French Lessons- French Conjugation

Learn FrenchFrench Conjugation

How to Conjugate ER Verbs in French

One thing English speakers who are learning French struggle with is learning how to conjugate all the different verbs. Most French verbs typically end in -er, -re, or -ir. The biggest group is verbs that end in -er. Verbs that fall into this group that follow the same conjugation pattern are called regular -er verbs. Once you know how to conjugate one regular -er verb, you know how to conjugate all regular -er verbs! Let’s take a look at the process.

Steps to Follow Conjugating Regular ER Verbs in the Present Tense

To conjugate any regular -er verb in the present tense, you will follow the steps outlined below. 1.) Take the infinitive form of the verb, and drop the -er off the end of the verb to get the verb stem. (For example, take the infinitive form of the verb parler, and remove the -er. You are left with the verb stemparl-.) 2.) Determine the subject pronoun you are conjugating the verb with, and add the appropriate ending from the chart below.
Subject Pronoun Ending
Je -e
Tu -es
Il/Elle/On -e
Nous -ons
Vous -ez
Ils/Elles -ent

Practice Conjugating

Let’s now practice this conjugation pattern with some common regular -er verbs in French.
Parler (to speak) Donner (to give) Aimer (to like)
Je parle (pahrle) Je donne (done) J’aime* (ehm)
Tu parles (pahrle) Tu donnes (done) Tu aimes (ehm)
Il/Elle/On parle (pahrle) Il/Elle/On donne (done) Il/Elle/On aime (ehm)
Nous parlons (pahrl-ohn) Nous donnons (done-ohn) Nous aimons (ehm-ohn)
Vous parlez (pahrl-ay) Vous donnez (done-ay) Vous aimez (ehm-ay)
Ils/Elles parlent (pahrle) Ils/Elles donnent (done) Ils/Elles aiment (ehm)

How to Conjugate IR Verbs in French

Verbs and Conjugation

In French, verbs have a set of endings. We call this a conjugation. A verb like choisir (pronounced: shwah-zeer), meaning ‘to choose,’ is called an -IR verb. To conjugate the verb, we chop off the -IR at the end of the word and put on the correct ending. The ending for the verb corresponds to who is doing the verb. The person (or thing) doing the verb is called thesubject. In French, subjects are:
  • je (pronounced: zhuh), meaning ‘I’
  • tu (pronounced: tooh), meaning ‘you’ (singular, informal)
  • il, elle (pronounced: eel, el), meaning ‘he’ or ‘she’
  • nous (pronounced: nooh), meaning ‘we’
  • vous (pronounced: vooh), meaning ‘you’ (plural, formal)
  • ils, elles (pronounced: eel, el), meaning ‘they’

-IR Verb Endings

This chart shows the endings for -IR verbs in French:
je _____ -is nous _____-issons
tu _____ -is vous _____-issez
il / elle _____ -it ils / elles _____-issent
To say ‘I choose,’ we use the verb chosir (meaning ‘to choose’) but take off the -ir. This leaves us with chois-. This first part of the verb, without an ending, is called the stem. We add an ending to the stem. For je (meaning ‘I’), the ending is -is. So ‘I choose’ is je choisis (pronounced: zhuh shwah-zee).


The endings for je, tu, il and elle all sound like ‘ee.’
French Pronunciation
je choisis zhuh shwah-zee
tu choisis tyooh shwah-zee
il / elle choisit eel / el shwah-zee
Notice that the il and elle forms end with -it, while the je and tu forms end with -is. The written forms are different, but the pronunciation is exactly the same! The plural forms–we, you (all), they–sound slightly different. The ending -issons sounds like ‘ee-ssahn,’ -issezsounds like ‘ee-say’, and -issent sounds like ‘eess.’
French Pronunciation
nous choisissons nooh shwah-zee-ssahn
vous choisissez vooh shwah-zee-say
ils / elles choisissent eel / el shwah-zeess

