thing (over there) = that/that thing
are used when referring to facts, ideas or vaguely identified objects. They are never used to identify individual people or groups of people.

English | Portuguese | English | Portuguese |
me (m/f) | me | (to) me (m/f) | me |
you (familiar-m/f) | te | (to) you (m/f) | te |
him/it (m) you (polite-m) | o | (to) him/it (m) (to) you (polite-m) | lhe |
her/it (f) you (polite-f) | a | (to) her/it (f) (to) you (polite-f) | lhe |
you (polite-m) | o senhor | (to) you (polite-m) | ao senhor |
you (polite-f) | a senhora | (to) you (polite-f) | à senhora |
you (familiar-m/f) | você | (to) you (familiar m/f) | a você |
us (m/f) | nós/nos | (to) us (m/f) | nós/nos |
you (formal familiar) | vós/vos (Portugal) | (to) you (formal familiar) | vós/vos (Portugal) |
them (m) | os | (to) them (m/f) | lhes |
you (polite-m) | os senhores | (to) you (polite-m) | os senhores |
you (polite-f) | as senhoras | (to) you (polite-f) | às senhores |
you (familiar m/f) | vocês | (to) you (familiar m/f) | a vocês |