Swedish Useful Words
sometimes | ibland | already | redan |
always | alltid | perhaps | kanske |
never | aldrig | both | båda |
often | ofta | some | någon, något, några |
usually | oftast | again | igen, åter |
now | nu | between | mellan |
and | och | a lot, many | många |
but | men | of course | naturligtvis |
or | eller | a little | lite grann |
very | mycket / väldigt | not at all | inte alls |
here | här | almost | nästan |
there | där | really? | verkligen |
with | med | it is | det är |
each other | varandra | there is/are | det finns |
Swedish Question Words
who | vem | whose | vems |
what | vad | which | vilken, vilket, vilka |
why | varför | where to | vart |
when | när | where from | varifrån |
where | var | how | hur |
Which has three different forms depending on the gender and number of the noun that follows it. Vilken is used with en words, vilket is used with ett words and vilka is used with plural words.
Yes/No questions: Invert the subject and verb so that the verb begins the question.
Arbetar han? Does he work? Regnar det? Is it raining?
Question Words: The question word begins the question, and the verb comes next, followed by the subject.
Var bor Sten? Where does Sten live? Vad gör Elsa? What does Elsa do?
Word order
There are three different word order structures to follow in the Swedish language: the traditional word order of the main clause, the inverted word order of the main clause, and the word order of the subordinate clause.
A main clause contains an independent thought and can form a grammatically acceptable and understandable sentence on its own. A subordinate clause adds information to the main clause or specifies something in the main clause, and it does not work on its own without the main clause.
The traditional word order of the main clause follows a basic pattern where the first element of the sentence is a subject, followed closely by a verb and an object (SVO). Qualifiers such as negative words (inte, ej) and specific adverbs (alltid, kanske, redan) are usually placed after the first verb. At the end of the sentence, additional information on how something was done (tydligt), where it was done (i sängen) and when (på morgonen), can also be included.
The traditional word order in a nutshell: subject, verb, qualifier, object, how, where, when.

Jenny köpte en ny bok i går. Jenny bought a new book yesterday.
Hon vill inte äta frukost hemma i morgon. She doesn’t want to eat breakfast at home tomorrow.
The inverted word order of the main clause is needed when the sentence starts with something else than a subject, for example with an expression describing a place or a time. In an inverted word order the subject and the verb change places (VSO).
The inverted word order in a nutshell: alternate expression, verb, subject, qualifier, object, how, where, when.
Där lyssnade vi alltid på rockmusik. There we always listened to rock music.
Idag har jag inte haft tid att laga mat. Today I haven’t had time to cook (food).
The word order of the subordinate clause is near identical to that of the traditional main clause word order (SVO). The main difference is that the qualifier comes before the verb and not after it. A subordinate clause usually starts with a conjunction or a similar structure.
The word order of a subordinate clause in a nutshell: conjunction, subject, qualifier, verb, object, how, where, when.
In the following examples, the beginning of the subordinate clause has been bolded.
Det är kul att jag redan kan gå hem. It’s nice that I can already go home.
Det är någonting som Jesse inte förstår. It’s something that Jesse doesn’t understand
Professions in Swedish:
actor | skådespelare | judge | domare |
actress | skådespelerska | lawyer | advokat |
author | författare | mechanic | mekaniker, montör |
baker | bagare | musician | musiker |
baker’s shop | bageri | nurse | sjuksköterska |
bookseller | bokhandlare | official | ämbetsman |
bookshop | bokaffär | optician (eye doctor) | optiker |
businessman | affärsman | painter | målare |
butcher | slaktare | photographer | fotograf |
pharmacist | farmaceut | policeman | polis |
pharmacy | apotek (n) | postman | brevbärare |
cook | kock, kokerska | priest | präst |