Common -IR Verbs

French Pronunciation Meaning
Finir fee-neer to finish
Grandir grahn-deer to grow up
Réussir ray-ooh-seer to succeed
Réfléchir ray-flay-sheer to think about; to reflect
Maigrir may-greer to lose weight
Grossir groh-seer to gain weight


Let’s take the verb finir as an example. Imagine that Pierre wants to play video games. His mom says OK, but first ‘you finish the homework’–tu finis les devoirs (pronounced: tooh fee-nee lay dehv-wahr). Pierre’s a good student. He reminds his mom, ‘I always finish homework’–je finis toujours les devoirs(pronounced: zhuh fee-nee tooh-zhor lay dehv-war). Pierre’s brother Richard pipes up, ‘We always finish homework!’–nous finissons toujours les devoirs (pronounced: nooh fee-nee-sahn tooh-zhor lay dehv-wahr). Mom thinks, ‘That’s true, they always finish homework,’–ils finissent toujours les devoirs (pronounced: eel fee-neess tooh-zhor lay dehv-wahr).

How to Conjugate RE Verbs in French

In French, verbs have sets of endings. This lesson introduces you to the endings for verbs that end in -RE. You will learn several -RE verbs, such as ‘vendre’ (to sell), ‘perdre’ (to lose), and ‘attendre’ (to wait.)

Subjects And Verbs

In French, verbs have different endings for each subject (like ‘I’, ‘you,’ ‘we,’ etc). Let’s review some subject pronouns:
  • je (pronounced: zhuh), meaning ‘I’
  • tu (pronounced: tooh), meaning ‘you’ (singular)
  • il / elle (pronounced: eel / el), meaning ‘he / she’
  • nous (pronounced: nooh), meaning ‘we’
  • vous (pronounced: vooh), meaning ‘you’ (plural or formal)
  • ils / elles (pronounced: eel / el), meaning ‘they’


The pattern of endings for a verb is called a conjugation. A verb like vendre (pronounced: vahn-druh), meaning ‘to sell,’ is called an -RE verb. To conjugate the verb, we chop off the -RE at the end of the word. This leaves us with the stem (the beginning part of the word). We then put on the correct ending. For vendre, the stem isvend-. Let’s take a look at the for -RE endings for conjugation patterns:
Conjugation Pattern -RE verbs
je _____ -s nous _____ -ons
tu _____ -s vous _____ -ez
il, elle _____ ils, elles _____ -ent
You’ll notice that the je and tu forms are exactly the same. They both end with s–however, the s is silent. The il /elle form is unusual, because there is no extra ending.


Let’s look at the verb rendre, which means ‘to turn in’ (for example, to turn in homework).
  • je rends (pronounced: zhuh rahn), meaning ‘I turn in’
  • tu rends (pronounced: tooh rahn), meaning ‘you turn in’ (singular ‘you’)
  • il / elle rend (pronounced: eel / el rahn), meaning ‘he / she turns in’
  • nous rendons (pronounced: nooh rahn-dahn), meaning ‘we turn in’
  • vous rendez (pronounced: vooh rahn-day), meaning ‘you turn in’ (plural or formal ‘you’)
  • ils / elles rendent (pronounced: eel / el rahnd), meaning ‘they turn in’

Notes About Pronunciation

Let’s look at details regarding pronunciation for these conjugation patterns:

Singular: je, tu, il, elle

The je, tu, and il / elle forms all have the exact same pronunciation. Notice that the il / elle form of the verb does not have an s at the end.

Plural: nous, vous, ils, elles

Most final consonants in French are silent. For the nous form, the ending is -ons, with the s being silent. For thevous form, the -ez ending is pronounced ay. For the ils / elles form, the -ent ending is silent.

