Portuguese Classroom:Vocabulary

Brazilian Portuguese

Portuguese Days of the Week

The days of the week in Portuguese are a combination of ordinal numbers and feira for Monday through Friday.
Monday segunda-feira
Tuesday terça-feira
Wednesday quarta-feira
Thursday quinta-feira
Friday sexta-feira
Saturday sábado
Sunday domingo
today o dia
week a semana
weekend o fim de semana
today hoje
tomorrow amanhã

The days from Monday to Friday have this name because they were called according to the fair (feira) that used to take place in that day a long time ago. A “feira” is a set of tents pitched in the street where you can buy vegetables, fruits, and other food items.

Portuguese Months of the Year

The months of the year in Portuguese are quite similar to the words in English.

January janeiro
February fevereiro
March março
April abril
May maio
June junho
July julho
August agosto
September setembro
October outubro
November novembro
December dezembro
month o mês
the first of [a month] primeiro de [month]
year o ano
To say a specific day of a month, use cardinal (two, three, four, etc.) and not ordinal numbers (second, third, fourth, etc.) except for the first of the month when you do use primeiro. Also notice that the date is written with the day first, and then the month: 16/04/2005 – Dezesseis de abril de dois mil e cinco.

The Seasons in Portuguese

spring primavera in the spring na primavera
summer verão in the summer no verão
autumn outono in the autumn no outono
winter inverno in the winter no inverno
Remember that Brazil is in the southern hemisphere, so the seasons are the opposite of those in the northern hemisphere, i.e. it is summer in January and winter in July.

Learn how to say the directions in Portuguese:

north norte northeast nordeste
south sul southeast sudeste
east leste northwest noroeste
west oeste southwest sudoeste
right à direita
left à esquerda
straight ahead sempre em frente

Portuguese Plural Nouns

There are four main ways to form plural nouns in Portuguese:

1. Words that end in -l : drop the l and put -is if the word does not have an i before the l. If it has an e you change it to é to make the same sound.

pastel (pastry) – pastéis

2. Words that end in -ão : it has no rule. Sometimes you change it to -ões or -ães, or just add -s, depending on the word. It’s better to memorize the plural when you learn the word.

coração (heart) – corações

mão (hand) – mãos cão (dog) – cães

3. Words that end in -s or -z : have no plural form, so the singular and plural are the same.

ônibus (bus)

óculos (glasses) arroz (rice)

4. All other words : just add an -s.

pêra (pear) – pêras maçã (apple) – maçãs guaraná (soda) – guaranásLearn to Speak Portuguese

Learn how to say the family members and some animals in Portuguese

family família nephew sobrinho
parents pais niece sobrinha
husband marido / esposo cousin (m) primo
wife esposa / mulher cousin (f) prima
father pai relatives parentes
mother mãe
son filho dog cachorro/cão
daughter filha cat gato
children filhos bird pássaro
sister irmã fish peixe
brother irmão horse cavalo
grandfather avô goat cabra
grandmother avó pig porco
grandson neto cow vaca
granddaughter neta rabbit coelho
uncle tio turtle tartaruga
aunt tia mouse rato

Portuguese learning


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