Synonyms for Ask
beg |
beseech |
delve |
demand |
entreat |
examine |
explore |
grill |
inquire |
insist |
interrogate |
investigate |
petition |
plead |
pled |
pray |
propose to |
probe |
pry |
query |
question |
quiz |
request |
spy |
suggest to |
Synonyms for Answer
quip |
react |
rebut |
rejoin |
reply |
respond |
retort |
riposte |
sass |
talk back |
write back |
Synonyms for Say
allege |
articulate |
assert |
avow |
chorus |
contend |
enounce |
enunciate |
maintain |
mouth |
profess |
pronounce |
speak |
sound |
utter |
verbalize |
vocalize |
voice |
The following words all describe manners of speaking or tones of voice (often reflecting the emotional state of the speaker) and should be used when necessary and appropriate.
said |
babble |
bark |
bawl |
beam |
bellow |
bleat |
blurt |
boast |
brag |
cajole |
cheer |
choke |
chuckle |
cough |
crow |
cry |
drawl |
fret |
fulminate |
gasp |
giggle |
groan |
growl |
grumble |
grunt |
hiss |
holler |
howl |
jeer |
laugh |
lisp |
marvel |
mimic |
moan |
mumble |
murmur |
mutter |
muse |
nod |
pant |
pipe |
quaver |
rant |
roar |
scold |
scream |
screech |
shout |
shriek |
sigh |
sing |
smile |
smirk |
snap |
snarl |
sneer |
sneeze |
snicker |
sniff |
snort |
sob |
sputter |
squawk |
squeak |
stammer |
storm |
thunder |
trumpet |
vociferate |
wail |
weep |
whimper |
whine |
whisper |
worry |
yell |

It is not recommended to just use said. Try to balance your dialogue words between said and its synonyms. Said is a mighty verb (to be exact: Past tense and past participle of say)! There are times when it makes sense to use it. Other times, it’s a proper idea to select a synonym instead of said. A distinguished writer employs alternatives, often harmonizing the use of similar words. Have a look at some of your favorite novels, short stories, newspaper and magazine articles to help you to dwell further into this subject.
Synonyms for Call
baptize |
brand |
christen |
denominate |
denote |
designate |
dub |
entitle |
label |
name |
nickname |
peg |
stamp |
tag |
term |
title |
trademark |
Synonyms for Announce
address |
advert |
advertise |
advocate |
allude |
animadvert |
beat the drum for |
bespeak |
betoken |
blazon |
boost |
bring up |
broadcast |
celebrate |
champion |
claim |
comment |
confide |
declare |
exclaim |
express |
extol |
hype |
indicate |
mention |
name |
note |
observe |
play up |
point to |
praise |
proclaim |
promote |
promulgate |
propagandize |
publicize |
puff |
push |
publish |
refer |
remark |
report |
restate |
reveal |
sell |
state |
talk up |
touch upon |
tout |
trumpet |
vow |
Synonyms for Denounce
accuse |
arraign |
asperse |
blame |
brand |
calumniate |
censure |
challenge |
charge with |
condemn |
correct |
criticize |
defame |
denunciate |
deplore |
fault |
implicate |
incriminate |
inculpate |
indict |
libel |
malign |
pillory |
shame |
slander |
tax |
traduce |
vilify |
Synonyms for Tell
adduce |
behest |
characterize |
cite |
chronicle |
coax |
command |
communicate |
convince |
dictate |
delineate |
divulge |
enumerate |
impart |
mandate |
narrate |
quote |
recapitulate |
recite |
relate |
report |
review |
spin |
stipulate |
Synonyms for Repeat
echo |
iterate |
rehash |
reiterate |
restate |
retell |
Synonyms for Describe
describe |
characterize |
couch |
express |
formulate |
lay out |
narrate |
phrase |
recite |
record |
recount |
relate |
report |
represent |
term |
word |
Synonyms for Explain
explain |
account for |
brief |
clarify |
construe |
define |
demonstrate |
elaborate |
elucidate |
explicate |
expound |
get across |
illuminate |
illustrate |
interpret |
justify |
make clear |
portray |
spell out |
Synonyms for Show
show |
disclose |
display |
divulge |
emerge |
exhibit |
expose |
flaunt |
indicate |
manifest |
materialize |
note |
parade |
point to / out |
present |
prove |
reveal |
stage |
unfold |
unveil |
Synonyms for Inform
inform |
acquaint |
advise |
apprise |
assure |
caution |
clue in |
counsel |
edify |
familiarize |
forewarn |
fill in |
guide |
impose |
instruct |
lecture |
notify |
post |
ordain |
reassure |
tip off |
warn |
wise up |
Synonyms for Talkative
articulate |
babbling |
boisterous |
chatty |
deafening |
earsplitting |
eloquent |
gabby |
garrulous |
glib |
gossipy |
high-pitched |
intense |
long-winded |
loquacious |
loud |
noisy |
obstreperous |
pandemoniac |
pealing |
prolix |
pronounced |
rambunctious |
raucous |
resonant |
resounding |
roaring |
roisterous |
sonorous |
stentorian |
strident |
talky |
thundering |
uproarious |
vehement |
verbal |
vocal |
vocalized |
voluble |
wordy |
Synonyms for Quiet
buttoned up |
clammed up |
close-mouthed |
dumb |
hushed |
inarticulate |
incommunicative |
ineffable |
inexpressible |
inexpressive |
low-pitched |
muffled |
mum |
mute |
noiseless |
quiescent |
reserved |
restrained |
reticent |
secretive |
shushed |
silent |
silentious |
soundless |
speechless |
still |
taciturn |
tight-lipped |
tongue-tied |
tranquil |
uncommunicative |
unspeakable |
whist |