Vendre (To Sell)

Imagine that your French friend, Sandra, needs money. She might tell you Je vends la voiture (pronounced: zhuh vahn lah vwah-tuhr), meaning ‘I’m selling my car.’ Her kids, Pierre and Jacques, want to help by selling their toys, or les jouets (pronounced: lay zhooh-ay). The tell you Nous vendons les jouets. Later, you tell you neighbor what’s going on–elle vend la voiture (pronounced: ell vahn lah vwah-tuhr) and ils vendent les jouets (eel vahnd lay zhooh-ay). Notice that when Sandra says je vends or when you say elle vend, we don’t hear the ‘d’ sound. (The s in je vendsis also silent). But when we say ils vendent or elles vendent, we DO make a d sound at the end of the word. The -ent’ is silent–but because it’s there, we pronounce that d.

Perdre (To Lose)

We saw that rendre means ‘to turn in.’ This is what students do with homework, or les devoirs (pronounced: lay dehv-wahr.) Unfortunately, students sometimes also lose their homework! Perdre means ‘to lose.’ Imagine a group of friends who have different homework habits:
  • Pierre: Je rends les devoirs. (pronounced: zhuh rahn lay dehv-wahr)
  • Albert : Je perds les devoirs. (pronounced: zhuh pehr lay dehv-wahr)
  • Pierre et Marie : Nous rendons les devoirs. (pronounced: nooh rahn-don lay dehv-wahr)
  • Albert et Jacques : Nous perdons les devoirs. (pronounced: nooh pehr-don lay dehv-wahr)

Être Meaning

In almost every conversation you will need the French verb être. Être (pronounced: ay-tr, with a soft ‘r’ at the end) is used to indicate how things are. Literally meaning ‘to be’ être can be conjugated with the various French pronouns, paired with adjectives or used in numerous idiomatic expressions.


Each French pronoun requires a different conjugation of the verb être. This table shows you a pronoun, the correct conjugation of être, the English meaning of the conjugation, and the conjugation pronunciation.
Subject Pronoun Être Conjugation Pronunciation English Meaning
je (I) suis (am) swee I am
tu (you) es (are) ay You are
il (he) est (is) ay He is
elle (she) est (is) ay She is
nous (we) sommes (are) sohm We are
vous (you) êtes(are) eht You are (formal) or You all are
ils (they) sont (are) sohn They are
elles (they) sont (are) sohn They are (feminine)

Conjugation Examples

Imagine you are talking about the nationalities of your friends and yourself. Study the above chart and following sentences and note how the verb être is conjugated and used with adjectives. In this case the adjective is the nationality American. Je suis Américain. I am American. Et toi? And you? Tu es américain? Are you American? Paul est Américain. Paul is American. Nous sommes Américains. We are Americans. Vous êtes Américains? Are you all Americans? Ils sont Américains. They are Americans. Julie et Diane, elles sont Américains aussi. Julie and Diane, they are Americans too.

Aller Conjugation

Why is faire an important verb?
The verb faire (pronounced like the English word fair but with the French /r/ sound) is a great verb to have in your back pocket because it’s definitely a multi-tasker. Some interesting facts about this verb are: 1) most weather expressions in French use faire, for example to talk about what the weather is doing 2) many individual sports and activities use this verb, for example to express that you do a certain sport 3) used in math equations to mean equals in English 4) used in causative constructions where you have had something done to a person or thing, for example having your dog groomed 5) Numbers 1 and 2 on this list are the most important usages for beginners. It’s also used in many, many other expressions in French. Trust us, this is a high-frequency verb!
How to use it in sentences: the conjugations
The verb faire is considered to be an irregular verb, meaning that the conjugations used in order to create a subject-verb agreement do not follow typical patterns. So, break out the flash cards and commit this one to memory. The following examples of conjugations express how to use the verb to talk about activities and sports. Singular Forms: Je fais (fay) du sport = I do sports Fais-tu du yoga? = Do you do yoga? Il/Elle fait (fay) du ski nautique = He/She does/goes skiing Plural Forms: Nous faisons (fuh zahn) de la danse = We do dance Faites(fet)-vous du camping? = Do you do/go camping? Ils/Elles font (fohn) une promenade = They go for a walk Remember, many individual sports – ones that don’t require a team to play – as well as activities take this verb, and it can also translate into English as go instead of make or do.

