German Gender:Masculine

German-Spoken German

Endings that mark the masculine gender

Usually, the noun gender is determined by the noun’s ending. The endings that mark the masculine gender in order of most importance are: -ich, -ist, -or, -ig, -ling, -ismus, -ant, -är, -eur, -iker and -ps

Words ending with “-ich”

– How often this ending is seen: Average – Plural with “-ecarpet Examples:
Example Meaning
der Teppich carpet
der Sittich parakeet
der Abgleich adjustment
der Bereich range
der Teich pond
Exception: das Reich (kingdom)

Words ending with “-ist”

– How often this ending is seen: Average – Plural with “-en” – Many come from Latin or Greek artista Examples:
Example Meaning
der Artist artist
der Egoist egoist
der Feminist feminist
der Herzspezialist cardiologist
der Komponist composer

Words ending with “-or”

– How often this ending is seen: Average – Plural: The majority end with “-en” and some with “-e” – Many come from Latin Examples:fan
Example Meaning
der Ventilator fan
der Motor motor
der Faktor factor
der Marmor marble
Exceptions: das Fluor (Fluorine), das Chlor (chlorine), das Tor (gate), das Labor (laboratory), das Dekor(decoration)

Words ending with “-ig”

– How often this ending is seen: Less often – Plural with “-eking Examples:
Example Meaning
der König king
der Honig honey
der Essig vinegar
der Käfig cage
Exception: das Reisig (brushwood)

Words ending with “-ling”

– How often this ending is seen: Less often – Plural with “-e” butterfly Examples:
Example Meaning
der Schmetterling butterfly
der Frühling spring
der Lehrling apprentice
der Zwilling twin
Exceptions: das Bowling, die Reling (railing)

Words ending with “-ismus”

– How often this ending is seen: Less often – The plural follows this construction even though many nouns lack a plural form: “-ismus” ➜ “-ismen” – Many come from Latin or Greek optimism Examples:
Example Meaning
der Optimismus optimism
der Magnetismus magnetism
der Expressionismus expressionism
der Feudalismus feudalism
der Kapitalismus capitalism

Words ending with “-ant”

– How often this ending is seen: Less often -Plural with “-en” – Most words ending with “-ant”, especially if they come from Latin Examples: diamond
Example Meaning
der Diamant diamond
der Fabrikant manufacturer
der Elefant elephant
der Lieferant supplier
Exceptions: das Restaurant, die Want (shroud)

Words ending with “-är”

– How often this ending is seen: Not often – Most words ending with “-är” are masculine, especially if they are from French – The plural can be formed with “-e” (for words from French such as der Veterinär ➜ die Veterinäre) or with “-en” (der Bär die Bären) bear Examples:
Example Meaning
der Bär bear
der Veterinär veterinarian
der Aktionär stockholder
der Sekretär secretary
Exceptions: das Militär (military), das Quartär (quartenary)

Words ending with “-eur”

– How often this ending is seen: Not often – Plural with “-e” [der Friseur die Friseure] – Many of them come from French Examples: hairdresser
Example Meaning
der Friseur hairdresser
der Amateur amateur
der Ingenieur engineer

Words ending with “-iker”

– How often this ending is seen: Not often – No ending is added to form the plural [der Physiker die Physiker] – They come from Latin or Greek Examples: politician
Example Meaning
der Alkoholiker alcoholic
der Informatiker computer scientist
der Physiker physicist
der Politiker politician

Words ending with “-ps”

– How often this ending is seen: Seldom – Plural with “-e” (der Schlips ➜ die Schlipse) but sometimes an “Umlaut” is added to the last vowel of the world to make the plural (der Schnaps die Schnäpse) Examples:
Example Meaning
der Schlips tie
der Gips cast
der Schnaps schnaps
der Klaps slap

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