German Gender:Neutral

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Gender of Neuter Nouns in German

The most important nouns endings that mark the neuter gender are: -chen, -lein, -ett , -ium ,-ment , -tum , -eau Keep in mind that there are exceptions.

Gender of nouns ending with “-chen” (diminutives)

– How often this ending is seen: Often – All diminutives ending with “-chen” are neuter. – No ending is added to make the plural (das Mädchen ➜ die Mädchen) Examples:
Example Meaning
das Mädchen girl
das Pfännchen small frying pan
das Maskottchen mascot
das Märchen fairytale
das Päckchen small package
Nouns that are not diminutive do not necessarily have to be neuter: der Drachen (dragon), der Kuchen(cake), der Knochen (bone), der Rochen (ray [zoo.]), der Rachen (throat)

Gender of nouns ending with “-lein”

– How often this ending is seen: Seldom – No ending is added to make the plural (das Häuslein ➜ die Häuslein) -All diminutives ending with “-lein” are neuter little bird Examples:
Example Meaning
das Häuslein ittle house
das Vöglein little bird
das Bächlein brooklet
das Büchlein booklet

Gender of nouns ending with “-ett”

– How often this ending is seen: Often – The plural can be formed with “-en” (das Bett ➜ die Betten) or with “-er” (das Brett ➜ die Bretter”) or with “-e” (das Amulett ➜ die Amulette) bed Examples:
Example Meaning
das Bett bed
das Ballett the ballet
das Büfett the buffet
das Omelett the omelet
das Brett the board
das Bankett the banquet

Gender of nouns ending with “-ium”

– Many come from Latin – How often this ending is seen: Often – The plural is formed with the structure: “-ium “-ien” (das Ministerium die Ministerien) observatory Examples:
Example Meaning
das Observatorium the observatory
das Ministerium the ministry
das Laboratorium the laboratory
das Bakterium the bacteria
das Aquarium the aquarium
das Aluminium the aluminum
das Silicium the silicon

Gender of nouns ending with “-ment”

– How often this ending is seen: average – The plural is formed with “-e” for words that are from German “-e” (das Medikament die Medikamente) but with “-s” for foreign words (das Apartment die Apartments)medication Examples:
Example Meaning
das Medikament the medication
das Testament the will
das Element the element
das Instrument the instrument
das Fragment the fragment
Exceptions: der Moment (the moment), der Konsument (the consumer)

Gender of nouns ending with “-tum”

– Words coming from Latin – The u’s pronunciation is short – How often this ending is seen: Average – The plural is almost always made with the structure: “-tum “-ten” (das Datum die Daten)growth Examples:
Example Meaning
das Datum date
das Wachstum growth
das Ultimatum ultimatum
das Heiligtum relic [plural: die Heiligtümer]
das Votum vote
Exceptions (For German words, the u’s pronunciation is long): der Irrtum (the error), der Reichtum (the wealth)

Gender of nouns ending with “-eau”

– Words coming from French – How often this ending is seen: Seldom – The plural is formed with “-s” (das Niveau ➜ die Niveaus) Examples:
  • das Niveau (level)
  • das Plateau (plateau)

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