Savoir Conjugation

Knowing how to say you know something or telling a friend, ‘I don’t know’ is pretty important in conversation, even French conversations. But to do that, first you have to learn how to conjugate the verb savior(pronounced: sah-vwahr), to know.
Subject Pronoun Savoir Conjugation Pronunciation English Meaning
je (I) sais (say) I know
tu (you) sais (say) you know (singular)
il/elle (he/she) sait (say) he/she knows
nous (we) savons (sah-vahn) we know
vous (you) savez (sah-vay) you know (plural)
ils/elles (they) savent (sahv) they know
Now that we’ve got that down, let’s look at the different ways that savior is used in conversations.

To Know How

To express that someone knows how to do something, we use a form of the verb savoir plus a second verb. Let’s look at some examples using savoir plus the verb nager (pronounced: nah-zhay) to swim: Imagine that your French friend, Ariane, has come to visit. You want to go swimming, so you ask her, ‘Tu sais nager?’ meaning, ‘Do you know how to swim?’. She would answer ‘Je sais nager’ meaning ‘I know how to swim.’ Then, your friends Frank and Elizabeth arrive. You ask them ‘Vous savez nager?’ meaning ‘Do you (guys) know how to swim?’ They answer, ‘Nous savons nager’ meaning ‘We know how to swim.’ Notice how the sentences use different forms of the verb savoir, but the word nager never changes. Let’s look at some more examples:
  • Je sais conduire (pronounced: zhuh say kon-dweer), meaning ‘I know how to drive.’
  • Elle sait conduire (pronounced: el say kon-dweer), meaning ‘She knows how to drive.’
  • Il sait danser (pronounced: eel say dahn-say), meaning ‘He knows how to dance.’
  • Ils savent danser (pronounced: eel sahv dahn-say), meaning ‘They know how to dance.’

Vouloir Conjugation

Vouloir: To Want

Imagine that you get to spend a few weeks visiting France. What do you want to do? What do you want to eat? To express what you want, say je veux (pronounced: zhuh veuh), which means ‘I want.’ Whether you stay in a hotel or with French hosts, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to discuss what you want. For example, you might say: je veux visiter le Louvre (pronounced: zhuh veuh vee-see-tay luh loov-ruh). Perhaps your main goal is to learn French. You can explain that: je veux apprendre le français (pronounced: zhuh veuh ah-prahn-druh luh frahn-say).

Conjugating Vouloir

In English, we say ‘I want’ and ‘he wants.’ The verb is ‘want,’ but its form changes slightly depending on who is speaking. In French, verbs have different endings. Putting the right endings on a verb is called conjugating the verb. Notice the endings for the verb vouloir:
VOULOIR (pronounced: vooh-lwahr) to want
je veux (zhuh veuh) nous voulons (nooh vooh-lahn)
I want we want
tu veux (tyooh veuh) vous voulez (vooh vooh-lay)
you want (singular) you want (plural)
il / elle veut (eel / el veuh) ils / elles veulent (eel / el vuhl)
he / she wants they want

Pronunciation Hints

Notice that the verb endings for je, tu, il and elle are all pronounced the same. The verb ending is the same for the je and tu forms. For il / elle , the ending changes. When you’re speaking, you can’t hear a difference. Another thing to keep in mind is that the je, tu, il / elle, and ils / elles forms all start with veu. This letter blend sounds like ‘euh.’ To pronounce it correctly, think about making the sound down in your throat, at the spot where you swallow. On the other hand, vouloir as well as voulons and voulez all begin with the sound vou. This letter blend rhymes with ‘ooh’ — as in Ooh là là! This sound is formed with your lips. Pucker up like you’re going to give someone a big kiss to make the ooh sound for French words like vouloir, voulons, voulez as well as vous and nous.

