Spanish Adjectives

Spanish Adjectives

English adjectives may occur before or after. Spanish adjectives change their endings to ‘agree’ in gender and number with the noun or noun phrase that they are modifying. Masculine adjectives end in -o and adjectives that end in -a are generally feminine. Adjectives that end in -e it can be used with feminine and masculine nouns; the article indicates gender. When the adjective modifies a plural noun, add -s to the adjective. If a masculine or feminine adjective ends in a consonant, add -es to make the adjective plural.

Details and examples

Adjectives tell you something about the noun or noun phrase, for example:
  • La alumna colombiana. The Colombian student.
  • El profesor venezolano. The Venezuelan teacher.
Adjectives that end in -o are masculine:
  • Un amigo argentino. An Argentinian friend.
  • El curso divertido. The fun course.
  • El muchacho guapo. The handsome boy.
Masculine plurals end in -os:
  • Los amigos argentinos. The Argentinian friends.
  • Los cursos divertidos. The fun courses.
  • Los muchachos guapos. The handsome boys.
Adjectives that end in -a are usually feminine:
  • La muchacha bonita. The pretty girl.
  • La escuela antigua. The old school.
  • La amiga simpática. The nice friend.
Feminine plurals end in -as:
  • Las muchachas bonitas. The pretty girls. Las escuelas antiguas.
  • The old schools. Las amigas simpáticas. The nice friends.
Some adjectives end in -e and the plural form ends in -es: El curso interesante. The interesting course. Las clases interesantes. The interesting classes. La alumna inteligente. The intelligent student. Los alumnos inteligentes. The intelligent students. Some adjectives end in a consonant and the plural is formed with -es: El curso difícil – Los cursos difíciles.

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