customer | kund | publisher | förläggare |
dentist | tandläkare | scientist | vetenskapsman |
doctor | läkare, doktor | shoemaker | skomakare |
employee | anställd, arbetstagare | shop, store | butik |
engineer | ingenjör | singer | sångare, sångerska |
fisherman | fiskare | student | student |
gardener | trädgårdsmästare | surgeon | kirurg |
hairdresser | hårfrisör | tailor | skräddare |
jeweler | juvelerare | teacher | lärare |
journalist | journalist | workman | arbetare |
Swedish Days of the Week / Veckans dagar
Monday | måndag |
Tuesday | tisdag |
Wednesday | onsdag |
Thursday | torsdag |
Friday | fredag |
Saturday | lördag |
Sunday | söndag |
day | dag |
morning | morgon |
afternoon | eftermiddag |
evening | afton (before 6 pm) / kväll |
night | natt |
today | idag |
tomorrow | imorgon |
day after tomorrow | i övermorgon |
tonight | ikväll |
yesterday | igår |
day before yesterday | i förrgår |
last night | igår natt |
week | vecka |
weekend | helg |
daily | daglig |
weekly | veckolig |
Swedish Months of the Year
January | januari |
February | februari |
March | mars |
April | april |
May | maj |
June | juni |
July | juli |
August | augusti |
September | september |
October | oktober |
November | november |
December | december |
month | månad |
year | år |
monthly | månatlig / varje månad |
yearly | årlig |
Swedish Seasons
Winter | vinter | in (the) winter | på vintern |
Spring | vår | in (the) spring | på våren |
Summer | sommar | in (the) summer | på sommaren |
Fall | höst | in (the) fall | på hösten |
Swedish Directions
North | norr | Northeast | nordost |
South | söder | Northwest | nordväst |
East | öster | Southeast | sydost |
West | väster | Southwest | sydväst |
left | till vänster | ||
right | till höger | ||
straight ahead | rakt fram |
Swedish Numbers
0 | noll | [nɔl:] |
1 | Ett | [et:] |
2 | Två | [tvo:] |
3 | Tre | [tre:] |
4 | Fyra | [fy:ra] |
5 | Fem | [fem] |
6 | Sex | [Sek:s] |
7 | Sju | [ɧu:] |
8 | Åtta | [ɔtta] |
9 | Nio | [ni:ʊ] |
10 | Tio | [ti:ʊ] |
11 | Elva | [elva] |
12 | Tolv | [tɔlv] |
13 | Tretton | [trettɔn] |
14 | Fjorton | [fju:ʈɔn] |
15 | Femton | [femtɔn] |
16 | Sexton | [sekstɔn] |
17 | Sjutton | [ɧɵttɔn] |
18 | Arton | [aʈɔn] |
19 | Nitton | [nittɔn] |
20 | Tjugo | [ɕʉ̟:gɔ] |
21 | Tjugoett | [ɕʉ̟:gɔet:] |
22 | Tjugotvå | [ɕʉ̟:gɔtvo:] |
30 | Trettio | [trettiʊ] |
40 | Fyrtio | [fʏʈiʊ] |
50 | Femtio | [femtiʊ] |
60 | Sextio | [sekstiʊ] |
70 | Sjuttio | [ɧɵttiʊ] |
71 | Sjuttioett | [ɧɵttiʊet:] |
79 | Sjuttionio | [ɧɵttiʊni:ʊ] |
80 | Åttio | [ɔttiʊ] |
81 | Åttioett | [ɔttiʊet:] |
89 | Åttionio | [ɔttiʊtvo] |
90 | Nittio | [nittiʊ] |
91 | Nittioett | [nittiʊet:] |
99 | Nittionio | [nittiʊni ʊ] |
100 | Hundra | [hɵndra] |
Names of European Countries in Swedish
Svenska — Engelska Albanien — Albania Belgien — Belgium England — England Frankrike — France Irland — Ireland Island — Iceland Italien — Italy Kroatien — Croatia Nordirland — Northern Ireland Österrike — Austria Polen — Poland Portugal — Portugal Rumänien — Romania Ryssland — Russia Schweiz — Switzerland Slovakien — Slovakia Spanien — Spain Sverige — Sweden Tjeckien — Czech Republic Turkiet — Turkey Tyskland — Germany Ukraina — Ukraine Ungern — Hungary Wales — WalesBody parts in Swedish
ett huvud (a head) | huvudet (the head) | huvuden* (heads) | huvudena* (the heads) |
hår (hair) | håret (the hair) | n/a | n/a |
ett öra (an ear) | örat (the ear) | öron (ears) | öronen (the ears) |
ett ansikte (a face) | ansiktet (the face) | ansikten (faces) | ansiktena (the faces) |
ett öga (an eye) | ögat (the eye) | ögon (eyes) | ögonen (the eyes) |
ett ögonbryn (an eyebrow) | ögonbrynet (the eyebrow) | ögonbryn(eyebrows) | ögonbrynen (the eyebrows) |
en näsa (a nose) | näsan (the nose) | näsor (noses) | näsorna (the noses) |
en mun (a mouth) | munnen (the mouth) | munnar (mouths) | munnarna (the mouths) |
en läpp (a lip) | läppen (the lip) | läppar (lips) | läpparna (the lips) |
en kind (a cheek) | kinden (the cheek) | kinder (cheeks) | kinderna (the cheeks) |
en hals (a neck**) | halsen (the neck) | halsar (necks) | halsarna (the necks) |
en haka (a chin) | hakan (the chin) | hakor (chins) | hakorna (the chins) |
en nacke (a nape) | nacken (the nape) | nackar (napes) | nackarna (the napes) |