Examples With Vouloir

Imagine that two friends, Paul and Robert, are traveling together in France. As they discuss traveling from Paris to the city of Avignon, they might debate whether to prendre le train (pronounced: prahn-druh luh trahn) orlouer une voiture (pronounced: looh-ay oohn vwah-tyuhr). Paul might ask Robert: Tu veux louer une voiture? Robert might reply, Non, je veux prendre le train. Paul and Robert are staying with their friend Nathalie in Paris. They tell her about their plan: Nous voulons prendre le train. Nathalie might ask them, ‘Do you want to leave tomorrow?’ She would say Voulez-vous partir demain? (pronounced: vooh-lay vooh pahr-teer duh-mahn).

French Conjugations:

Er- Verb
1. ACCOMPAGNER : to accompany
Je: accompagne Nous: accompagnons
Tu: accompagnes Vous: accompagnez
Il: accompagne Ils: accompagnent
2. AIDER : to help
Je: aide Nous: aidons
Tu: aides Vous: aidez
Il: aide Ils: aident
3. AIMER : to like, love
Je: aime Nous: aimons
Tu: aimes Vous: aimez
Il: aime Ils: aiment
4. APPORTER : to bring
Je: apporte Nous: apportons
Tu: apportes Vous: apportez
Il: apporte Ils: apportent
5. CHANTER : to sing
Je: chante Nous: chantons
Tu: chantes Vous: chantez
Il: chante Ils: chantent
6. COÛTER : to cost
Je: coûte Nous: coûtons
Tu: coûtes Vous: coûtez
Il: coûte Ils: coûtent
7. DANSER : to dance
Je: danse Nous: dansons
Tu: danses Vous: dansez
Il: danse Ils: dansent
8. FERMER : to close
Je: ferme Nous: fermons
Tu: fermes Vous: fermez
Il: ferme Ils: ferment
9. JOUER : to play
Je: joue Nous: jouons
Tu: joues Vous: jouez
Il: joue Ils: jouent
10. LAVER : to wash
Je: lave Nous: lavons
Tu: laves Vous: lavez
Il: lave Ils: lavent
11. MARCHER : to walk, go
Je: marche Nous: marchons
Tu: marches Vous: marchez
Il: marche Ils: marchent
12. MONTRER : to show
Je: montre Nous: montrons
Tu: montres Vous: montrez
Il: montre Ils: montrent
13. OUBLIER : to forget
Je: oublie Nous: oublions
Tu: oublies Vous: oubliez
Il: oublie Ils: oublient
14. PASSER : to pass
Je: passe Nous: passons
Tu: passes Vous: passez
Il: passe Ils: passent
15. PENSER : to think
Je: pense Nous: pensons
Tu: penses Vous: pensez
Il: pense Ils: pensent
16. PRÉPARER : to prepare
Je: prépare Nous: préparons
Tu: prépares Vous: préparez
Il: prépare Ils: préparent
17. RACONTER : to relate, tell
Je: raconte Nous: racontons
Tu: racontes Vous: racontez
Il: raconte Ils: racontent
18. ÉCOUTER : to listen (to)
Je: écoute Nous: écoutons
Tu: écoutes Vous: écoutez
Il: écoute Ils: écoutent
19. ÉTUDIER : to study
Je: étudie Nous: étudions
Tu: étudies Vous: étudiez
Il: étudie Ils: étudient
LE PRESENT: -ir verbs
1. AGIR : to act
Je: agis Nous: agissons
Tu: agis Vous: agissez
Il: agit Ils: agissent
2. BÂTIR : to build
Je: bâtis Nous: bâtissons
Tu: bâtis Vous: bâtissez
Il: bâtit Ils: bâtissent
3. CHOISIR : to choose
Je: choisis Nous: choisissons
Tu: choisis Vous: choisissez
Il: choisit Ils: choisissent
4. DÉSOBÉIR : to disobey
