Endings that mark the masculine gender
Usually, the noun gender is determined by the noun’s ending. The endings that mark the masculine gender in order of most importance are:
-ich, -ist, -or, -ig, -ling, -ismus, -ant, -är, -eur, -iker and -ps
Words ending with “-ich”
– How often this ending is seen: Average
– Plural with “

Example |
Meaning |
der Teppich |
carpet |
der Sittich |
parakeet |
der Abgleich |
adjustment |
der Bereich |
range |
der Teich |
pond |
Exception: das Reich
Words ending with “-ist”
– How often this ending is seen: Average
– Plural with “
– Many come from Latin or Greek

Example |
Meaning |
der Artist |
artist |
der Egoist |
egoist |
der Feminist |
feminist |
der Herzspezialist |
cardiologist |
der Komponist |
composer |
Words ending with “-or”
– How often this ending is seen: Average
– Plural: The majority end with “-en” and some with “-e”
– Many come from Latin
Example |
Meaning |
der Ventilator |
fan |
der Motor |
motor |
der Faktor |
factor |
der Marmor |
marble |
Exceptions: das Fluor
(Fluorine), das Chlor
(chlorine), das Tor
(gate), das Labor
(laboratory), das Dekor
Words ending with “-ig”
– How often this ending is seen: Less often
– Plural with “

Example |
Meaning |
der König |
king |
der Honig |
honey |
der Essig |
vinegar |
der Käfig |
cage |
Exception: das Reisig
Words ending with “-ling”
– How often this ending is seen: Less often
– Plural with “-e”

Example |
Meaning |
der Schmetterling |
butterfly |
der Frühling |
spring |
der Lehrling |
apprentice |
der Zwilling |
twin |
Exceptions: das Bowling, die Reling
Words ending with “-ismus”
– How often this ending is seen: Less often
– The plural follows this construction even though many nouns lack a plural form: “-ismus” ➜ “-ismen”
– Many come from Latin or Greek

Example |
Meaning |
der Optimismus |
optimism |
der Magnetismus |
magnetism |
der Expressionismus |
expressionism |
der Feudalismus |
feudalism |
der Kapitalismus |
capitalism |
Words ending with “-ant”
– How often this ending is seen: Less often
-Plural with “
– Most words ending with “-ant”, especially if they come from Latin
Example |
Meaning |
der Diamant |
diamond |
der Fabrikant |
manufacturer |
der Elefant |
elephant |
der Lieferant |
supplier |
Exceptions: das Restaurant, die Want
Words ending with “-är”
– How often this ending is seen: Not often
– Most words ending with “-är” are masculine, especially if they are from French
– The plural can be formed with “-e” (for words from French such as der Veterinär ➜ die Veterinäre) or with “-en” (der Bär
➜ die Bären)

Example |
Meaning |
der Bär |
bear |
der Veterinär |
veterinarian |
der Aktionär |
stockholder |
der Sekretär |
secretary |
Exceptions: das Militär
(military), das Quartär
Words ending with “-eur”
– How often this ending is seen: Not often
– Plural with “
-e” [der Friseur
➜ die Friseure]
– Many of them come from French
Example |
Meaning |
der Friseur |
hairdresser |
der Amateur |
amateur |
der Ingenieur |
engineer |
Words ending with “-iker”
– How often this ending is seen: Not often
– No ending is added to form the plural [der Physiker
➜ die Physiker]
– They come from Latin or Greek
Example |
Meaning |
der Alkoholiker |
alcoholic |
der Informatiker |
computer scientist |
der Physiker |
physicist |
der Politiker |
politician |
Words ending with “-ps”
– How often this ending is seen: Seldom
– Plural with “-e” (der Schlips ➜ die Schlipse) but sometimes an “Umlaut” is added to the last vowel of the world to make the plural (der Schnaps
➜ die Schnäpse)
Example |
Meaning |
der Schlips |
tie |
der Gips |
cast |
der Schnaps |
schnaps |
der Klaps |
slap |