Portuguese:Present Continuous

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Present Continuous / Verbos – Presente Contínuo

Present Progressive (Present Continuous) – refers to an action that is happening or “going on” right now. Example:
  • I am studying now – Eu estou estudando agora.
  Observe that in English to compose that structure, was used the person Iverb to be conjugated according to the person – “I am” and the action that is happening with the suffix “ing” added to the verb. Forming this kind of structure in Portuguese is easy and very similar to English. You just need the person, conjugate in the present tense verb estar according to the person that you want to refer, and finally use theaction that is going on right now. There are 3 equivalents for “ing” in Portuguese. Each equivalent depends on the termination of the verb in its infinitive form.
Type of verbs Equivalent to “ing” in Portuguese
Verbs ending in ar ANDO
Verbs ending in er ENDO
Verbs ending in ir INDO
In the chart below, observe how to add the suffix to the verb. You must drop the termination of the verb and add the suffixes “ando”, “endo” and “indo”
Infinitive for Adding the right suffix
Falar (to speak) falANDO (speaking)
Comer (to eat) comENDO (eating)
Dormir (to sleep) dormINDO (sleeping)
Now observe how to form the Present Progressive in Portuguese:
Structure  Person  Verb estar (to be) conjugated Action that is happening right now with the appropriate  suffix
English She is eating
Portuguese Ela está comendo
  • Eu estou comendo. – I’m eating.
  • Ela está comendo. – She is eating.
  • Ele está comendo. – He is eating.
  • Você está comendo. – You are eating
  • A gente está comendo. – We are eating.
  • Nós estamos comendo. – We are eating.
  • Elas estão comendo. – They are eating.
  • Vocês estão comendo. – You are eating.

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