Je: désobéis Nous: désobéissons
Tu: désobéis Vous: désobéissez
Il: désobéit Ils: désobéissent
5. FINIR : to finish
Je: finis Nous: finissons
Tu: finis Vous: finissez
Il: finit Ils: finissent
6. GUÉRIR : to cure
Je: guéris Nous: guérissons
Tu: guéris Vous: guérissez
Il: guérit Ils: guérissent
7. NOURRIR : to feed
Je: nourris Nous: nourrissons
Tu: nourris Vous: nourrissez
Il: nourrit Ils: nourrissent
8. OBÉIR : to obey
Je: obéis Nous: obéissons
Tu: obéis Vous: obéissez
Il: obéit Ils: obéissent
9. PUNIR : to punish
Je: punis Nous: punissons
Tu: punis Vous: punissez
Il: punit Ils: punissent
10. REMPLIR : to fill
Je: remplis Nous: remplissons
Tu: remplis Vous: remplissez
Il: remplit Ils: remplissent
11. ROUGIR : to blush
Je: rougis Nous: rougissons
Tu: rougis Vous: rougissez
Il: rougit Ils: rougissent
12. RÉFLÉCHIR : to think, reflect
Je: réfléchis Nous: réfléchissons
Tu: réfléchis Vous: réfléchissez
Il: réfléchit Ils: réfléchissent
13. RÉUSSIR : to succeed
Je: réussis Nous: réussissons
Tu: réussis Vous: réussissez
Il: réussit Ils: réussissent
14. SAISIR : to seize
Je: saisis Nous: saisissons
Tu: saisis Vous: saisissez
Il: saisit Ils: saisissent
LE PRESENT: -re verbs
1. ATTENDRE : to wait (for)
Je: attends Nous: attendons
Tu: attends Vous: attendez
Il: attend Ils: attendent
2. DESCENDRE : to go (come) down
Je: descends Nous: descendons
Tu: descends Vous: descendez
Il: descend Ils: descendent
3. DÉFENDRE : to defend
Je: défends Nous: défendons
Tu: défends Vous: défendez
Il: défend Ils: défendent
4. ENTENDRE : to hear
Je: entends Nous: entendons
Tu: entends Vous: entendez
Il: entend Ils: entendent
5. INTERROMPRE : to interrupt
Je: interromps Nous: interrompons
Tu: interromps Vous: interrompez
Il: interrompt Ils: interrompent
6. PERDRE : to lose
Je: perds Nous: perdons
Tu: perds Vous: perdez
Il: perd Ils: perdent
7. RENDRE : to give back, return
Je: rends Nous: rendons
Tu: rends Vous: rendez
Il: rend Ils: rendent
8. ROMPRE : to break
Je: romps Nous: rompons
Tu: romps Vous: rompez
Il: rompt Ils: rompent
9. RÉPONDRE : to answer
Je: réponds Nous: répondons
Tu: réponds Vous: répondez
Il: répond Ils: répondent
10. VENDRE : to sell
Je: vends Nous: vendons
Tu: vends Vous: vendez
Il: vend Ils: vendent
LE PRESENT: irregular -ir verbs
1. DORMIR : to sleep
Je: dors Nous: dormons
Tu: dors Vous: dormez
Il: dort Ils: dorment
2. ENDORMIR : to put to sleep
Je: endors Nous: endormons
Tu: endors Vous: endormez
Il: endort Ils: endorment
3. MENTIR : to lie
Je: mens Nous: mentons
Tu: mens Vous: mentez
Il: ment Ils: mentent
4. PARTIR : to go away
Je: pars Nous: partons
Tu: pars Vous: partez
Il: part Ils: partent
5. SENTIR : to feel
Je: sens Nous: sentons
Tu: sens Vous: sentez
Il: sent Ils: sentent
6. SERVIR : to serve
Je: sers Nous: servons
Tu: sers Vous: servez
Il: sert Ils: servent
7. SORTIR : to go out
Je: sors Nous: sortons
Tu: sors Vous: sortez
Il: sort Ils: sortent
LE PRESENT: irregular verbs
1. ALLER : to go
Je: vais Nous: allons
Tu: vas Vous: allez
Il: va Ils: vont
2. ASSEOIR : to sit
Je: assieds Nous: asseyons
Tu: assieds Vous: asseyez
Il: assied Ils: asseyent
3. AVOIR : to have
Je: ai Nous: avons
Tu: as Vous: avez
Il: a Ils: ont
4. BATTRE : to beat
Je: bats Nous: battons
Tu: bats Vous: battez
Il: bat Ils: battent
5. BOIRE : to drink
Je: bois Nous: buvons
Tu: bois Vous: buvez
Il: boit Ils: boivent
6. CONDUIRE : to drive
Je: conduis Nous: conduisons
Tu: conduis Vous: conduisez
Il: conduit Ils: conduisent
7. CONNAÎTRE : to be acquainted with
Je: connais Nous: connaissons
Tu: connais Vous: connaissez
Il: connaît Ils: connaissent
8. COURIR : to run
Je: cours Nous: courons
Tu: cours Vous: courez
Il: court Ils: courent
9. CRAINDRE : to fear
Je: crains Nous: craignons
Tu: crains Vous: craignez
Il: craint Ils: craignent
10. CROIRE : to believe
Je: crois Nous: croyons
Tu: crois Vous: croyez
Il: croit Ils: croient
11. DEVOIR : to have to
Je: dois Nous: devons
Tu: dois Vous: devez
Il: doit Ils: doivent
12. DIRE : to say
Je: dis Nous: disons
Tu: dis Vous: dites
Il: dit Ils: disent
13. FAIRE : to do
Je: fais Nous: faisons
Tu: fais Vous: faites
Il: fait Ils: font
14. LIRE : to read
Je: lis Nous: lisons
Tu: lis Vous: lisez
Il: lit Ils: lisent
15. METTRE : to put on
Je: mets Nous: mettons
Tu: mets Vous: mettez
Il: met Ils: mettent
16. OUVRIR : to open
Je: ouvre Nous: ouvrons
Tu: ouvres Vous: ouvrez
Il: ouvre Ils: ouvrent
17. PLAIRE : to please
Je: plais Nous: plaisons
Tu: plais Vous: plaisez
Il: plaît Ils: plaisent
18. POUVOIR : to be able
Je: peux Nous: pouvons
Tu: peux Vous: pouvez
Il: peut Ils: peuvent
19. PRENDRE : to take
Je: prends Nous: prenons
Tu: prends Vous: prenez
Il: prend Ils: prennent
20. RECEVOIR : to receive
Je: reçois Nous: recevons
Tu: reçois Vous: recevez
Il: reçoit Ils: reçoivent
21. RIRE : to laugh
Je: ris Nous: rions
Tu: ris Vous: riez
Il: rit Ils: rient
22. SAVOIR : to know
Je: sais Nous: savons
Tu: sais Vous: savez
Il: sait Ils: savent
23. SUIVRE : to follow
Je: suis Nous: suivons
Tu: suis Vous: suivez
Il: suit Ils: suivent
24. TAIRE : to not tell
Je: tais Nous: taisons
Tu: tais Vous: taisez
Il: tait Ils: taisent
25. TENIR : to hold
Je: tiens Nous: tenons
Tu: tiens Vous: tenez
Il: tient Ils: tiennent
26. VALOIR : to be worth
Je: vaux Nous: valons
Tu: vaux Vous: valez
Il: vaut Ils: valent
27. VENIR : to come
Je: viens Nous: venons
Tu: viens Vous: venez
Il: vient Ils: viennent
28. VIVRE : to live
Je: vis Nous: vivons
Tu: vis Vous: vivez
Il: vit Ils: vivent
29. VOIR : to see
Je: vois Nous: voyons
Tu: vois Vous: voyez
Il: voit Ils: voient
30. VOULOIR : to want
Je: veux Nous: voulons
Tu: veux Vous: voulez
Il: veut Ils: veulent
31. ÉCRIRE : to write
Je: écris Nous: écrivons
Tu: écris Vous: écrivez
Il: écrit Ils: écrivent
32. ÊTRE : to be
Je: suis Nous: sommes
Tu: es Vous: êtes
Il: est Ils: sont

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